
Ep.4: Chapter 12: Subtle

"You, Jelaine. Follow us."

When I heard Basileus called my name, the name Jeon that I heard from the woman previously immediately sprang to my mind and it doubled the premonition that I have lurked in the inner part of my head when that name was mentioned earlier. How can I not remember hearing that earlier? It's the name that I have been avoiding hearing and mentioning.

This is what I was expecting already when Theos defended me, right? That someone from this school knows me? Because how in the world happened that they know my name when I haven't even told anyone in this school about it? But it could be possible for them since they've got someone who owns this school. So, what I'm thinking at this moment about that 'Jeon' name thing is not yet confirmed even only at 50%? Fifty percent because the other half would be his confirmation. But I hope I'm right. I hope my gut feeling is unreasonable.

Why am I even worried? It's just that guy.

Maybe, it's just because I know I did not even bother to prepare myself. For me, back then, it was just a waste of time to think about the time when are we going to meet again or what am I going to do when I'm at that moment already, facing him and facing the thing between us that for me, a problem. I thought I didn't need to do any self-preparation since I was ready to do everything just to stop the marriage between us in the future but now I'm worried and couldn't know what to do if he was back already.

I followed them through. Thinking about how they could manipulate things and people around here, it would be very hard for me if I decide to stand against them. Living even the slightest happily won't likely become real. Even only imagining it will be that hard. Their power above everyone in here is already telling it all. I couldn't imagine enough of everything they could do to me once I created myself as their enemy. I would prefer to become their ally than oppose them if I still want to live and get out of here alive every day. Who knows my life would be easier that way?

We went out of the cafeteria and they stopped at the side of the passageway, so I also did.

I didn't expect what was coming, so I wasn't ready about anything but my hands automatically moved when Basileus hurled a thing at me. It was a soft thing and I figured out at once that it was a thing wrought with fabric. I looked at it and found out it was a jacket.

"Wear it 'til you get to change clothes." He said while his eyes were drawn away from me.

I looked at myself. I was unconscious about how I look earlier and forgot that the drinks poured down on me made the top clothes I'm wearing soaked. As a result, my underclothing is exposed. But I wear sports or yoga bras every time I wear my school uniform, so it wasn't as bad as it is to imagine.

I glanced at the jacket and peeked at Basileus again who was still not looking anywhere my way. I sauntered my eyes to look at the other guys. They were doing the same thing.

They are surely not the type to have plenty of patience, so I wore the jacket hastily.

It's all still a mystery to me. How come they are this kind to me excluding everyone else? Why are they treating me exceptionally? But I think it's still early to say these.

"I'm done." I voiced.

"Let's go." It was Basileus again who uttered that, remained firm looking somewhere away from me but I know that he is still talking to me and implying to go along with them.

Inside, it's kind of alarming me about going with them. I don't have an idea what are we going to do or where will we go. This is a situation where they were just telling me to follow them and it only means options are nonexistent. And I couldn't refuse, and I know I shouldn't refuse. If I do so, I'm sure going to be screwed up. I'm doomed.

I followed them while my chest is pounding like I have met the last hour of my life. No, I think I only have minutes left.

I'm feeling as if I'm someone who committed a crime and now is the time to face the consequences of it or punishment for it.

I'm very nervous about having no idea and figuring things out with them. It's killing me to think about what are they going to do to me. Why would they even let me overthink things?

And the serious uneasy awkward heavy atmosphere is adding to my suffering right now.

We stopped somewhere and it was the only time that I gave myself a chance to tour my eyes around to see wherever place am I existing now.

I quickly recognized it. This is where the locker area is located.

"You've brought some extra clothes with you, right? Change your clothes now. We'll wait right here." It was Basileus again who talked to me.

So, they've commanded me to go with them but the fact is they are going with me to accompany me to change my clothes? But how are they so sure that I brought some extra clothes to take me here?

