

"Pretend to by my son's wife and I will give you a million dollar or any amount you want " Rose said. "But your son isn't a fool, even if I were to pretend to be his wife, he will surely know that am a fake" Whitney replied. "He's currently suffering from Amnesia, he doesn't remember the things he did a year ago, so fitting you into his life won't be a problem" **** Whitney Archer is just a first year Psychiatric doctor. She's poor, humble, crazy and a debtor. She live in debt all her life but everything change for her when she meet Rose Graham. Mother to Logan Graham who is a rich handsome bachelor, he's the typical male crush and every girl's dream but he's someone who is suffering from Philophobia. His fear to love has hardened his heart which makes him cold and distant with the opposite s£x. Not wanting her son to be single for the rest of his life, Mrs Graham decides to hire Whitney as his personal doctor and fake wife. But all that got bursted when Logan memories return and he realizes that apart from lying to be his wife, she's also a doctor whose goal is to make him fall in love. What do you think will be the fate and destiny of this two?

Daoistl476bw · Urban
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22 Chs


Chapter 1 


"You've told me about my son's condition, now what can we do to get him better?" Rose Graham asked the doctor in charge of her son.

"We can only wait. Memory loss isn't some thing we can determine, sometimes it's up to the patient to remember the things they forgot and there are times that they never get back the memory they've lost . What you can do for Logan is to stay strong" the doctor replied.

"I will keep that in mind, thanks for everything" Rose Graham said as she shake hands with him.

She left the doctor office heading to her son's room when she heard some people screaming.

Turning to see what was causing the noise, she was pushed out of the way by a patient.

Losing her balance, she slammed hard against the wall hurting her shoulder.

Whitney who was in pursuit of the crazy patient who ran out of the psychiatric ward stopped when she saw Rose Graham clutching onto her arm.

"Are you okay?" Whitney asked Rose who nodded.

"Am fine, just go after him" Rose said wanting her to get back to work but Whitney pulled out her phone and made a call instead.

"Yes, he just left his ward and my guess is that he's going to the nearest club to get some alcohol. Do your best in bringing him back, am sorry for the inconvenience" Whitney said into the reciever.

With that out of the way, she help the injured lady to a room where she was taken care of by the nurse.

"Am really sorry" Whitney apologised on seeing the expensive clothe the lady wore, she can't afford to add another debt to the one she currently have.

"Why are you apologising when you are not the one at fault" Rose Graham replied.

"If I hadn't been too careless and if I had been watching my patient, he wouldn't have run off. Now am going to be in trouble and it's my first year of studying here" Whitney said out her thoughts.

"You are a student? What's your major?" Rose Graham asked.

"Psychology" Whitney replied as she scratch at her head.

" You must think am one of the crazy people I treat since I study psychology?" Whitney asked when she said nothing.

"Of course not, am just wondering if you can answer some questions for me" Mrs Graham said as she ushered her to seat on the bed.

Though Whitney was reluctant at first, she went ahead and sat beside her.

"You see, There's this person I know who isn't affected by girls. A girl might stand naked in front of him and yet he will feel nothing. At first I thought it to be normal but when he told me that he doesn't feel a thing and that he won't ever feel a thing for the opposite sex, I knew some thing was wrong. Have heard a lot of theories on this issue from other doctors, I want to know what you think as a psychology major" Rose Graham said.

"If am to diagnose him, I think he's suffering from Philophobia. You see it's a case when someone is afraid to love, the fear of loving some one is hard for them and so they create a barrier and distance themselves from the opposite sex" Whitney replied.

"Do you know how it can be treated?" 

"I don't know much on that but on my own perspective, I think that if the opposite s£x is always around him. His fear will soften a bit and he would end up opening his heart for love" Whitney suggested while Rose pondered on it.

"What's your name?" Rose asked.

"Whitney Archer, at your service ma'am" Whitney replied just as she got a phone call.

"Alright, I will be there soon" Whitney said as she ended the call.

