
The Awakening of the Supreme

In the Philippines, pandemonium erupts as the Bakunawa, a legendary sea serpent, emerges, unleashing a horde of mythical creatures upon the land. With no means to quell the powerful beings, the government resorts to desperate measures, experimenting on the populace in search of a solution. However, the experiments unexpectedly grant the people newfound powers. Now, amidst the chaos, ordinary citizens must navigate a world teeming with danger, harnessing their newfound abilities to survive and perhaps even turn the tide against the mythical onslaught. Can they defy the odds and restore order to their fractured homeland, or will the chaos consume them all?

msso · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Unspoken Longing

Alain lived a life that many would envy. His luxurious apartment, furnished with the finest decor money could buy, was a testament to his arrangement with his generous sugar mommy. Yet, amidst the opulence, he often found himself longing for something more meaningful than material wealth.

One evening, as Alain lounged in his lavish abode, there came a familiar knock at the door. With a curious glance, he rose from his seat and made his way to answer it, wondering who could be calling at such a late hour.

To his surprise, standing before him was his sugar mommy, a vision of elegance and sophistication, cradling a beautifully wrapped package from a prestigious brand in her arms. Her presence never failed to command attention, and tonight was no exception.

"Hi" she greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Alain's heart swelled with gratitude at the sight of her. Despite their arrangement being rooted in financial support, there was a genuine bond that had formed between them—a bond that transcended the exchange of gifts and favors.

"Not at all," Alain replied, stepping aside to welcome her into his home.

"It's always a pleasure to see you."

With a graceful gesture, his sugar mommy presented the gift, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"I saw this and thought of you," she explained, her voice tinged with warmth.

"I hope you like it."

Touched by her thoughtfulness, Alain accepted the package with a grateful smile, his heart overflowing with emotion. It wasn't the extravagant gesture or the expensive brand that moved him—it was the gesture itself.

Alain's apartment was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, casting a warm ambiance over the room as he and Olivia settled into comfortable chairs, their conversation drifting into the late hours of the night.

As they talked, the air between them crackled with tension, as Olivia spoke her dreams and aspirations, her voice tinged with a hint of longing as she shared her desire to be more than just a sugar mommy to Alain.

"I want to be with you, Alain," she confessed, her eyes searching his for a glimmer of understanding.

"I want to walk by your side, to share in your dreams and ambitions. I want to be the one you turn to when you need comfort and support."

Alain listened intently, his heart aching with a longing he dared not acknowledge. For beneath the facade of their arrangement lay a connection that ran deeper than mere financial transactions—a connection that stirred something within him, something he couldn't quite name.

As Olivia poured her heart out to him. He found himself drawn to her in ways he couldn't explain.

Her beauty, her grace, her unwavering devotion—it ignited a spark within him, a spark that threatened to consume him whole.

But as much as he longed to reciprocate her feelings, Alain couldn't shake the fear that held him back. Fear of breaking the fragile balance they had forged, fear of losing the stability she provided, fear of venturing into uncharted territory where their roles were no longer defined.

So instead, he remained silent, his words caught in the tangled web of his emotions. He listened as Olivia bared her soul to him, her vulnerability echoing in the stillness of the night.

Olivia closed the distance between them, her lips seeking his in a desperate kiss. And in that moment, all hesitation melted away as Alain surrendered to the fire that raged between them.

Their kiss was electric, a whirlwind of passion and desire that consumed them both as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.

The world fell away around them, leaving only the intoxicating taste of each other's lips lingering on their tongues.

Hours passed in a blur of fervent kisses and whispered promises, their bodies entwined in a dance of ecstasy and longing. And when morning finally broke, they awoke in Alain's room, their naked forms tangled together in the soft light of dawn.

For a moment, they lay there in silence, basking in the afterglow of their passion as they gazed into each other's eyes. And in that moment, everything else faded away.

Their fears,

Their doubts,

Their insecurities—leaving only the undeniable truth of their connection.

With a tender smile, Alain brushed a strand of hair from Olivia's face, his heart overflowing with emotion.

"I never knew it could feel like this," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Olivia's eyes sparkled with joy as she reached out to trace the lines of his face, her touch igniting a fire within him that burned brighter than ever before.

