
Chapter 11: A rich jumping off the building

In the streets outside we see four men walking.

"Brice …. Do you think Lara Jane will surely be fired this time?", Lucas Wilde asked.

"I ask you, Lucas, Aren't you well served by that woman? What the hell are you mentioning her for?", Gabriel Parks who seems to have a very bad impression of her said.

"i asked it casually. She is good outside but evil inside! Brice, can I say that?", Lucas Wilde laughed at the question.

Brice Turner didn't answer or show any expression on his face on Lucas's opinion. Moreover, he has no ability to speak well. In his mind, he was thinking about Lara Jane who was scolded by the company's Vice-president and not any ordinary employee.

There we see a taxi coming from the opposite side and Ethan Morrison signalled to stop it. The taxi stopped.

"You guys go first, I want to spend some time alone." Brice looked at three of them and said.

"What do you mean by not going? Isn't it that you are going back to comfort Lara Jane so that you can take this opportunity to reconcile? I tell you…. and I am serious about it….. Don't be stupid. Have you got my words Brice…. don't be stupid.", Lucas Wilde stared at Brice.

"No, it's not like that. Actually, we ordered too much today and I ate too much tonight. So, I want to walk around.", Brice shook his head.

Only at first glance, they can see that Brice was not happy and it's better for them to leave him alone for sometime. They didn't care to bother him anymore, coz they know he will be back after sometime wandering around. Finally, after realizing this they got into the taxi and left.

Brice looked at the rear lights of the taxi as it was going far from him.

Although he has money but it is useless to have money alone. Like today, he can't even help Lara Jane although he has a lot of money in his account by which he even can buy the entire company. What he needs more other than money is….. connections.

If you have connections then your words will have enough weight and your one sentence can solve bigger and bigger problems.

Brice looked at KTV which was not far away from him.

In the private room of KTV.....

Only Elsa Klein and Lara Jane were left inside the private room from where Brice and the other three just got out, the rest of them were also gone. Harry Gray and Noah Wilson also left finding an excuse to search for some relations which can solve this problem.

"Elsa…., what should I do now? Somehow, I finally got the job in this production department…. I can't lose this job.", Lara Jane cried and asked.

Elsa Klein had no other choice except to comfort her.

"Lara…., Do you think of going to Deputy General Manager Larry Hurst and admitting your mistake? There is a chance that if Orvel Anderson forgot about it tomorrow, he can also let it go. Orvel Anderson is a very big shot, and these types of people are always busy with many kinds of stuff in their business. I can't confirm about it but I can say he will surely forget about it.", Elsa Klein told her comforting her.

Lara Jane looked at Elsa Klein and hoped in her heart that the words of Elsa Klein might get true and that President Orvel Anderson forget everything that happened tonight…..

Suddenly, the door of the private room was opened and a man in formal wear came in. This was the Deputy General Manager of Global Group, Larry Hurst…..

"Sir…., DGM…., this matter, Lara Jane has no fault. It was Orvel Anderson who wanted to drink with Lara Jane, it is just that Lara was afraid at that time so….", Elsa Klein explained hurriedly to Larry Hurst.

"You keep your mouth shut! Do you think your words matter here?", Larry groaned.

Elsa Klein hurriedly closed her mouth, she didn't dare to speak, afraid she would also be fired by one word of him.

"Lara Jane… This time even if ou resign on your own then that is also useless! Only because of you…. the company is on the verge of losing the order of tens of millions! President Anderson also threatened to cancel future cooperation with our company! You know what does that mean? Tomorrow you are going to explain it to the chairman.", Larry Hurst stared at Lara Jane.

Lara Jane's face went white with fear. She was terrified to death.

"DGM…, I…. I…", She doesn't want to drink with that person. She already knows his evil intentions and moreover, she doesn't want to be a plaything of him.

Larry Hurst looked at Lara Jane from bottom to top. Although, he liked his little secretary, but this woman is also not worse than her. President Anderson has a good eyesight….

"Elsa Klein…, you better go out first.", Larry ordered Elsa.

Elsa without wasting any time hurriedly left out.

"DGM Larry, from the beginning I had no intentions of anything like that. You believe me. Why should I go and admit the mistakes of Orvel? Wouldn't he be the one to admit mistakes?", Lara begged Larry with pleading eyes.

"You want President Anderson to admit mistakes? Do you think he would and moreover even if you complain about it to the chairman, would that really matter? What else do you think…. You only need to do as President Anderson said. Today's matter won't come to an end until you spend a night with President Anderson. Lara, you are a smart girl…. you should know what choice you should make.", Larry Hurst said lightly with an evil look in his eyes.

Lara stared at the eyes of Larry and she understood what he wants to convey to her. She become frustrated and there was also a hint of fear on her face.

