
The Bad Boy's Promise

“You said you would leave me alone!” She snarled into his direction. “What the fuck are you doing in my bedroom?” “Pleasuring you.” He cooed before raising his shiny fingers, “Look how you coat me. How wet you are, Leah.” She stared at the glistening fingers in the moonlight. Gulping at the sight of them, she sighed wearily before turning her eyes to him, “Lea-Ahh..” she moaned as he plunged his fingers inside, one by one, leisurely with no hurry, making her her legs quiver. “God..” “God?” He whispered against her ear, “No god, sweetness. Just me.” . ****** It was a dream to live like Leah Adams. And it was something she wished for once every day when she looked at her classmate. It was just a wish, a little thought she had. Until it came true, quite literally. The opportunity was thrown in her lap by no one other than Leah’s Adams father. She had to behave like his daughter, study like his daughter and rule a school like his daughter would. But with her broken mind and spirit, it was easily said and done especially when she had no home to go back to. The home that was burned forever. ***** Dark romance. You have been warned.

Inara_Me · Urban
Not enough ratings
323 Chs

Kidnapped - I

"No! No!" Victoria screamed and threw the money at him. "Stop!"

The paper didn't even touch him and ended up halfway on the floor.

She was bawling her eyes out as she looked for an escape. Her instincts screamed to run and she did so but the moment she raised her foot to take another step, she was pulled back by her backpack making her fall into the arms of the kidnapper.

"stop! Please!!" She started to thrash in his hold immediately. There was no way her parents could pay the ransom money which meant that if she got kidnapped, she was not coming out of it alive.

"Sto—Ah!" The sharp, piercing pain in her neck shut her up momentarily before she started to thrash again in his hold.

"Ple..pla.." her voice slowly got slurry and she lost the feeling of control over her limbs. Her head started to roll side-by-side or maybe it was the world that had started to move... whatever it was…

Everything was now black.


Victoria felt her shoulders and neck be sore before she woke up. Then she realised the pain in her neck before she opened her eyes and everything clicked immediately.

She jumped up and into a sitting position. The room was dark but there was slight light coming from the small window that was in the corner of the wall in front of her. The place was damp, sticky even and she realised that she was alone.

Maybe that was better? At least she was not inside with some sicko who would eat her brain or maybe her skin just to survive.

"Oh my god.." The reality and the weight of the situation slowly started to sink in and Victoria pulled her hair. She knew what happened to 14-year-old girls like her.

They were kidnapped and then they were sold to the highest bidders. Since she was young, she was definitely going to get sold again and again until she was of no use to anyone and she would be killed. She had seen it all in a documentary.

"Mumma.." she glanced at her watch. It was 4:30 in the evening meaning her mother still had at least one and a half hours to come home. There was no way Vera could notice that her daughter was not home until then.

And a lot could happen until then.


By now she has started to roll on the balls of her feet, just to pass time. The light had dimmed meaning the evening had finally descended and maybe her mother was reaching home.

Her throat was scratchy and dried up from

dehydration but she could not do anything about it. The best part until now was that she was alive.

The door slammed open and she jumped at the loud noice before scrambling to stand up.

"Up you get!" The man bellowed. "Time to take you out!"

Had her mother come early? Has she already involved the police?

The man grabbed a rough hold of her arm before pulling her out of the room. The outside was the same as the room, dark and stinking, horrifying.

Whoever was grabbing her arm did not let go. At the end of the hallway, he slammed open another door before throwing her inside and closing it loudly behind her.

"Hey!" She screamed and got up to bang at the door. Fisting her hands, she punched at the door trying to make as much as sound as possible. " Open up! Let me out!"

"They won't." She heard from behind her. "So, stop wasting your energy."