And why are they even wasting time and energy just to accompany me for changing my clothes? Judging them by their looks, they are not the type who could do these things requiring time, patience, and energy to waste. They're so not the type who likes wasting anything.

I want to appreciate it, be thankful, and be happy with it but I still have doubts. I'm still not convinced. I'm still not sure. I'm still groping.

There's still a part in my head that is telling me negatively and mostly asking ample questions. Like they might want something from me the reason why they are doing these kind deeds.

If they have something to tell me that no one should know, this is the perfect time to talk to me about it, right? This is the right time to bring it up and somehow, I thought this part of going with them is going to be a talk. Is it not?

It should be! They should get to it straight. I don't want to be taken a roundabout in knowing what is really up to them.

I observed around us and found that no one else was around but us.

"Don't you guys have intentions of explaining things to me first?" I should ask them about this now or I will lose the chance to ask. I will take the initiative since it doesn't seem like they are going to tell anything to me yet.

There is a silence that aired for a moment, then I heard them laughing.

"Oh, yeah! For treating you like a normal lady and meddling with your business?" Asked Basileus as his lips and eyes are grinning.

I got confused by what he said.

"And about we go to the cafeteria even if you told us many times not to follow you? Well, you know, friends are meant to care for each other, so we'd like to give you some, and taking it is the only choice you have." I slowly switched my eyes to the one who delivered that. He is the guy whose face is Asian-American.

"Well, we got bored so we followed you." Said the guy who didn't word anything earlier in a manner that he didn't exert that much energy and effort talking. It's like he's someone who doesn't seem to like talking that much. Like the guy beside him. Theos.

"We are well aware that you don't need our help and could take care of yourself but since you just moved here and this is our territory, we better take the responsibility seriously of taking care of you to make sure you are treated well. It wouldn't be pleasing to know for us either if we find out that anyone here has troubled you and we did nothing about it." Basileus uttered as if I know what he was talking about.

"We wouldn't want to disappoint you and make you think that we couldn't handle things around here in our territory." He is the one who possessed acrimonious eyes.

"So, don't take it the wrong way. We are not belittling your capability. We know you can take care of yourself. However you're still a woman in our eyes and we are men, so we have to take care of you." It was the Asian-American-looking guy who talked again.

"You have to remember, as long as you are still here in this school, you don't have to do anything. We are here to handle it for you." This guy looks like a sketch. He's the one whose face is like an anime character.

"That's right! We got your back and it's not like you have a choice." The guy shrugged while his brows were elevated and dedicated a beam. He is that someone who got the gentleman's face.

The whole time I was listening to them talking, my forehead was puckered.

I don't even recognize any of them for them to say those things to me. Are they mistaking me to be somebody else? But earlier this Basileus guy doesn't seem to be like this. So he is surely not mistaking me for someone else. And if Theos had mistaken me earlier, he might have talked to me and I'm probably not ignored like hell like he is doing at the moment.

Everyone has said something now apart from this Theos guy. I've been waiting for him to say something but he's quite tough at remaining mum. It makes me think that he efforted a lot when he defended me from those women in the early morning encounter who wants to fight with me. I'm not sure what's with me but there's something about him that makes me want to know him.

"We're starving! Go get changed and move quickly." Basileus said again like a boss.

That set as a signal and reminder to me. I remembered that I couldn't make them wait as I already witnessed what kind of a monster they would become when they are exasperated. And not to mention that most men can't bear to have plenty of patience. They might turn out to be impatient and it won't bring any good to me. I'd rather hurry.

The real thing here is they are doing a favor for me and keeping me away from being bullied. I don't have an idea about how strong the thing that they are holding onto to keep this act but I need to please them to keep this act otherwise it's going to be my last breath. I need to keep this favor going if I'd rather please these guys and live or be bullied by a lot of other people here and suffer.

I moved and rushed through the locker area even though what they all said was confusing me. They probably have some reasons why are they acting like this.

I was walking but with huge steps. I couldn't let these guys know that I'm nervous because of them. I need to keep on acting brave and all that.

