
The baby accident

Oopsie. There is a baby. Annabelle McCallister is your average girl in the looks department. She has curves (which she thinks is her doom) and she admits to eating too many chocolates. She works in a cafe and lives in a dingy apartment. Oh and she believes her life is boring. That is until she comes across Jake Andrew. Jake is a business tycoon abundantly blessed in the looks department as she believes. One day he comes into the cafe after a pretty shitty day and that's where it all begins. Next thing anyone knows there is a baby on the way. Are they willing to compromise for their baby and to actually take the fall?

Sure_Mercy10 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 9

Sorry I am busy I answer him while motioning for the next person to come forward.

It's inevitable. We need to talk he tells me while refusing to budge

No can do. When I came to your office and suggested we talk you weren't interested then were you I ask sacarstically. I know I shouldn't be mean to him but seeing him now just reminds me of our last encounter and makes me annoyed.

Annie come on. Don't make this difficult he says.

I am about to reply but I am cut short when the guy behind him says hey dude are you gonna order or what. You cannot just stand in the line.

Excuse me? Jake says in a dangerous tone while turning to face the guy. I see guy swallow and I feel a little bad for him because Jake towers over him.

Stop it I whisper to Jake in alarm as I can already see people watching the confrontation with interest.  And I also know that if I don't so something about it I might lose my job.

Ok you know what. We will talk but after my shift. So you can stop now I say while throwing up my hands in exasperation.

He turns to face me and I can see him rearranging his expression. Alright I will wait for you he says in a cool voice.

I watch him walk to a table and sit. Yes how may I help you I ask politely to the guy now in front of me. Yes I would like a .... I don't hear the remaining of his sentence as I watch Jake bring out his phone and call someone. Sorry what did you say I ask the guy and I try to focus on my job but I am fully aware of when some guy in a suit comes in and gives him a laptop. Later another person this time a lady brings in some documents which he arranges on the table while still talking to someone on the phone.

I try to ignore it but I am struck with a sudden sense of deja vu. I am suddenly remembering the last time he came to see me at work and what happened afterwards. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind I try to focus on my job.

Hours later, my shift is over and I feel as if a train ran over me. My legs ache so much and I feel nauseous. I change out of my uniform and make my way outside while telling Jane good bye over my shoulder. I am almost at the door when a voice stops me saying running away? Again? You know you need to stop using this tactic. It's getting kind of old. I turn around and stare at Jake. To be honest I was so tired that I had already forgotten about him.

Look can we just get this over with. I am really tired I say.

Alright let's go he says while dragging me out of the cafe.

He drags me all the way and stops in front of the same vehicle he had brought the first time I went out with him.

Come on. Do you want to stare at it all day he asks. Straightening I walk stiffly to the car and slide in. He slides in beside me and tells the driver my place

You could be polite you know I say before what he said clicks. I turn to him and say in outrage and say what do you mean by your place. I am not going to your house. Take me home now.

Well I believe our conversation should be private so my house seemed like the best option he replies. I open my mouth to retort when I realize it's actually sensible. I turn around with a sigh and look out the window aware of his stare on me. A few minutes later I am uncomfortable with his stare. What's wrong? Why are you staring at me I ask. He doesn't answer for a while and when he does he says we are here.

I look out the window and I am stunned at sight of the house. The house is a Victorian styled, gigantic mansion.

The driveway was long and flanked on both sides by beautiful trees.

The car comes to a stop in front of the house and I step out of the car. It looks even bigger now that I am close to it I mutter to myself.

Come on let's go inside Jake tells me.

I follow him inside and I have to say even the interior is wonderful. A woman that might be in her fifties bustles in and says hello sir.

Hello Maria he answers her. Can we have some food please.

Yes of course she says. Turning to me she says you can start with these cookies while I make something delicious hmm while pointing to the plate of cookies on the table. Thank you I answer gratefully and watch her walk away.

For a few minutes everywhere is silent except the sound of me munching on the cookies.

When did you find out Jake suddenly says from where he is sitting across from me.

I found out about last week. I told you two days after I found out I answer truthfully.

Nodding his head he says nothing for a while so I continue.

I know it may come as a shock to you but it was also shocking to me. And we are in this together. I don't want much from you just that you pay child support. Although it rankles at me to ask you for anything, I know how difficult raising a child can be and I want the best for my child.

He just looks at me for a while before saying I have thought about it for a while and I realized that I was not fair in the way I reacted  when you told me about the baby. I just freaked out.

Thank you I answer modestly.

If the baby is mine he starts but I cut him short by saying of course the baby is yours.

He stares at me for a while before continuing If the baby is mine and I have to bite my toungue to keep from talking then I won't be satisfied with just being a part time dad.

Confused, I say I am sure we could alternate visits.

No he says.

So what do you suggest I ask confused.

I say we get married he says