
The bad boy's lost love

The things we see might always not be right. The angle I see the things will be different than the angle you see and that's what actually makes the difference over here. It is the nature of us to notice the differences at first than our similarities but it is nature of love to ignore those differences and accept what each other have. He thought loving her would be easy. He is guy and she is a girl and nothing could beat the love of both of them equally love each other. He was wrong though. She left him. He tried to moved on but never could. And one day, he suddenly encounters her and the hatred, the anxiety, the sadness, the madness everything comes up on the surface of his feelings and the mystery, sufferings and the new harsh beginning of their untwined story folds out. Will it work? Or will it not?

Deborah96 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Save me please

"Are we even meant to be together, Ash? I don't think we are. We would better split up rather than hurting each other so much." That was the last sentence, Asher heard from Sarah, seven years ago. They never met each other after that day.

Their splitting was supposed to make then happy being away from each other. It was supposed to hurt then less and it was supposed to free each other from each other's existence. But, were they even able to be happy? In the case of Asher, it was never the case, but was the case same for the Sarah? Was she really not hurt after they split up?

Asher can't concentrate on his work the whole day. The double 'M', Maddie and Melody are creating a lot of judgement in his mind. He is barely able to concentrate on the work that he is supposed to do. Whenever he tries to do something, the world Maddie and Melody and the tattoo of hers are making him lose his mind to the core.

"She is really alright without you, Ash. Your presence  doesn't even make any effect on her life. Why do you even care for her? Ignore...Ignore..." he motivated himself with this lines almost more than ten times a day. But, will he really be able to ignore her?

It's hundred and fifty times maybe that he was watching over his phone waiting for the call of Jessy. Whenever his cell phone buzzes, he immediately dips his gazes on his phone but his hopes gets in vain when the call isn't from Jessy.

" Sir, I think you're being disturbed. Why don't we just postpone the meetings for today?" his assistant asks him.

"No...It's okay. I never enmeshed my private life with the work and I will never do. Just arrange as per scheduled. There's no need to postpone anything. I'm alright," he says as he stands up for the meeting.

"Sir, your phone?" she asks.

" Turn it on into silence. I don't want anything to disturb when I am on my work. I shouldn't be affected by her when she isn't being affected by me," he says as he hands over his phone to her and steps towards the meeting hall.

"Excuse me sir," she asks.

"No...It's nothing. Let's move," he says.

After an hour meeting, he checks his phone and finds no clue of getting a missed call from Jessy.

" Fuck! Why is her life affecting me so much?" he swears.

"Can I have some silent time?" he asks with his assistant as he is really being troubled.

And, then he calls Jessy himself.


"Didn't you call her?"- Ash

"Yes, I did but she openly denied it."-Jessy

"Why didn't you inform me then? Didn't she tell you she's in so much need of money? Then, why?"-Ash

" I don't know. She just told me she would just not accept anything that would come from me and yeah your prime rule no disturbance during work"- Jessy

"Alright, but it was obvious. She would rather be unemployed than trusting you again. Just give me her address. You know it, don't you?"- Ash

"Why don't you call her and ask yourself? I guess you must have got her number by now."- Jessy

"Do you think she would pick up my call? I have already tried for a couple of the number of times. Just send me the damn address Jessy. Don't play hide and seek with me."- Ash

"Fine."- Jessy


She cuts her phone and then, sends the address to him. He grins as he gets the address. He tries to call her one more time but it is obvious that she is never going to pick his call.

As soon as he gets out of his office, he gets hijacked by his friends. They were there to make up for the last night's absence of him.

"I really don't have mood guys. You guys just carry on today," he denies their offer.

"Ash, it's not fair bro.  Having no mood means having mood for the club bro. You just ditched us yesterday for some girl. How could you even ditch us for some sluts?" Marco says.

Asher gives him a death glare as he shouts at him," She wasn't a slut, Marco. Just shut your fucking mouth."

"What? What are you saying? What wrong have I said? Why are you so hyper for that fact? Don't tell me you fell for some bitch out there in the club. How can you forget about Jessy? She loves you. She is your fucking girlfriend, Ash," he shouts back.

Asher pushes him as he raises his hand to hit him," I told you she isn't a slut. Neither she is a bitch and as for Jessy, she was never my girlfriend. I never loved her. I know why you're behaving like this. Trust me, I don't even want to stay beside Jessy. We are in a relationship with the benefits. Trust me, bro, I haven't even slept and fucked her until now," Ash growls with a smile.

"What the hell?" Marco punches him.

"She loved you dickhead. She has been chasing  you from all these years and you? You have just played with her feelings. You're such a moron, Ash," he screams.

"Guys, stop. This is still a public place. Why are you getting hyper with each other? Just calm down both of you?" Harry says trying to stop the fight.

"Shut the hell up," both of them shout at him.

"You're a coward, Marco. You like her don't you? Jessy? You're such a coward that you never got to tell her your feelings. You liked her, that's the reason I never slept with her you shit," he shouts.

"What? Don't call me coward Ash. I was just respecting her decisions. I always knew she liked you and after all these years I don't want you to ditch her for some gold digger of the club," he shouts.

Asher punches him hard on his stomach," I told you she isn't. She is Sarah, Sarah Johnson for God's sake," he shouts back at him.