I get the things that I need to change my clothes and clean myself. After I got everything I need, I walked fast to get to the restroom. I have managed to do everything that I needed to do inside real quick so that those guys won't wait too long.

I put all the dirty clothes inside my locker before I hurried back to the seven guys outside.

"Come on. I'm hungry as hell!" Basileus whined.

"Me, too, bro! I'm fucking sicking hungry!" It was the guy who has a face like an anime character who spoke after Basileus.

I felt guilty. We all knew what caused them to starve to death.

So, we are going to eat, aren't we? We? Why we? Why are they bringing me with them? This is confusing me more.

But seriously? Aren't they going to tell me anything?

I continued to follow them. I was right about us, going to eat together. We ate together at the cafeteria.

By the time we arrived at the cafeteria, our table spot is prepared. I caught guys keeping an eye on it and they were like waiting for us to come.

I don't have a problem with the food they have provided. I did not pay anything. They were all free and they did not ask anything from me and it was all good. I just wasn't sure about eating it or not at first because I was still in doubt if it was safe or not. Being with them makes my head lingers with doubts as well as I'm still not sure about being safe or not. But I ate the food they provided anyway and so far, I'm still alive until now.

I was very feeling uncomfortable eating with them because the truth is we don't know each other but I forced myself to eat since I was also starving. Even after eating, we came back to the classroom together.

Now, the classes are over. We are yet going home but until now it's still subtle to me that I am with them. Ever since the event at the cafeteria happened, they've been acting like clingy long-time friends. One of them would invite me to go along with them. Earlier, it was Basileus alone who was being like that, but now it's different.

I'm still asking myself. Who am I to be with them? How am I become capable to get along with these people while everyone else could not? Who gave me the right? What gave me the right? What made them protect me, help me and be kind to me?

"You, Jelaine. Follow us."

When I heard Basileus called my name, the name Jeon that I heard from the woman previously immediately sprang to my mind and it doubled the premonition that I have lurked in the inner part of my head when that name was mentioned earlier. How can I not remember hearing that earlier? It's the name that I have been avoiding hearing and mentioning.

This is what I was expecting already when Theos defended me, right? That there might be someone from this school knows me? Because how in the world happened that they know my name when I haven't even told anyone in this school about it? But it could be possible for them since they've got someone who owns this school. So, what I'm thinking at this moment about that 'Jeon' name thing is not yet confirmed even only at 50%? Fifty percent because the other half would be his confirmation. But I hope I'm right. I hope my gut feeling is unreasonable.

Why am I even worried? It's just that guy.

It's maybe because I know I never bothered to prepare myself. For me, back then, it was only to dawdle to think about the time when are we going to meet again or what am I going to do when I'm at that point, facing him and facing the thing between us that for me, a problem. I thought I didn't need to do any self-preparation since I was ready to do everything just to stop the marriage between us in the future but now I'm worried and couldn't know what to do if he was back already.

I've been fooling myself every time I avoid hearing and mentioning something about him, thinking it only irritates me to hear anything about him. But the truth is I refused to think about it because I already know the truth within myself. It's the truth that there is nothing I could do about it yet.

I followed them through. Thinking about how they could manipulate things and people around here, it would be very hard for me if I decide to stand against them. Living even the slightest happily won't likely become real. Even only imagining it will be that hard. Their power above everyone in here is already telling it all. I couldn't imagine enough of everything they could do to me once I created myself as their enemy. I would prefer to become their ally than oppose them if I still want to live and get out of here alive every day. Who knows my life would be easier that way?

We went out of the cafeteria and they stopped at the passageway side, so I also did.

I didn't expect what was coming, so I wasn't ready about anything but my hands automatically moved when Basileus hurled a thing at me. It was a soft thing and I figured out at once that it was a thing wrought with fabric. I looked at it and found out it was a jacket.

"Wear it 'til you get to change clothes." He said while his eyes were drawn away from me.

