
The Backrooms Keeper

Follows the journey of Liam, a young man who, after enduring a lifetime of loneliness and torment, discovers he possesses extraordinary powers granting him control over the backrooms, how will he use this newfound power. nothing except the MC and some random side characters are mine Dont expect consistent chapters this is just for fun, so if you have ideas just put them in comments and we shall see how it goes ps don’t waste power stones on this, use them on other novels that are updated regularly that you enjoy. I’m not here for the stones

Tiamat372 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Shadows of Discovery

The final bell of the school year had rung, and the oppressive atmosphere of high school was now a memory. As summer break began, Liam felt a mix of relief and anticipation. The summer stretched out before him, a blank canvas on which he could paint his plans for understanding and mastering his newfound powers. The power he had discovered within the backrooms was growing, and he was eager to explore its limits.

The first few days of summer break were a blur of healing and reflection. Liam spent most of his time in his room, the shades drawn to keep out the bright summer sun. His body bore the marks of the brutal beating he had endured, but his spirit felt stronger than ever. He knew he had to be careful, to not let his newfound power consume him, but the allure of discovering what he was capable of was intoxicating.

Each night, as Liam drifted into sleep, the backrooms called to him. The endless labyrinth of interconnected rooms and corridors became his playground, a place where he could experiment with the dark forces that now resided within him.

One night, as he walked through the ever-shifting maze, he felt a surge of power unlike anything he had felt before. The walls seemed to pulse with energy, and the shadows danced around him, whispering secrets that only he could hear.

What can I do? he wondered, feeling the weight of his potential. How far can I push this power?

He reached out with his mind, feeling the fabric of the backrooms bend to his will. He summoned creatures from the darkest corners of his imagination, watching as they materialized before him. Horrific entities with twisted forms and malevolent eyes, beings that he could command with a mere thought.

I can control them. I can make them do my bidding.

But as he practiced, Liam realized that his abilities were not unlimited. He could feel the strain of summoning and controlling these entities, and he knew that he would need to refine his skills if he was to master the power of the backrooms.

I need to practice. The more I use my powers, the stronger I'll become.

Over the next several nights, Liam focused on honing his abilities. He started with simple tasks, like summoning smaller creatures and manipulating the shadows to create shapes and patterns. Each time he used his powers, he could feel the backrooms refining him, shaping him into a more powerful wielder of its dark forces.

One night, he focused on creating a portal. The first few attempts were weak and unstable, but with each try, he could feel the portal becoming more solid, more real. He stepped through it and found himself in another part of the backrooms, the endless corridors stretching out before him.

I'm getting better. I can feel it. But there's so much more to learn.

As the days turned into weeks, Liam's confidence grew. He began to experiment with more complex abilities, like bending time and summoning more powerful creatures. Each new ability came with its own challenges, but Liam was determined to master them all.

One night, he summoned SCP-096, "The Shy Guy." Liam watched intently as SCP-096, normally a creature of uncontrollable rage when viewed, stood before him, docile and awaiting orders.

"Attack," Liam commanded, pointing at a stack of metal beams.

SCP-096 transformed instantly, emitting a bone-chilling scream as it charged at the beams, tearing through the metal with terrifying force. Liam marveled at the raw power he now commanded, understanding the true potential of his abilities.

I can control even the most unpredictable creatures. This is power.

Liam also experimented with the more ethereal aspects of his abilities. He learned to create portals, stepping through them to find himself in different locations within the warehouse. He practiced bending time, slowing it down and speeding it up at will, watching as the world around him shifted in response to his control.

I am the master of this realm. Nothing is beyond my reach.

As the days turned into weeks, Liam's confidence grew. He refined his techniques, mastering the art of summoning and controlling the dark entities that now served him. He knew that he was ready, that his tormentors would soon face the full extent of his wrath.

But he also understood the importance of patience. He needed to bide his time, to wait for the perfect moment to strike. Until then, he would continue to hone his skills, to explore the depths of his power and ensure that when the time came, he would be unstoppable.

They will pay for what they've done. And I will be the one to deliver justice.

Liam stood in the center of the warehouse, surrounded by the creatures he had summoned, their eyes glowing in the dim light. He felt a surge of triumph, a sense of purpose that he had never known before.

This is only the beginning. The world will soon know the power of the backrooms. And I will be its master.


(This is something im trying out, so give me your opinions if you like these pov's)

Shadows of Summer Break - Tormentors' Point of View 

The final bell of the school year had rung, and the anticipation of summer break was electric in the air. For Brad and his gang, the last day of school was a chance to blow off steam and assert their dominance one last time before the break. They lounged near the lockers, trading jokes and making plans for summer parties.

