
The Awakening Of Van:The Rise Of The Underdog

Van is a young man struggling to make ends meet while taking care of his comatose mother. One day, he receives a mysterious message from his long-lost father that leads him to a strange room where he receives a crystal that unlocks his true potential. Van is transported to another world, where he discovers he has become an S-class hunter, one of the most powerful defenders against the monsters and dark forces that threaten to destroy the world. As he trains and gains new abilities, Van finds a sense of purpose and excitement that he never had in his old life.

Samson_Agura · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3:The Tower

Van and his fellow hunters were tasked with a mission to explore the Tower, a mysterious structure that held great power and secrets. As they ascended each level, they faced challenges and met other hunters. The higher they climbed, the more dangerous the challenges became.

Van continued to follow the group of hunters into the forest, trying his best to blend in and not draw any unwanted attention to himself. As they walked deeper into the forest, Van began to notice that the atmosphere was growing increasingly tense. The hunters were all on high alert, their eyes scanning the trees and bushes for any signs of danger.

Van couldn't help but feel a sense of unease himself. He had never been in a situation like this before, surrounded by hunters who were all armed and ready for battle. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Suddenly, one of the hunters in the front of the group held up his hand, signaling for everyone to stop. The group quickly fell silent, their eyes all focused on the hunter at the front.

"What is it?" one of the hunters whispered, his voice barely audible.

The front hunter didn't say anything, but instead raised his bow and drew an arrow. The other hunters followed suit, gripping their weapons tightly as they waited for whatever was about to happen next.

Van's heart was racing now. He had no idea what was going on, but the tension in the air was almost suffocating. He was starting to regret coming on this hunt, but he knew he couldn't turn back now.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the bushes to their left. The hunters all tensed up, their eyes trained on the source of the noise. Van held his breath, his eyes wide as he watched the bushes for any sign of movement.

After a few moments, a small animal darted out from the bushes and ran across the hunters' path. The tension in the air dissipated instantly as the hunters all let out a sigh of relief.

Van felt foolish for being so scared, but he couldn't help it. This was all so new to him, and he didn't want to do anything to jeopardize his safety.

The group continued on their hunt, but Van couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching them from the shadows. He tried to push the thought out of his mind and focus on the task at hand, but it was no use. The feeling lingered in the back of his mind, a constant reminder that danger could be lurking around every corner.

As they walked deeper into the forest, the group began to split up into smaller groups, each heading in different directions. Van found himself paired with a tall, muscular hunter named Kaito.

"So, you're new to all of this, huh?" Kaito asked, breaking the silence between them.

Van nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it," Kaito said with a grin. "We were all new once. Just stick close to me and I'll make sure you don't get hurt."

Van felt a sense of relief wash over him. It was comforting to know that he wasn't completely alone out here.

As they walked, Kaito filled Van in on some of the basics of hunting. He told him about different types of monsters, how to track them, and the best ways to take them down.

Van listened intently, trying his best to absorb as much information as possible. He was determined to prove himself as a valuable member of the team, even if he was just a beginner.

The two hunters walked for what felt like hours, tracking various monsters and taking them down one by one. Van was surprised at how quickly he was able to pick up the skills, thanks to Kaito's guidance.

As the sun began to set, the group regrouped at the edge of the forest. Van was exhausted, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of pride at what he had accomplished. He had survived his first monster hunt