"Am sorry ma'am but have got to go" 

"If it's your superior then you let me talk to..."

"It isn't. It's a personal matter, am really sorry for what happened today, take care of yourself" Whitney said as she gave a slight bow before running out of the room.



As soon as the taxi stop the car, Whitney got out of it.

She got to her house only to see their things being taken out by some men while her mother tried to stop them.

"Can't you please give us some few more days! We are going to pay" Kate Archer said as she pleaded with the owner.

"You also said the same thing the last time I was here, am tired of hearing it and so I want you and your daughter out of my house" 

"Mr Lee, I have some money with me!" Whitney said as ran towards them.

Pulling out an envelope, she gave it to him.

"Please give me some few more days and I will pay the rest" Whitney added while he counted the money.

"Fine then, I will give you the few more days as you've request. Make sure you pay me " He said acidly before leaving with the man he came with.

"Are you okay mom?" Whitney asked.

"I am but you've got to tell me where you got that money" Kate demanded.

"Let's go in first and...."

"I thought we both agree that we won't keep secrets from each other. I know how hard working you are and I know that you will never stoop into stealing to get us money but then....I just can't think of any other...." 

"It's from my part-time job. You don't know about it cause I never told you, I asked for a loan and my kind boss gave it to me" Whitney replied .

"Are you sure cause I don't want you to put yourself in trouble" Kate said as she hold onto her daughter hand.

"I am sure so stop worrying and go in. I will take in our stuffs" She said as she walk her mother into the house while she took their things back in.



Whitney got to the hospital the next day only to be given an address where she was told to go to and check on a patient.

Whitney found it weird since task like that were never given to first year students but having no choice, she went to the address.

On getting to the patient home, Whitney was awestruck by the beauty of her surrounding.

"It's so huge" She muttered as the butler ushered her in.

She was waiting in the sitting room when Rose Graham joined her.

"Ma'am" Whitney called, delighted to see her again.

"Have your seat. Hope my butler treated you well?" Rose Graham asked and she nodded.

"How is your arm?" 

"Doing good. Stop worrying about it, I wasn't that hurt" Rose replied.

"If you aren't hurt then who is cause I was told to come check on a patient" Whitney asked starring around.

"That's why I made you come here" Rose began.

"You remember me telling you about some one I know who has Philophobia?" 

"I do" Whitney replied.

"This person turns out to be my son and I need your help" 

"What sort of help do you need from me?" 

"I need you to pretend to be his wife" she said which got Whitney eyes widening in shock.

"You want me to what!" 

"Ever since we spoke have been thinking about it and finally have come to a conclusion. Just as have said, my son doesn't like the opposite s£x being close to him but recently he got into a car accident which made him forget the things he did for a year" 

"He doesn't remember the things he did a year ago and that's where you come in. I will take you to him claiming you to be his wife and once you begin to live with him, you will help me treat him. He is my only son and I don't want him to be single for the rest of his life" Rose finished.

"I know you are worried about your son but this is not the right way to help him. I know of a good psychological doctor who can...."

"I don't want some one else to do this, I want it to be you. If we are going to get rid of his phobia then a female doctor is best to do the job" Rose insisted.

"But am still a student, I can't possibly do a good job and besides, I don't want to deceive anyone" 

"If you are scared for the moment when my son gets his memory and figure out the truth about you, I will handle it. Don't let that be a worry to you" Rose said.

"Am sorry but am not the best person for this job. I can't do it" Whitney replied as she got out of the seat wanting to leave.

"Since speaking to you as a mother who is desperate doesn't work then it's time I act like a business woman" She said and that got Whitney stopping.

"Pretend to be my son's wife and I will give you a million dollar or any amount you want " Rose said not wanting to give up.

"But your son isn't a fool, even if I were to pretend to be his wife, he will surely know that am a fake" Whitney replied trying to make her see reason.

"He's currently suffering from Amnesia, he doesn't remember the things he did a year ago, so fitting you into his life won't be a problem" 

"All you have to do is to help him over come his fear as a doctor" Rose persisted.