I looked at myself. I was unconscious about how I look earlier and forgot that the drinks poured down on me made the top clothes I'm wearing soaked. As a result, my underclothing is exposed. But I wear sports or yoga bras every time I wear my school uniform, so it wasn't as bad as it is to imagine.

I glanced at the jacket and peeked at Basileus again who was still not looking anywhere my way. I sauntered my eyes to look at the other guys. They were doing the same thing.

They are surely not the type to have plenty of patience, so I wore the jacket hastily.

It's all still a mystery to me. How come they are this kind to me excluding everyone else? Why are they treating me exceptionally? But I think it's still early to say these.

"I'm done." I voiced.

"Let's go." It was Basileus again who uttered that, remained firm looking somewhere away from me but I know that he is still talking to me and implying to go along with them.

This time, it alarms me inside about going with them. I don't have an idea what are we going to do or where will we go. This is a situation where they were telling me to follow them and it merely connotes that options are nonexistent. And I couldn't refuse, and I know I should not. If I do so, it will be my doom because they might stop their kind favors to me. At least I have a chance to be in a good position if I try to work on being on good terms with these guys because if I don't try, I'm sure going to be screwed up since I'm currently in an uncertain position.

I followed them while my chest is pounding like I have met the last hour of my life. No, I think I only have minutes left. It's like whichever decision I take, the feeling is indistinguishable.

I'm feeling as if I'm someone who committed a crime and now is the time to face the consequences of it or punishment for it.

I'm very nervous about having no idea and figuring things out with them. It's killing me to think about what are they going to do to me. Why and where are they taking me? Why would they even let me overthink things?

And the serious uneasy awkward heavy atmosphere is adding to my suffering right now.

We stopped walking somewhere and it was the only time that I gave myself a chance to tour my eyes around to see wherever place am I existing now.

I quickly recognized it. This is where the locker area is located.

"You've brought some extra clothes with you, right? Change your clothes now. We'll wait right here." It was Basileus again who talked to me.

So, they've commanded me to go with them but the fact is they are going with me to accompany me to change my clothes? But how are they so sure that I brought some extra clothes to take me here?

And why are they even wasting time and energy just to accompany me for changing my clothes? Judging them by their looks, they are not the type who could do these things requiring time, patience, and energy to waste. They're so not the type who likes wasting anything.

I want to appreciate it, be thankful, and be happy with it but I still have doubts. I'm still not convinced. I'm still not sure. I'm still groping.

There's still a part in my head that is telling me negatively and mostly asking ample questions. Like they might want something from me the reason why they are doing these kind deeds.

If they have something to tell me that no one should know, this is the perfect time to talk to me about it, right? This is the right time to bring it up and somehow, I thought this part of going with them is going to be a talk. Is it not?

It should be! They should get to it straight. I don't want to be taken a roundabout in knowing what is really up to them.

I observed around us and found that no one else was around but us.

"Don't you guys have intentions of explaining things to me first?" I should ask them about this now or I will lose the chance to ask. I will take the initiative since it doesn't seem like they are going to tell anything to me yet.

There is a silence that aired for a moment, then I heard them laughing.

"Oh, yeah! For treating you like a normal lady and meddling with your business?" Asked Basileus as his lips and eyes are grinning.

I got confused by what he said.

"And about we go to the cafeteria even if you told us many times not to follow you? Well, you know, friends are meant to care for each other, so we'd like to give you some, and taking it is the only choice you have." I slowly switched my eyes to the one who delivered that. He is the guy whose face is Asian-American.

"Well, we got bored so we followed you." Said the guy who didn't word anything earlier in a manner that he didn't exert that much energy and effort talking. It's like he's someone who doesn't seem to like talking that much. Like the guy beside him. Theos.

"We are well aware that you don't need our help and could take care of yourself but since you just moved here and this is our territory, we better take the responsibility seriously of taking care of you to make sure you are treated well. It wouldn't be pleasing to know for us either if we find out that anyone here has troubled you and we did nothing about it." Basileus uttered as if I know what he was talking about.

