
The Awakening of Divine Martial Arts

A mysterious ancient book suddenly appeared in the consciousness of a struggling young martial artist, which contained "The God of War Performs Martial Arts" and "The Vast Years". "Martial God Performs Martial Arts" allows you to re-enact all the magical skills of the Martial God. Martial Arts, Rune, Alchemy, Weapon Refining, Beast Control, Adventure, Sacrifice... The astounding magical skills of the God of War were re-enacted in him. "The Vast Years" allows you to read the vast history of the Ancient God's adventures for countless years, and the countless secrets he has experienced... His overwhelming experience makes him one step ahead. Since then, all the wealthy families have been vying to win over him, the guild masters have been obsessed with him, and the most beautiful women have been jealous of him. With a proud appearance, the young warrior stepped onto the magnificent stage of the Shenwu Continent, and step by step became the number one Shenwu under the bright starry sky.

Levi37 · Fantasy
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690 Chs

The world of animal control

"When I studied at Nanchen Martial Arts Academy for three years, what I looked forward to most was to become an apprentice in medicine refining or weapon refining. I never dared to dream that I could become a real beast master!"

"I heard that with the Beast Tamer Token, you can truly enter the world of Beast Tamer. This Beast Tamer Token is very magical and can communicate with the Beast Tamer world with your spiritual thoughts. But, how do you get in?"

Ye Fan held the beast master token and said secretly.

I have learned in the class of Nanchen Martial Arts Academy that this world of beast-controlling thoughts is a spiritual virtual world built by the power of the holy god of the beast-controlling system of Shenwu Continent.

This is an illusory world, very magical. Any beast master in the Shenwu Continent can enter it with his spiritual mind.

But only beast masters and above are qualified to enter this beast master world.

Shang said with a smile: "The beast master's token is made of special secret iron material. It is the only identity certificate of each beast master and can communicate with the beast master world. Use your spiritual mind to go in and take a look."

 "So simple?"

Ye Fan was surprised, closed his eyes, and used his spiritual mind.

In an instant, his thoughts entered the beast master's token and communicated with the beast master world.

He quickly saw that the world of beast control has four major functions, namely: spirit beast ranking list, spirit beast trading ground, spirit beast battle platform, and beast control guild task release list.

Ye Fan curiously opened the spirit beast ranking list.

"Zixuan Dynasty spirit beast ranking list! Canglan Kingdom spirit beast ranking list!"

Ye Fan opened the spirit beast ranking list.

As soon as he opened it, he found that there were so many categories inside that it was difficult to see through.

According to the levels, from the first-level ordinary ferocious beast, the second-level beast master, the third-level beast lord, the fourth-level beast king, to the fifth-level beast emperor level spiritual beast. Spiritual beasts of different levels have separate rankings.

However, different levels of rankings have restricted permissions.

Beast masters can only see the rankings of first-level ferocious beasts.

Only masters of beast control can view the ranking of second-level beast masters.

There are a lot of first-level ferocious beasts on the ranking list. There are millions of pages on it, all of which are all kinds of beast eggs and spirit beasts, including the land tribe, sea tribe, wing tribe, and insect tribe.

"Why are there so many! I'll look at them for days and nights, and I'm afraid I won't even be able to see them."

Ye Fan said in surprise.

Shang smiled and said: "This is the general ranking list. The beast masters of the Zixuan Dynasty of the human race in the Shenwu Continent and the eight hundred vassal kingdoms can identify their own spirit beasts and place them on it for ranking. This function is convenient The beast master has an overall understanding of the strength of his own spirit beast. However, the number of spirit beasts on the overall list is too large, and there is not much value in it."

Ye Fan nodded. On this list, there are tens of millions of first-order spiritual beasts alone. Unless it's ranked very high, this list doesn't mean much.

He opened the second function - the spirit beast trading field.

Ye Fan immediately discovered that there were a lot of spirit beasts and eggs hanging in the trading place for trading, with prices attached.

Ye Fan was immediately surprised: "Can transactions be carried out here? If I buy the other party's spiritual beast, the other party's spiritual beast can come out of it?"

"Of course it's not a physical transaction, it's just about placing an order! Once the transaction between the two parties is successful, the chamber of commerce in various places is responsible for delivering the seller's physical goods to the buyer. Of course, the chamber of commerce will charge a certain delivery fee based on the distance. "

Shang shook his head and explained in detail: "For some low-priced beast eggs, they are generally only traded in this city. There are very few cross-border transactions, and the transportation fee will be more expensive than the beast eggs.

Generally speaking, beast eggs are more popular than spirit beasts and are easier to trade. Because the babies hatched from the eggs are extremely loyal to their first owners.

After an adult spirit beast changes its owner, its loyalty to the new owner will be low, and it will take a long time to cultivate it to increase its loyalty.

If you want to cultivate your own spiritual beast in the future, it is best to buy the eggs directly and hatch them. "

"I heard that raising a spiritual beast is very expensive. I can't afford to raise a spiritual beast now!"