When the name Sarah Johnson leaves out from his lips, both of them stand in awestruck.

"You mean Sarah Johnson, that bookworm whom you badly fell for?" asks Harry.

Asher nods his head as he stretches his hand to pick up Marco, who had fell on the ground with his punches. He slaps on his hand and then, picks him up himself and says," Then, his madness is obvious. But I'm still against it. She screwed you, bro. She should just leave you alone for now."

"It's me who's not leaving her alone Marco. She doesn't even want to see my face. I mean there are so many things that look so unusual to me about her, like almost. She's weird and she's strange, "Asher says.

"Won't it be even weirder if she hasn't changed? I mean it's more than six years already and that's quite a long time to change someone Ash," says Harry.

"No..., I don't mean that. In a different way like...like she's not the one who I have expected her to be. I mean she's different," Asher says.

"That's not strange. That happens. People change and so did she. If she had changed then, it's for your own good. You have to walk away from her and live your own life dude. You should move on as she did. It really doesn't suit you. You know time changes everything," Harry pats on Asher's hand with a gentle smile.

"You're not getting it," He tries to explain.

"Don't think more about it. Let's just go where we were supposed to go. Chill bro," Harry says and Marco grumpily agrees.

"You've already ruined the mood by picking up these unwanted fights. Now, makeup by going to the club. Both of you, reconcile, right now," Harry instructs.

Both of them, look at each other with a grumpy face.

"I mean right now," Harry reiterates.

Both of them hug each other and asks for the sorry.

"So, we're fine right," Harry confirms. Both of them nod their head as they walk inside the car for the club.

"I don't even get why do you always want to go to the club. I mean we're all grown-ups now," Asher says.

"Who says grown-ups can't go to clubs and it's the way to relive our work stress, Ash," Harry says and Asher smiles on it.

This time it is a new club and it is better than that of last time. All of them sit beside the bar and start drinking. Jessy enters waving her hands to them.

"Who invited her?" Asher growls and looks at Marco and glares at him. " Invite your lifetime crush when I'm not with you Marco or else she would never notice you," Asher says.

"But, she won't come if you're not there," he throws his hands on-air as he twists his bottom lips.

She walks in front of him and then, stands in front of Asher as she wants to say something and expects something from him. "I'm sorry Ash for not informing about her and making her work at the club but trust me she said she really needs money and I just did that to help her," she says as she rolls her eyes. Though, Asher knows that she is pretending to be kind and nice it was her doing to show off to her.

"How come she didn't accept the job that pays her so high then? How come she accept the job for the club but not the decent job," Asher asks.

"I don't know. She just told she doesn't want to work in the company," she answers.

"As you have tried, I forgive you but don't expect much from me, Jess. I have already told you thousands of times. I'm not for you," Asher says sternly as he takes a sip of his beer and walks out leaving Marco and her there as Harry was busy swinging his butt on the dance floor.

He winks to Marco wishing him good luck with her and he trots to the balcony and sips from his can.

He thinks that life would be so much better if he could change and take out that single day from their life. If only that day wasn't there. Sarah would be together with her and they would have stayed happily together.

He takes out his phone and gazes at her number and then to her house address. After gazing for a long time, what gets into his body that he strides directly to his car and then, drives for her address. The address was quite hideous. After half an hour's drive, he reaches the main crossroad and asks around for the address and finds out no car could enter inside it.

The alleys were dark and they were like really old places. As his foot treads kept on increasing he kept on thinking that Sarah must be living really a poor life, really a miserable life that she was renting in some places like here.

As he goes near to the place he asks one of the old ladies," Excuse me! Where is this address?"

"It's just right in front of you, young man, The two storey house in front of you. The window facing this side, it's that flat. I don't know why my tenant is getting so much of visitors today and on top of that, men. I really need to discuss with her. No man in the house," she grumbles

"Men," he moans.

He gets astonished by her remarks. He wasn't expecting that she would be with some man. " Is it Maddie? The one who claimed that Sarah belongs to him," he murmurs.

Still, he stands right across her building and stares at her window for a long time.

"What's wrong with you Asher? You seriously need to move on. This is just not so right. This is bloody stalking. If she doesn't need your help just let her rot in her own ego," he says to himself and turns around to return but he gets a call right after that.

He sees the caller ID.

" Hates me"

He gets shocked as he sees the caller ID. More than the happiness on his face, there is the expression of confusion and alarms.

He looks at her window before he picks up the call but it gets disconnected before he could even pick it up.

"Was it a mistake? Or was she really calling me?" he mumbles and looks at her window and sees her, rushing closing to the window in a panicked manner as she tries to open up the window but cannot and then, breaks the glass with a chair hurriedly and then, jumps off from there.

Asher cannot believe what actually happened in front of his eyes, right at that moment." What the hell is she trying to do ?" he runs to her as he knits his brows.

 She bumps her body hard on the ground as she tries to stand up even in that condition. Her body isn't able to make her stand up, she looks too feeble to stand up. She is bleeding on the corner of her mouth and her forehead. Her knees are bleeding from that fall.

He quickly picks her upper torso from the ground. Her hands are shaking and her body is trembling ghastly.

" Save me... Save me...Please...They're here... save me please," she whimpers in pain.