"Neither did I," she admitted, her voice trembling with emotion.

And as they lay there in each other's arms, bathed in the golden light of morning, they knew that they had found something worth fighting for.

With a heavy sigh, Olivia untangled herself from Alain's embrace, her movements slow and deliberate as she gathered her clothes and began to dress.

Alain watched her silently, his heart heavy with the weight of impending separation. He longed to reach out to her, to pull her back into his arms and beg her to stay. But he knew that some things were beyond his control and that Olivia's departure was inevitable.

"Olivia," he called out softly, the sound of her name hanging in the air like a whispered prayer.

She turned to face him, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I have to go," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"My life is complicated, Alain. You know that." She stated. Even her heart desires Alain, but she knows that she already belongs to someone.

Alain nodded, his throat tight with emotion. He understood all too well the complexities of their situation.

The expectations, the obligations, and the responsibilities that bound them to separate paths.

But even as he acknowledged the truth of her words, a part of him rebelled against the thought of letting her go. For in Olivia, he had found a love that transcended the boundaries of their arrangement, a love that had the power to transform their lives in ways they could never have imagined.

"Will I see you again?" he asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Olivia hesitated, her gaze flickering with indecision.

"I don't know," she admitted, her words heavy with regret.

"But please know that I'll never forget this moment, Alain. I'll never forget you."

With a final, lingering glance, Olivia turned and made her way to the door, her steps slow and measured as if reluctant to leave. As she disappeared from view, Alain was left alone with nothing but the echo of her presence lingering in the air.

For a long time, he sat there in silence, lost in thought as he pondered the fleeting nature of their connection.

Alain stepped out into the bustling streets, the weight of Olivia's departure still heavy on his heart. Seeking solace in the familiar embrace of his favorite coffee shop, he made his way through the crowded sidewalks, lost in thought. 

As he pushed open the door to the café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped him, a comforting embrace that eased some of the tension coiled within his chest. Spotting an empty table in the corner, he made his way over, sinking into the worn wooden chair with a heavy sigh.

It wasn't long before his friend Malik joined him.

" You look like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders," Marc remarked, his tone laced with empathy.

Alain nodded, a bitter laugh escaping his lips.

"You could say that," he replied, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I don't know what to do. I think I've caught feelings for Olivia."

Malik's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his gaze searching Alain's face for any sign of jest.

"Olivia? Your sugar mommy?" he asked incredulously.

Alain nodded, his expression grave.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. I never meant for it to happen, but the more time I spend with her, the more I realize how much she means to me."

Malik's expression turned serious as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper.

"Alain, I need you to listen to me very carefully," he began.

"Olivia's husband isn't someone you want to mess with. He's powerful, and he's wealthy, but more than that, he's dangerous."

Alain's heart skipped a beat at Malik's words, the gravity of the situation sinking in like a stone in his stomach.

He knew Olivia had a husband but he didn't have any idea who he was...

"What are you saying? Are you saying that Olivia's husband would... harm me?" he asked, his voice trembling with fear.

Malik nodded solemnly, his gaze unwavering.

"I'm saying that he's not someone to be taken lightly. If he were to find out about your feelings for Olivia, he wouldn't hesitate to take action."

"An action that could put your life in danger," he added. 

Alain's mind raced with thoughts of Olivia's husband. He knew that Malik wasn't exaggerating, that the danger was all too real.

"But what am I supposed to do?" he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation.

"I can't just ignore my feelings for Olivia. They're consuming me from the inside out."

Malik sighed, his expression pained.

"I know. But sometimes, the heart leads us down paths that we're not meant to follow. You need to think about your safety, about your future. Is Olivia worth risking your life for?"

Alain fell silent, the weight of Malik's words pressing heavily upon him. He knew that he couldn't ignore the danger that lurked in the shadows, that he couldn't turn a blind eye to the risks that came with pursuing his feelings for Olivia.

With a heavy heart, he nodded, a sense of resignation settling over him like a shroud.

"You're right, Malik. I can't let my feelings for Olivia cloud my judgment. I need to think about what's best for me, for my future."