
The Awakening: Chronicles of a Transformed World

In a not-so-distant future, where humanity had ruthlessly dominated the Earth for centuries, a world-altering event unfolds when a deity awakens a dormant mountain, setting in motion a cataclysmic change. Humans, who had once tamed and exploited nature, suddenly find themselves powerless in the face of a reawakened Earth. The story follows Wali, our determined protagonist, who is determined to find his place in a world redefined by the deity's intervention. As he navigates a series of demanding exams that could shape his future, he discovers that success is no longer defined solely by human ambition and technology. With limited physical prowess, Wali must adapt and prove that he possesses the qualities and skills necessary to thrive in this transformed world.

monster_frightwolf · Urban
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4 Chs


As Wali stepped inside the plane, he was greeted by an ambiance of absolute luxury. Each student had their own personal seat that could be converted into a bed, complete with a screen for entertainment and a cup holder conveniently positioned in front of them. It was a level of comfort that left him pleasantly surprised.

With his suitcase in hand, Wali looked around for a place to store it. He spotted a high luggage rack and attempted to lift his heavy suitcase into it. However, as he struggled to heft it up, the suitcase suddenly slipped from his grasp, careening towards him.

In the nick of time, a hand darted out from behind him and snatched the falling suitcase with ease. Startled, Wali turned around to see a young man with a confident smile on his face. 

"Thanks for that," Wali said. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here."

"No problem," Alaric said with a smile. "I'm always happy to help a friend in need."

They shook hands, and Wali introduced himself.

"My name is Wali," he said. "I'm the one who topped the written exam." Wali said so he doesn't look like total useless.

"And I'm Alaric," Alaric replied. "I'm the one who topped the practical exam."

They both laughed, and Wali realized that he had already made a new friend.

They took their seats and started talking. They talked about their families, their hobbies, and their hopes and dreams for the future. Wali was surprised at how easily he could talk to Alaric. It felt like they had known each other their whole lives.

After a while, the flight attendant came around with drinks. Wali ordered a water, and Alaric ordered a soda.

"So," Alaric said, taking a sip of his soda. "What do you think of the plane so far?"

"It's amazing," Wali said. "I've never flown on a plane before."

"Me neither," Alaric said. "I'm really excited to be going to the academy."

"Me too," Wali said. 

They continued talking for a while . Alaric realized that he hasn't registered and Alaric went to his on seat. Wali couldn't understand what he meant by register. 

Wali was enjoying his screen time on his seat when he felt someone pick T up in her arms. He looked up and saw that it was the teacher who had come to take them to the N.A.M.T academy.

"Is this little guy yours?" the teacher asked.

"Yes, I made him," Wali replied.

The teacher laughed a little and said, "T, let me guess. You used a T-shaped life core."

Wali was a little embarrassed to admit that the teacher was right.

"No need to be embarrassed," the teacher said. "When I made my first robot, I named him V. Hearing that, Wali asked, "Did you use a V-shaped life core?"

The teacher nodded in approval and said, "Yes. It is very well built, and you have used magnetic parts."

"That's my strength," Wali said. "Robot and machine design, and the study and uses of the magnetic property of magnetic forces."

"So am I," the teacher said. "Not only will I be your class teacher, but I will also be your subject teacher."

Wali was a little surprised to hear that. "Subject teacher?" he asked.

"Yes," the teacher said. "I teach robot and machine design."

Ari said "You call Ari mam." 

Saying that Ari went to check up on other students. 

Wali was excited to hear that he would be learning from a teacher who was also passionate about her field. He knew that he was going to learn a lot at the N.A.M.T academy.

After some time Alaric returned to Wali seat since he was getting bored alone and no one else was as friendly as Wali.

Rest of the way they spent talking to each other. 

When they got off the plane, they went to the baggage claim area to wait for their suitcases.

"So, are we friends?" Wali asked "Or this all ends here?"

"No way," Alaric said. "We're just getting started. We're going to be friends for a long time."

Wali smiled. "I hope so."

They shook hands again, and then they went to get their suitcases.

Wali was excited to start his new life at the academy, and he was even more excited to have made a new friend like Alaric. He knew that they were going to have a lot of great adventures together.