
Ashar Tradition

The luxurious ship gliding over the dark ocean advanced silently, heedless of the roar of the waves. Its elegant structure, adorned with black and golden details, sparkled in the moonlight. At the entrance, marble steps and gold-embellished railings welcomed the guests, leading to a grand hall through large glass panels and dark wooden doors. In the center, a massive chandelier illuminated the space with its crystal lights.

At the far end of the hall, a sign elegantly warned that entry was forbidden to the private chamber. Upon entering, one could immediately sense a different atmosphere enveloping the room.

In the center of the chamber, Prince Azerion Prima sat on a wide and ostentatious chair. With his red eyes surveying the surroundings with an air of authority, he rested on gold-embroidered cushions. The tattoo on his arm lent him an almost supernatural charisma. He delicately brought a grape to his lips, scanning the room with calm composure. Beneath his graceful demeanor lay immense power.

A gentle knock sounded at the door. Azerion's eyes shifted toward it. "Enter," he said, his voice both gentle and authoritative.

The door opened slowly, and a timid maid entered, her head bowed. The maid apologized, "My lord, I am sorry. I regret disturbing you at an inconvenient time." After a brief pause, she added, "Your Imperial Highness, there is a message... But, my lord, I do not wish to alarm you."

Azerion smiled slightly. "Is there a reason for me to be alarmed?"

He maintained his gaze on her, smiling gently. "What does the message say, dear maid?" he inquired, his tone calm yet filled with kindness.

The maid fixed her eyes on the ground. "Your Imperial Highness, the Ashar tradition has begun."

Just then, the ship lurched violently. A powerful vibration emanating from the depths resonated through the metal hull. The chandelier swayed, and the crystals chimed. Azerion's presence seemed to weigh heavily in the air, suffocating the atmosphere within the room. This pressure spread throughout the ship, reaching even the corridors.

Startled by the tremor, the maid's eyes widened in fear and awe as she glanced at Azerion. Others on the ship felt this presence as well; some prayed in terror while others frantically searched for a place to escape. Yet there was no escape on the ship; Azerion's dominance permeated every corner.

Even the sea seemed to sense this power. The waves crashed against the ship, as if the ocean itself were trembling in submission to his existence.

Azerion's composure remained unshaken. The slight smile on his face reflected a dark sense of satisfaction. His eyes glinted with an intensity that belied the meaning of the tradition. "Ah, what perfect timing," he murmured.

The maid bowed in fear and quickly exited the room.

Outside, one maid rushed in, "What happened? What change did you sense when you entered?"

The other maid replied in fear, "Prince Azerion's presence always feels like a threat. There's a tension in the air."

The first maid said, "Yes, but what can we do? We're just here to carry out orders."


The Genetic Control Office was a secret organization tasked with detecting and controlling individuals with Vex abilities. That day, a red notification appeared on the office screens: "The Ashar Tradition Has Begun."

This tradition marked a deadly battle for the throne that would determine the future emperor of the Nymar Empire, although most believed it to be a mere custom. In this struggle, ten princes would participate, with only one destined to claim the throne. However, this time, the Genetic Control Office was set into motion not by its own volition but by the emperor's command. The Office would provide the strongest forces for the protection of the princes; personnel on other ships would oversee the safety and health of the citizens. The emperor's instructions were clear: the Office would remain uninvolved in the battle, merely providing protection and security.

High Officer Thalios read the message on the screen and immediately issued commands. "Prepare fourteen ships," he said. "The forces will be dispatched within a month." Technicians and soldiers quickly moved into action, commencing preparations for the ships. These vessels would not only carry the princes and their allies but also other citizens participating in the Ashar Tradition. The Genetic Control Office's role was strictly to ensure safety and security without directly influencing the fate of the empire.

The ships were categorized by social class. The first ship would carry nobles and the most influential figures of the Empire—those looking to play a significant role in the throne battle and forge alliances with the princes. The next ten ships would transport merchants, artisans, and ordinary citizens, for whom this journey was part of their pursuit of business and status. The final three ships would carry criminals and fugitives; for them, it was a chance for escape or survival.

However, the primary concern was getting the ten princes to Ashar Island. Each prince was assigned their own territory on the island, a mysterious location designated for the throne contest. The princes would land on the island with genetically superior forces, strategizing to outmaneuver their rivals. Yet only a select few understood the island's secrets and the true nature of the contest.

Prince Azerion Prima was the most notable figure in this struggle. Eager to outpace the other nine princes with his calm strategies and strength, he prepared for the contest. However, this battle would require not just physical power but also cunning intellect.

The Genetic Control Office would remain neutral, tasked with monitoring the safety and health of the princes. They were also responsible for the security and health checks of the citizens. This time, they acted under the emperor's direct orders; they would not intervene, only supervise.

The fourteen ships, ready to carry one million passengers, were set to embark for Ashar Island. The flags of the Nymar Empire waved proudly on each ship. This journey would determine the future not just for the princes but for the entire empire—a life-and-death struggle.