
The Awakening Of Van:The Rise Of The Underdog

Van is a young man struggling to make ends meet while taking care of his comatose mother. One day, he receives a mysterious message from his long-lost father that leads him to a strange room where he receives a crystal that unlocks his true potential. Van is transported to another world, where he discovers he has become an S-class hunter, one of the most powerful defenders against the monsters and dark forces that threaten to destroy the world. As he trains and gains new abilities, Van finds a sense of purpose and excitement that he never had in his old life.

Samson_Agura · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Messege

Van sat at his desk, staring blankly at his computer screen. He had just finished his last shift at the grocery store and had to work early in the morning at the gas station. Life was tough, but he was grateful for any job that could help him pay for his mother's hospital bills. Suddenly, his phone vibrated. It was a text from an unknown number. The message read, "Meet me at the old warehouse at midnight." Van was hesitant, but something in his gut told him to go.

As he arrived at the warehouse, he saw a shadowy figure in the distance. "Van," the figure called out. "It's me, your father." Van's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't seen or heard from his father in years. "I have something for you," his father continued, handing him a crystal. "This will unlock your true potential."

Van felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through his body as he held the crystal. He wanted to ask his father so many questions, but before he could say anything, he disappeared into the shadows.

Van went back home and tried to process what had happened. He couldn't believe his father had just appeared after all these years and given him a crystal that supposedly unlocked his true potential. What did that even mean? He had so many questions, but no one to answer them.

The next morning, Van woke up feeling different. He felt stronger, faster, more alert. He didn't know what had happened, but he knew that he had to find out more about this crystal and what it could do. He spent the next few days researching, trying to find any information he could about it. Finally, he stumbled upon a website that talked about hunters, people with incredible powers who hunted monsters and protected humanity.

Van couldn't believe what he was reading. Hunters? Monsters? It all sounded like something out of a fantasy novel. But the more he read, the more he realized that this was real. There were people out there with incredible abilities, fighting against creatures that most people didn't even know existed.

Van made a decision. He was going to become a hunter.