Ye Fan smiled bitterly.

He opened the third function - the spirit beast battle field.

Ye Fan couldn't help but ask, "What is this for?"

Shang introduced: "You can form illusory spirit beasts and simulate real battles with each other to obtain the spirit beast combat power ranking. This list is more valuable than the simple spirit beast grade ranking. But this function is quite special. It is necessary to consume very precious spiritual stones to form illusory spiritual beasts. Spiritual stones! This thing is very precious. It takes a hundred taels of gold to exchange for a spiritual stone. For you, this function is of little use at the moment. Let's talk about it later. Bar."

Ye Fan nodded slightly. He didn't even have a spirit beast, so he couldn't even make it into the spirit beast rankings.

He took a look at the fourth function - the Beast Taming Guild mission release list.

Ye Fan tried to receive tasks, but found that he could only receive tasks issued by the Luyang Mansion Beast Taming Guild.

Things like "helping identify beast eggs, raising spirit beasts on behalf of the owner when the owner has something to do, breeding spirit beasts", etc., are all relatively simple first-level tasks.

As mentioned above, after completing a task, you can exchange for a small amount of gold and silver bonuses and a small amount of contribution points. Contribution value can be used to gain priority in many cases.

Shang said calmly: "This low-level first-level task has too little reward and is a waste of time. There is no need to do it."

Ye Fan asked strangely: "This contribution value seems to be very important. It can get priority in many aspects. Don't I need to accumulate some contribution values?!"

Shang said: "In the future, if you directly do big tasks, you can get a huge contribution value without wasting time."

Ye Fan nodded, and carefully looked at the four major functions on the beast master's token again, and found that he could not use them for the time being.

He reluctantly closed the beast control realm.

I don't have a spiritual beast yet, so it's useless to think about it.

After a short while, lunch was cooked. After Ye Fan finished his lunch, he went to Nanchen Wuyuan, one of the top ten junior martial arts academies, in the afternoon to find Wang Meijiaoyu to receive the remaining examination cards.

He wanted to take away the test cards for all departments so that he would not have to come back often to get these test cards.

Returning to the familiar Nanchen Martial Arts Academy again, Ye Fan felt like he was in another world. He was once a good-for-nothing little martial artist, but now he is the top of the four series in Luyang Mansion.

When the junior martial arts students from Nanchen Martial Arts Academy saw Ye Fan appear, they all looked at him with great admiration.

The oracles were also extremely polite to him.

Teacher Wang Mei was also proud to have such an outstanding martial arts student in her class, but she was a little embarrassed when facing Mark. During the three years in Nanchen Martial Arts Academy, she had never given Mark a good look in the past.

Ye Fan asked for all the remaining five test cards for the 'Business Department, Medicine Refining Department, Weapon Refining Department, City Lord Department, and Sacrifice Department' that have not yet been tested - only those with these test cards are allowed to enter the examination room.

Wang Mei naturally agreed.

Martial arts students can take exams in as many departments as they like, and the Martial Arts Academy will not stop them.

Wang Mei said: "The exams for other departments are easy to handle, but I don't have the exams for the sacrificial department here."

Ye Fan was stunned: "Why is this?"

Wang Mei said: "The annual examination of the sacrificial department in Luyang Mansion is at the only altar in Luyang Mansion. This altar is only opened once a year, and only nine people are allowed to be in it at the same time for assessment. Therefore, there are only nine sacrificial systems every year. The assessment quotas are the rarest. Each of the eight wealthy families took one quota and sent their direct children to participate in the sacrificial department assessment. The remaining one was personally appointed by Dean Mu, and he was also selected from the children of the eight families. This is Lu The Yangfu Sacrifice Department's assessment practice has been without exception for hundreds of years!"

Ye Fan suddenly had a headache.

The sacrificial department is the most important assessment.

He must become a candidate in the sacrificial department to have a chance to step onto the altar, pray for the Holy God, and complete the resurrection of the mammoth stone egg.

Otherwise, the mammoth stone egg cannot be resurrected at all.

Now we can only take one step at a time.

First, take the business department exam, become a businessman, and obtain "a drop of blood above the level of an elephant!"

Then think of a way to obtain the qualifications to take the sacrificial examination from the old dean Mu Fengshan, and obtain "a wisp of mammoth soul fire" through the Holy Spirit Prayer Technique!

With a drop of the blood of the Elephant Lord and the soul fire of the mammoth, the stone egg can be resurrected.

In the afternoon, Ye Fan came back and practiced the "Flash Fist Technique" at home for several hours. He didn't fall asleep until nearly late at night.

The business department assessment will take another two days and will not start immediately.

Ye Fan planned to go to the Luyang Prefecture Beast Taming Guild early tomorrow morning to thank President Wei Shou in person for his generous words in the examination room this morning. Otherwise, he would probably not be ranked first in the beast manipulation and adventure categories.

At the same time, I also get to know my colleagues from the Beast Taming Guild so that we can meet each other in the future.