"We wouldn't want to disappoint you and make you think that we couldn't handle things around here in our territory." He is the one who possessed acrimonious eyes.

"So, don't take it the wrong way. We are not belittling your capability. We know you can take care of yourself. However you're still a woman in our eyes and we are men, so we have to take care of you." It was the Asian-American-looking guy who talked again.

"You have to remember, as long as you are still here in this school, you don't have to do anything. We are here to handle it for you." This guy looks like a sketch. He's the one whose face is like an anime character.

"That's right! We got your back and it's not like you have a choice." The guy shrugged while his brows were elevated and dedicated a beam. He is that someone who got the gentleman's face.

The whole time I was listening to them talking, my forehead was puckered.

I don't even recognize any of them for them to say those things to me. Are they mistaking me to be somebody else? But earlier this Basileus guy doesn't seem to be like this. So he is surely not mistaking me for someone else. And if Theos had mistaken me earlier, he might have talked to me and I'm probably not ignored like hell like he is doing at the moment.

Everyone has said something now apart from this Theos guy. I've been waiting for him to say something but he's quite tough at remaining mum. It makes me think that he efforted a lot when he defended me from those women in the early morning encounter who wants to fight with me. I'm not sure what's with me but there's something about him that makes me want to know him.

"We're starving! Go get changed and move quickly." Basileus said again like a boss.

That set as a signal and reminder to me. I remembered that I couldn't make them wait as I already witnessed what kind of a monster they would become when they are exasperated. And not to mention that most men can't bear to have plenty of patience. They might turn out to be impatient and it won't bring any good to me. I'd rather hurry.

The real thing here is they are doing a favor for me and keeping me away from being bullied. I don't have an idea about how strong the thing that they are holding onto to keep this act but I need to please them to keep this act otherwise it's going to be my last breath. I need to keep this favor going if I'd rather please these guys and live or be bullied by a lot of other people here and suffer.

I moved and rushed through the locker area even though what they all said was confusing me. They probably have some reasons why are they acting like this.

I was walking but with huge steps. I couldn't let these guys know that I'm nervous because of them. I need to keep on acting brave and all that.

I get the things that I need to change my clothes and clean myself. After I got everything I need, I walked fast to get to the restroom. I have managed to do everything that I needed to do inside real quick so that those guys won't wait too long.

I put all the dirty clothes inside my locker before I hurried back to the seven guys outside.

"Come on. I'm hungry as hell!" Basileus whined.

"Me, too, bro! I'm fucking sicking hungry!" It was the guy who has a face like an anime character who spoke after Basileus.

I felt guilty. We all knew what caused them to starve to death.

So, we are going to eat, aren't we? We? Why we? Why are they bringing me with them? This is confusing me more.

But seriously? Are they going to tell me anything or I'm going to guess and wonder forever?

I continued to follow them. I was right about us, going to eat together. We ate together at the cafeteria.

By the time we arrived at the cafeteria, our table spot is prepared. I caught guys keeping an eye on it and they were like waiting for us to come.

I don't have a problem with the food they have provided. I did not pay anything. They were all free and they did not ask anything from me and it was all good. I just wasn't sure about eating it or not at first because I was still in doubt if it was safe or not. Being with them makes my head lingers with doubts as well as I'm still not sure about being safe or not. But I ate the food they provided anyway and so far, I'm still alive until now.

I was very feeling uncomfortable eating with them because the truth is we don't know each other but I forced myself to eat since I was also starving. Even after eating, we came back to the classroom together.

Now, the classes are over. We are yet going home but until now it's still subtle to me that I am with them. Ever since the event at the cafeteria happened, they've been acting like clingy long-time friends. One of them would invite me to go along with them. Earlier, it was Basileus alone who was being like that, but now it's different.

I'm still asking myself. Who am I to be with them? How am I become capable to get along with these people while everyone else could not? Who gave me the right? What gave me the right? What made them protect me, help me and be kind to me?