"But am not that good, am still a student learning and ....",

"And you are better than the ones have met. You are the first doctor who made my son illness clear to me, others just see it as a means to get money from me but you are different, so please help me" Rose pleaded.

"Am sorry ma'am but I can't help you" Whitney said as she turned to leave once again.

"I will pay you double !" Rose said again but Whitney didn't give a reply in return.

Later that day Whitney was returning home thinking about her conversation with Mrs Graham.

The money she offered could help pay off her debts but the thought of pretending to be a wife to a guy she knows nothing about got her ruling out the idea.

And besides, what will Romeo think of her if he sees her with another guy.

It's been four days after she had confess her feeling to him and though he hasn't given her an answer on that, she can't get involve with another man.

"Please Mr Lee, don't throw us out like this" 

"Stop begging me and get lost! " Mr Lee said as he push Whitney mom.

"Mom!" Whitney called as she run towards her.

"Are you okay?" Whitney asked her mom who nodded.

"Am glad you are here. Someone just bought this land and I want you two out of this place. " Mr Lee said which got Whitney angry

"But you've promised to give us time " Whitney yelled in anger.

"I did but then a buyer approached me and I had to sell, just like you I need money too" He replied mockingly.

"That's unfair! You are being unfair!" 

"This world isn't fair! If you think you can buy this place then get me money but if not, keep shut and get lost. The reason I didn't throw you and your mom out is because you two are pitiful. Not only did your father put you in debt, he also deceived the people...." Mr Lee didn't get to complete his word because Kate gave him a slap.

"Don't you dare talk about my husband!" She yelled at him.

"You filthy woman! How dare you slap me?" He asked lifting his hand wanting to hit her but Whitney got in front of her mom.

Pulling him by his arm, she threw him over her shoulders.

Mr Lee landed on the floor, crying out in pain.

"Have had it up to here with you. Someone bought the land right? Then I will buy it back from whoever it is!" Whitney yelled at him before taking her mom back into the house.

Some hours later, she sat in Mrs Graham sitting room waiting for her to show up.

"So, did you change your mind?" Rose asked as she walk towards her.

"Am sorry for coming unannounced but then I...."

"You are willing to do it right?" Mrs Graham asked and she gave a slow nod.

"Alright then, I will send the money into your account and ..."

"I don't want money but instead I want you to help me and my mom in buying a property " Whitney said.

"If you are talking about your home then that matter has been handled" Rose replied.


"Am the one who bought the house, it's yours now and also, I will be telling you all you have to know about Logan tomorrow. Make sure you don't run into him at the hospital until you know every single thing about him. He might be suffering from Amnesia but he's very smart " Rose said which got her nodding.

"You look pale, go home and get some rest" She added before leaving Whitney alone in the sitting room.



"I shouldn't be doing this" Whitney muttered as she made her way to Logan Graham ward.

Though his mother had made it clear to her not to see Logan until she knows all she has to about him, she can't help it.

She has to know what he looks like, if she had at least found a picture of him on the internet then she wouldn't be doing this.

She will just take a little peek at him and leave.

She was told by the nurse in charge of him that he's asleep.

Opening the door, she saw someone sleeping soundly on the bed.

Wanting to see his face clearly, she walk further into the room and on seeing him, she let out a gasp.

"He's very handsome" she whispered to herself as she kept scrutinizing his face. 

She decide to leave before being caught when her hand got siezed.

Turning back to the man laying on the bed, she was startled to find him awake.

"Who are you ?" He asked and when she tried to pull out of his hold.

He pulled her towards him which got her falling on him.

Holding onto her waist, he turned her over and that got her on the bed while he lay over her.

"Who are you?" He asked again which got her gulping down her spit in fear.

"I....I...I am..."

"She's your wife, Logan" Rose Graham said as she walk into the ward.

"She's my what!" Logan called out in shock.....

TBC ...