
The Bad Boy Calls Me Cupacake

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss Naveah Brooks Just your average good girl. She's got the grades, the looks and an unhealthy obsession with cupcakes, the good girl cliche so to speak. Has never had any sort of interest in "love" and is willing to keep it that way. Then Nathaniel King comes to the picture and turns her life upside down, literally. Two stubborn souls in Highschool and a really delicious cupcake. Would they be able to change their perspective on Love? WARNING Mature Language Cliche to the core

Vintage_Panda · Urban
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17 Chs

5. Period

Today has been shit. My period came in biology class, and i was stained. Everyone saw. Mikel hasn't been at school for some time, and i need him now more than ever. Some girl, Tanya came to tell me about it and helped me get a pad, bless her soul.

I've been cramping since then. The funny thing about my period is that i never feel the pain until i realize I'm actually on my period, whenever i notice, the cramps come flooding in instantly.

I've been so disoriented, i hate being on my period. I cant move properly, I'm having a massive headache, my tummy is bloated, i really really wantt to eat the cupcakes that Trish made but i cant. I'll vomit. I haven't even had breakfast and its 12pm. I feel like im gonna die.

I'm currently in the cafeteria, working on my part of the project Nathaniel and I have together. I'm not doing a very good job though. I rest my head on the table and i can barely concentrate. The pain is way too much.

"Hello cupcake, where are my cupcakes?" speaking of the devil. "Hey" i barely say, not moving my head from the table, i took out the crate of cupcakes and hand them over to him.

"You didn't make these did you" he said "no shit Sherlock" i say rolling my eyes. He takes s bite out of one and his eyes literally lit up like s kid in the candy store. "They're all mine right?" He says and i grunt in response.

"Are you okay cupcake?" He says with a glint of worry in his eyes "just peachy" i say with zero to no strength. "Lets get you outta here" he puts the cupcake i gave him back in my backpack.

He helps me get up then notices the huge stain on my skirt. He tenses up then removes the leather jacket i didn't know he was wearing and ties it around my waist. He holds my waist and helps me walk towards the door of the cafeteria. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, especially bitchanny . I could feel her creating holes at the back of my head as we walk by.

Nathaniel doesn't give a fuck though. He helps me get out of the school building. I'm too weak to move my legs anymore and I'm struggling to keep up with Nathaniel's pace. He notices this and pics me up bridal style.

We walk over to his car and he opens the passenger door for me. "Wait" i breathed out "I'm gonna stain your seat". "You're in pain and thats what you care about?" He looks down at me like I'm crazy.

He puts me down so carefully, like im fragile or something, enters the car, starts the engine and drives out of the parking lot.

"Thank you King" i managed to say. He just took a glance my way and got back to concentrating on the road. I turn on the radio and 'Beautiful lies' by Yung Bleu and Kehlani play softly through the speakers.

My cramps still hurt though, it hurts alot. My head is aching, my stomach is aching, I feel really lightheaded. I keep shifting in the car seat, Nathaniel puts is hand on my thigh, just a little below the knee and i instantly felt at ease.

He pulls over at some supermarket. "Stay put cupcake, I'll be back in a minute" he removes his hand and i start to whimper for his touch. The pain comes back instantly. I toss and turn in pain till he returns.

"Uh, cupcake?" I turn to look at him and he had three bags. "Um, i didn't know what brand of tampons you like so i got 2 of all of them" he says.

"What?" Wasn't that just a waste of time? "Kingg, you could've just asked me". "Well I've bought it there's no turning back now is there" he says and gets back on the road

He doesn't touch me again, making me groan out in pain.

He pulls over at my house and gets the bags before holding me. We get to my front door and i unlock the door using the house code. Nathaniel knows it now but i trust him.

No one was at home, not even trish. He helps me up to my room. "I need to take a shower, thank you so much" he just looks at me with a blank expression then turns around to leave.

I took a shower, i changed my pad to a tampon, changed my clothes, and went back downstairs.

I saw King warming up the leftover lasagna in the microwave. He set it on a plate and passed it to me

"Eat" he says. "I cant, even if i wanted to, I'm just going to throw up" he rolls his eyes "just eat a little bit cupcake" he says in a pleading tone. I take a deep breath and had a bite, then another. I was eating really slowly because like i said, i always throw up everything i eay on the first day of my period.

"Can i feed it too you?" He asks softly, i just stare at him for a while and nod my head. I sat down facing him but he motions for me to come closer, tapping the space on the couch right in front of him.

I hesitated at first but i sat there anyway, i rested my head on his chest and he totally forgot about feeding me. He smells like mint and it's wonderful. I could feel his chest heaving and hear his heartbeat. He brushes his fingers over my bloated tummy and i wince in pain. "Don't worry cupcake, you'll be fine, I'll make sure of that" he whispered.

There were pain killers and water on the counter, I'm guess he bought it from the store earlier. He gave them to me and helped me up to my room.

I got on my bed and instantly miss his touch "King?". "Hmm?" He hums. "I'm cold" i say trying to make up an excuse so he could stay with me "okay, do you need anything, a hoodie or something?" He asks. He's so cute.

"No, can you please come stay with me?" He was suprised at my question but he didn't think twice when he removed his shirt, and got in bed with me.

I could look at a shirtless Nathaniel King all day. He has the body of a greek god.

I snuggled closer to him, he turned me around so my back would face him, then he pulled my waist closer to him, so he was spooning me. He ran his hand through my hair a couple times, whispering incoherent words in my ear. I soon fell asleep, forgetting about all the pain.


Hey besties!

Here's another chapter for y'all.

I'm sorry, its not edited but I'mma edit soon.

Hope you liked this chapter tho.