"No… I can't do it. I have a boyfriend.", she shook her head. She knows her limit. If she did that she wouldn't have a face to show anyone.

She couldn't convince herself to do those things with that person for the company's sake. Even when she was dealing with an old pervert in the company in production management… she didn't go that too far. It was like why should she do those things with those whom she don't want to be her boyfriend or future husband?

This was the time Brice came into her life as others were aware of Lara being dealing with that old pervert of the production department of the company.

Larry Hurst looked at Lara Jane.

"Hmm….! I already told you everything that I was told to say. Now it is your business, you find a way to deal with it yourself. Here…, take it…., this is President Anderson's phone number. You can call him later after thinking about it. I will give you a day, if President Anderson is not satisfied with you then the day after tomorrow you can pack your things and go.", Larry said coldly.

Lara Jane watched Larry Hurst turn and walk back from the private room. She was full of sweat flowing from her body at that time due to fear.

Let yourself spend a night with that perverted ugly old man?

Let him ruin me unscrupulously the whole night?

Lara Jane thought about it and suddenly she got goosebumps. Her whole body was shaking with fear only by thinking of it.

Elsa Klein came back from outside after Larry Hurst left the private room. She was waiting outside the room for Larry to come out. When she heard from Lara's mouth what the other party wants, she was stunned. How can he threaten to compromise with such a thing?

"Lara… What are you going to do? No matter what you can't agree to it. Many people have seen what happened today. In case you agree to him, how will you show your face to anyone in future and what about finding someone to marry you?", Elsa Klein said hurriedly.

How can Lara not understand it?

But now she was riding a tiger and other than this she had no choice. She only hoped someone might get a relationship and help her save her chastity.

Both the women left KTV…..

Some time after we see outside the KTV…..

Brice Turner was standing by the side of the road and suddenly he heard someone yelling so loudly. He looked here and there then he found that the sound was coming from upside. He raised his head in doubt.

"Oh my god…., Almighty…. the creator of Multiverse, why are you so unfair to me? I am asking why?", The man on the terrace was shouting loudly.

Brice raised his head and looked there. Fuck!!! What does he mean by those words? He really wants to jump off the building.

He carefully looked at the building. It was not too high but a 15-story high building is far too enough if you want to suicide jumping from it. Also, there was nothing like a boundary on the rooftop.


Something fell from the building and it hit Brice in the leg. Brice went numb is it something poisonous that bites me just now….

"Aaaaaa…. I am bitten by a snake, a snake., I will not live any more. Doctor, hospital, ambulance. Fuck!!! where you all are? I will complain to the police... no.., no, I will complain to the chief minister. Fuck…, I will complain about you all to the Prime minister and the President of the country.", Brice was holding his one leg with his both hands and jumping on one leg.

If anyone would have been going down the road, they might have taken him as mad and would have called the police to send him to a mental asylum. But fortunately, the KTV was closed and there were no people there. Also, the guard was half asleep on the chair, he was sitting on.

Then he saw that he was fine and his leg was also not injured. A few meters away from where he was standing that time he saw a phone lying there.

"Fuck!! how the hell you fell from the sky? Even if you fell from a building why did you fall parabolic? Doing gymnastics in the air?", Brice cursed looking at the phone.

His eyes again fell on the man on the rooftop of the building. He was cursing and praying at the same time before going to jump.

There is really someone who wants to jump from the building and this phone is his only which he threw from there. He was happy the phone itself didn't come to hit him.

He picked up the mobile phone and rushed to the distant building entering the large main gate of it.

This was an office building and apart from the security guard sleeping on the gate, there was also a security guard downstairs on the door.

The security guard at the main door of the building saw Brice coming by running towards him. He prepared himself to stop him.

"Hey.. you boy where are you going? Wait…", the security guard at the main door tried to stop him.

"Get the hell out of my way.", Brice threw several hundred dollar notes from his pocket directly. This was the same as it was shown and promoted on TV. Money can solve almost all problems on the Earth. Just you got to have that fucking money in your account!!

The security guard was stupid and after seeing a lot of hundred dollar notes fleeing which Brice threw, instead of catching Brice, he started collecting the money which was thrown on the ground.

But when collecting those money the security guard turned to look for Brice, he had already disappeared from his eyesight.

"What happened just now? Is it really some angel sent by the god of wealth who just passed now?", The security guard whispered and then looked at the money he hadn't collected and that was lying on the ground.

"Fuck!! the money is on the ground. What I am waiting for? Someone to come and pick for me. Let others see me picking up this and I would have to share or if some senior came I have to give an explanation and then also, the other party will have a larger mouth to eat.", While speaking these words he started collecting the money as fast as he can. He only feared that no one should come and see him at this moment.