Brad spotted Liam approaching his locker, and a cruel smile spread across his face. There he is. Let's see if we can make him cry today. "Hey, freak show, get over here," he called out, his voice dripping with disdain. "Ready for summer break? Got any big plans, like staying home and crying?"

The group erupted in laughter, relishing the look of discomfort on Liam's face. Brad enjoyed the feeling of power he got from making Liam squirm. It was almost too easy.

Pathetic loser, Brad thought, basking in the attention of his friends.

Jason chimed in, "Hey, Liam, did your mom finally dump you at the orphanage? Or is she still working three jobs just to keep you in those rags you call clothes?"

Liam's fists clenched at his sides, but he didn't respond. He just focused on getting his things from his locker.

Look at him, trying to ignore us, Jason thought. Like that's going to work.

"Look at him, he's probably never even talked to a girl," sneered Emily, one of the cheerleaders. "Hey, Liam, do you even know what deodorant is? You smell like a dumpster fire."

Brad and his friends laughed harder, enjoying the spectacle. It was the last day of school, and they intended to make sure Liam remembered his place over the summer.

Emily always knows how to hit him where it hurts, Brad thought, pleased with the reactions.

Tyler, a burly jock, stepped forward, blocking Liam's path with a menacing grin. "What's the matter, Liam? Cat got your tongue?"

Liam stumbled backward, his books scattering across the floor. Brad saw the anger flash in Liam's eyes, and it only made him more eager to push Liam's buttons.

Let's see if he'll fight back today, Tyler thought, eager for a reaction.

"Leave me alone," Liam said quietly, his voice barely audible.

"What was that?" Brad stepped closer, towering over Liam. "Did you just talk back to me?"

Liam looked up, meeting Brad's gaze. "Yeah, I did. Just leave me alone."

The hallway went silent as everyone turned to watch the exchange. Brad's face twisted in anger. "You think you're tough now? You think you can talk to me like that?"

Liam's heart pounded, but Brad noticed something different this time. There was a strange sense of calm in Liam's eyes, almost a look of dark confidence that Brad had never seen before.

What the hell? Brad thought, feeling a flicker of unease. Why is he smiling?

"I'm not scared of you," Liam said quietly, his voice steady.

Brad's eyes flashed with rage. "You will be."

As the school day dragged on, Brad couldn't shake the image of Liam's eyes from his mind. It unsettled him, but he pushed the thought aside. He wasn't about to let Liam get the better of him.

He's just trying to act tough. We'll see how tough he is after school, Brad thought, trying to convince himself.

When the final bell rang, Brad and his friends waited near the exit, determined to make Liam pay for his defiance. They spotted him approaching, and Brad's anger flared anew.

"Well, well, look who it is," Brad sneered. "Thought you could get away with talking back to me, huh?"

Liam stood his ground, a dark smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I'm not afraid of you, Brad."

The football captain's face twisted with rage. "You're gonna wish you never said that."

Before Liam could react, Brad's fist connected with his stomach, doubling him over in pain. The other players joined in, kicking and punching him mercilessly. But through the pain, Liam kept that maniacal smile on his face, his eyes gleaming with a strange, unsettling light.

Why is he smiling? Brad wondered, feeling a chill run down his spine.

"Look at this freak," Tyler jeered. "I bet your dad left because he couldn't stand to look at you."

"Yeah, and your mom probably wishes she had left with him," Jason added, laughing cruelly.

"You're nothing, Liam," Brad spat, punctuating each word with a punch. "A worthless piece of trash."

Despite the pain and the brutality, Liam's smile only widened. He endured the beating in silence, his mind filled with thoughts of the power he now wielded. Brad felt a shiver of unease run down his spine. There was something off about Liam's reaction.

He's not even fighting back. What's going on? Brad thought, feeling increasingly unsettled.

As the football team finally relented, Brad looked down at Liam, a smirk on his face. "Remember this, loser. You're nothing. You'll always be nothing."

The group walked away, laughing and high-fiving each other, but Brad couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that had crept over him. He glanced back at Liam one last time and saw him getting to his feet, a look of dark determination in his eyes.

For the first time, Brad felt a flicker of doubt. What if he really isn't scared of us anymore? he thought, uneasily. He didn't know what it was, but something about the way Liam looked at him made him uneasy. As they left the school, Brad pushed the thought aside, but deep down, he couldn't help but wonder if they had gone too far.

Whatever, he's just a freak. He can't do anything to us, Brad reassured himself, trying to shake off the nagging feeling of dread. But as the group moved further away, the image of Liam's eyes lingered in Brad's mind, a dark omen of things to come.

again let me know how you liked it, im having fun with it at least

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