
The Bad Boy's Captive

An innocent college girl on the search for her lost parents grabs the attention of an hot steamy ruthless billionaire unknowingly. Being brought into his dark world, little did she know she had become his captive and who could tell a ruthless beast could ever fall in love!? And now that he's in love he wouldn't let go! Is he showing it the right way? Does she love him back ? ...... the story unfolds

miss_gorgeous · Urban
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7 Chs


Immediately the classes ended I rushed down to Pari Cafe (one of the biggest cafes in town) where I work double shifts every other day. Charles is a friendly guy and he's my boss and today I plan on taking an impromptu leave for 1 week and you probably want to know why; I'll explain in details later.

I entered through the back door as I dropped my bag in my locker and flipped my keys into my back pocket as I wore my apron, few steps into the kitchen I stumbled into Paul; a co-server like me; he's quite an handsome guy; dark curly hair and a fine face, he's also got a pleasant character and warmth.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry, didn't see you coming" I said as I helped him adjust the trays on his hands

"It's alright; how was college today?" He asked as I could see the hurry to go place down the trays in his eyes

"As usual, I hope you had a pleasant day too?" I asked

"It would turn now, since you're already here" he said teasing me

I smiled as he left and wondered; he always tried to flirt with me any time he gets a chance

I walked behind the counter to Sonia; a server

"Hey Sony! Any pending order?" I asked

She answered behind her mask (a compulsory protocol to follow for proper hygiene), as she passed me two trays with the exact same order, but the only difference I could spot was that one had an Apple juice and the other an Orange juice.

"Table 9, VIP Room 2" Sonia told me as she began serving another tray

I turned to leave with both trays in my hands, as I headed up the stairs where the VIP rooms for Reserved people was located.

I meet a few dignitaries on my way as they left as usual.

I walked in to see 2 men dressed in suits (expensive ones as usual) talking but stopped immediately I walked in. I acted like nothing happened and served them since that's what my job was.

I was placing down their food on the table when one of the men; touched my arm seductively. Anger rushed through my veins since this act of insolence was what I hated the most.

"Excuse you Sir" I said through my teeth as I grinded them against each other

"You can't be excuse, you are my personal.." he kept talking as he tried using his fork to open the collar of my shirt

At the speed of light, I jerked back as I flung his hands away, fury arose in my and by now it was pretty clear. That stupid man of a person, threw his hands in the hair as he stood up smirking

"You don't have to take it personal, how much Missy!" he said

I was embarrassed by this statement. Was he trying to buy me? My pride?

I grabbed the bottle of juice and emptied it's entire content on his head, as it flowed down his hair through his suits; an expensive one I guess cuz it glistered all the way down but I couldn't care less at that instance. But I was unaware that I accidentally spilled the other Man's drink all over him

"Fuck yourself, rich asshole" I spat out I rushed out of the room but before I left I caught a glance of the other man drying himself up quietly and that's when I knew I spilled on him too but I was too angered to apologize to him

'Why should I even apologize? He's his friend so he's probably an asshole like him' I thought as I stormed to Charles' office . I didn't even knock, I just barged in angrily as he flung up from his chair in shock of my unappealing sight

"What in the hell happened to you!" He asked me as he moved closer to me

He looked at me from head to toe in shock as he asked

"Why are you messed up like this" he asked pointing to my clothes

I looked down and that's when I noticed their food particles all over apron and it dawned on me that I might have caused more mess up there than I thought

"Two men tried to assault me upstairs" I said pointed to the ceilings above.

He flung his pen away from his hands as he held my hand dragging me all the way up as we had everyone's eyes on us all the way up

"Where? Show me"

"That's the highest manner of insolence and it's not acceptable"

"I would make sure I report them to the Police"

He said angrily as we finally reached the room; I pointed towards the men, who were still busy cleaning their clothes on the chair

"Over there, that's them" I said

Charles was about exploding words in anger as he walked closer only to stop calm few steps away from them as he stopped silently

"Mr Leo?" Charles said as he folded his arms behind his back pulling me in his shadows

I wondered why he was so calm and unable to vent his anger on these people

'Who the hell are they?' I wondered silently as I remained calm since Charles was way older than I am and he probably knows best and obviously these people

"Charles! It's been a while, we decided to visit your cafe today but your server here chose to mess us up instead"

That ugly idiot that tried touching me I said quietly

"I apologize for this mistake Sir" Charles said as he bowed

I tried talking from behind him but he pinched me hard and I couldn't help but groan in pains silently

"You need to train your new employees on how to treat VIPs like us"

"They need to give us everything we want" he ended

"Noted Sir, I'll tell someone to come clean this place up immediately and get you another room" Charles said as he dragged me out of the room and all the way to his office

He didn't say a word until he shut the door behind when we entered his office

He punched his table hard as he rested his hand on his waist and I could tell something was wrong

"Charles! What happened up there?" I asked as I walked up behind him

"I'm sorry about their harassment but you just messed with the wrong people" he said and I could see how worried he was

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as fear of the unknown began to creep into me

'Was I going to die' I thought silently

"Those guys are brutally dangerous, they'd go to any length to get back at you" he paused then looked at me

"Which one of them touched you?" He asked

"The one you called Mr Leo" I answered eagerly wanting to hear more

"Relief, for a minute I thought it was the other one" he said

But the other one, didn't even say a word, even though I spilled on him, he doesn't look dangerous. I wondered silently

"You need to be careful and do not walk alone or even try to leave the city, at least for now" he said pacing around the room

"But I was about to ask for an impromptu leave today, I need to travel somewhere" I said as I began to worry and I didn't want anything to hinder my plan of searching for my parent in a nearby city

"It would be best you suspend any plan of such for now" he replied

"But…" I was about to find an excuse when he cut in

"No buts Sophie, you wouldn't understand, it's a matter of life and death" he said

And the last part resounded in my ears as I became dumb silent

"You can take the day off and I'll try to figure out how to keep you safe at least till when I can ease them" he said as I nodded and left the office quietly.

I walked to the back and picked up my bags as I dropped my ruined apron in the thrash bin and left for home wondering what's gonna happen next!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

miss_gorgeouscreators' thoughts