Inside the building…

Brice was inside the elevator going to the top and the elevator was going rapidly in an upwards direction. Also, almost all the employees of the company had already left then who would be there to come and stop the elevator to enter? There might be a few late-night workaholics and a few security guards yawning or half asleep at their desks like the one outside the building at the premise's main gate.


A sound came from the elevator and it opened. This was the top floor of the building. Brice rushed and found the rooftop entrance and went up.

There he saw a man who was really standing to jump from the top of the building. He was standing at the edge of the rooftop.

"Still cursing and babbling…. You think you are so special that people will cry and stop you from jumping down. Even if you think so and wanted to jump to give it a try and that too at night when even an insect won't give a fuck to you then you can jump. What problem would I have? But why the hell you threw your mobile phone on me? You know I was scared to death. The phone you threw just hit my leg and I thought some poisonous snake bites me and I would have died of a heart attack there only. Haven't you heard of that experiment where a prisoner who was sentenced to death was brought for an experiment and there they brought a very poisonous snake and then let it come toward the prisoner and they covered his eyes? Although the prisoner wasn't aware that the poison of the snake was already been taken out. The prisoner felt the snake roaming on him and he was scared to death with his eyes covered. He was shouting with fear and was praying that the snake didn't bite him. The man suddenly felt that something pinned him and he thought the snake bite him and he died on the spot. But in reality, the scientist themselves pinned the prisoner with a pin and even the snake didn't bite him. After his death, he was sent for an autopsy and you would be surprised to know that it was different from what others thought about his death. He didn't die of a heart attack but he actually died of poison that flowed in his blood. This shocked the whole team of scientists and doctors because before the experiment the prisoner has gone through a full body checkup and that too several times to confirm he is really fit."., Brice Turned said non-stopping.

The man who was just going to jump from the building was confused as he looked at Brice. Is this boy an idiot or what? He was going to jump from the building to end his life and he came here just because he was hit by my phone. Moreover, for the last several minutes, he was telling a story and didn't even bother to ask me if I was interested in listening to him. And, he didn't even know what a man who was going to end his life has to do with this story.

The man looked at Brice for a few more minutes still confused and then he turned back to jump.

"Still not giving me the answer. I want an explanation now.", Brice yelled from the back.

The man then again turned his front towards Brice. Is he really an idiot? What answer does he want from a man who is just going to jump to die? Does his answer matter more than my life?

The man was frustrated and shouted at Brice.

"Who the hell are you/ and why do you come here?", the man yelled at Brice.

This time Brice looked at the man carefully, he was a middle-aged man and through his looks and dress-up, he looked really successful in his life. Brice then became a little curious, how can such a man end up his life like this? Why does he want to jump off a building and end up his life?

Brice wanted to ask these things and tried to move towards him.

"Don't come near me.", The middle-aged man scolded Brice looking at him.

Brice had no plans to stop him.

He sat down seeing a neat place on the ground away from the man.

"To be honest, I never saw anyone jumping from the building in reality. Some people say the stock market jumps down when it suffers losses. I also heard many people jump the building in the city too. But I didn't have the chance to view it with my own eyes yet. Since I didn't see it earlier. Today, I have got the chance and I don't want o miss it.", Brice Turner said it with a smile on his face.

The middle-aged man looked at Brice like a fierce lion who was just shot by the hunter and was still half alive waiting for the hunter to come near him and he would use his last breath to kill him directly.

The man was so much angry that even he wanted to ignore Brice but he couldn't ignore him. This was the time he wanted to die peacefully as he has no face to show to the world but now this boy came and mocked him from time to time whenever he wants to jump from the rooftop of his office building.

"Are you looking down on me? Boy, you are like this because you don't know about me. I tell you…. I used to be a billionaire. Do you get it?", the middle-aged man was so frustrated that he now scolded Brice.

In his heart, the middle-aged man thought that the other person is just a young man who recently step into the real world. How can he know the feeling of a person who was on the path of heaven and almost reached it but suddenly he fall directly to hell overnight without any stop in between?

"Really? You used to be a billionaire. Then you must have a company too. Am I right?", Brice asked him curiously.

"Are you kidding? Do you think working for someone 9 to 5 for six days a month can make you a billionaire? Even if you are the CEO of some of the world's top biggest companies but not the owner or founder or you don't have a large share in the company, I am gonna tell you.… you can't be a billionaire. You might have listened in the news that the biggest Tech giant's CEO or that company CEO got that much but in reality that is the compensation for something or a way of advertising the company. This is the way brilliant minds get attracted to it and work too hard to get that position. But Have you heard of a company having more than one CEO? Do you think it is possible for a company to have more than one CEO? No, no company do it. No company wants that the decisions of two decision-makers coincide and result in the company's loss. Now, telling about the CEO's salary of top tech giants if you are a hired CEO, the base will be $2 million to $4 million at most for a month. Now tell me have you heard of a hired CEO being in the same position for more than 10 years even for 10 years? You won't see that because 10 years is a long span of time in a company where major changes took place and now the owner even wants to change someone to a new so that new brilliant mind working at one of the top positions with new ideas come to lead others and execute new modern ways to get modern solutions for modern problems. Now, let us assume $5 million is the monthly salary of a CEO in a top tech giant company. Also, let us assume he has been CEO for 10 years and is now going to retire. The total will be $600 million and if you add compensation of $200 million or $300 million which I am unsure whether someone will get or not then also the total sum is more than $100 million far from being a billionaire. Now, talking of expenses, the company might bear some of your expenses and also get you an insurance but what about your family? Do you think the company will also bear their expenses? Now, since you are the CEO of a company you need to maintain the standards or the company will force you to maintain them, it is related to their reputation too. If you are on a business trip, it's okay, they can bear it for you but what about other things, you have to spend your own money and to maintain the standard it is not too low. Do you think only by working as a CEO of a company without any other investments or shares, you can be a billionaire? No, you definitely can't. Then how can you think of a normal person to be a billionaire working 9 to 5 in a company? Yes, I do have a company.", the man explained everything to Brice in a beautiful way with a serious tone.

Brice heard every single word of the man fully concentrating on it. He hasn't thought of it this way. This has changed the view of Brice looking at rich people. The people who are really rich and worked hard to get there are really fed up with their high-profile life. Although they wanted money and all types of comforts but they also want peace in their life, which they hardly get. Moreover, there are always threats to them in different ways which they have to tackle every day in life. Unlike those rich brats who misuse the money and power of their family and when some problem comes their family has to take care of it A luxurious life is not only a bed of roses but thorns are also there. Although, everyone wants that bed of roses even if they know about thorns but what can I say, we all have dreams. By the way, isn't Brice also worked as a salaried employee? But he is also a billionaire. Brice suddenly laughed in his heart, although he is a billionaire but he got those billion dollars by his luck. Also, he would like to thank Lara Jane, if he wouldn't have got there to meet her and jump into the lake after the breakup, would he have got so much money? Brice chuckled.

The man saw Brice silent for a few minutes and then sighed, he is only a young man.

Brice then looked at him curiously.

" You said you have a company. Then… can you please tell me what is the name of your company?", Brice asked.

"CLIFTON GROUP. The rooftop of the building on which you are standing is also one of the office buildings of our Clifton Group.", The middle-aged man said.

The man was just so eager to die but now it seemed that he found chatting with this boy is little fun. Why doesn't he enjoy some last moment of his life chatting with him?

"What? Clifton Group? Is it true?", Brice was really shocked hearing that. He remembered when he just entered the gate of the premises of the building he saw a board with something written on it like CLIF…. He was in a hurry to go inside and meet this man so didn't see it clearly. But now he has confirmed the words that were written on the board was obviously CLIFTON GROUP.

"YES…" The middle-aged man hummed.

"If this is Clifton Group's building and you say it it yours then aren't you Wilfred Clifton?", Brice asked.

"That's right. You guessed it correctly. I am Wilfred Clifton.", The middle-aged man nodded.

"Can you not brag so much? If you are Wilfred Clifton then I am Elon Musk Standing in Front of you! Although you want to die jumping off the building that you say is of Clifton Group but that does not mean you are the owner of Clifton Group named Wilfred Clifton. I don't even know whether this building is of Clifton Group as I just ran coz I was hit by the phone you threw. Even if it is of Clifton Group don't brag that you are Wilfred Clifton. At least not in front of me. Do I look like a fool to you who would believe whatever you say?", Brice rolled his eyes and said.

The person who was standing in front of him was really Wilfred Clifton and he is actually the owner of the Clifton Group. Brice had seen him on television before. The person's actions and other styles were the same as he saw on television. This person is quite high-profile and he achieved much by his hard work. He is a regular talk of the town. Many even took him as their idol. So, Brice recognized him in an instant when he said his name. Moreover, he was really the owner of Clifton Group and a billionaire but why he said he used to be a billionaire? Isn't he a billionaire now? Brice was curious about him. What happened to him recently? What had he gone through that a billionaire like him wanted to end up his life jumping from the rooftop of his office building? Brice became curious to know all these things and this man wanted to jump now. Although Brice is low-profile working as a security guard in the company, which he can buy whenever he wants but he didn't want to go through the same thing which this billionaire Wilfred Clifton has gone through. He didn't want to fall into the same trap as Wilfred fall. He didn't want to die early by doing suicide.