
The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

One bad day is all it takes to send an average man to the fringes of madness, or so a wise, demented clown once said. But if one bad day that started with getting fired and ended with a meteor falling over one such average man's head didn't drive him insane, then maybe waking up in a fictional world full of monsters would do the trick? ... Are you sick of the usual power-wank, wish-fulfillment garbage? Are you tired of one-dimensional fanfiction protagonists? Have you had your fill of monotonous monologues and forced dialogues? Do you want to see steady, slow character development and power level growth? If you answered yes to all those questions, then congratulations! This is the story for you! ... I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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321 Chs

Immortality Is Overrated #225

"Why is everyone so obsessed with immortality...?" I muttered, scratching my head as I looked at the four creatures, who promptly began bragging about their immortality after Azareuz's speech.

It's something I never understood, even in my past life. What's the point of living if you're not going to die eventually? Would you even have the motivation to improve yourself, knowing you had all the time in the world?

Would you even be able to enjoy anything after experiencing everything countless times, knowing you could do it all over again any time you wanted for all eternity?

"Sometimes I wonder about that myself..." Wonder Woman said, cutting off my chain of thought as she put on a bitter smile. "Either way, now is not the time for such deliberations," She went on as she took a deep breath and regained her neutral expression.

"Now is the time for battle," The amazonian goddess exclaimed, letting out a battle cry as she drew her sword and flew toward the four creatures without waiting for a reply.

Superman gave me an enquiring glance after he watched Wonder Woman charge the enemy, and I got the hint. "I need to keep some distance and focus," I remarked, shrugging my shoulders as I retrieved the crystal and Leviathan Axe from my inventory.

"I don't know what these things are capable of, so it's better to hold them down before... you know," I concluded, holding the crystal with my right and the axe in my left as I stepped back.

The man of steel merely nodded at me before flying off and charging the four creatures, to which I took a deep breath and frowned as I poured my focus and energy into the crystal and the axe, preparing to provide support.

Superman quickly closed the distance, and Wonder Woman noticed his approach as she dodged an attack from Zorrm before catching its mechanical hand and throwing it in the Kryptonian's direction.

The man of steel didn't question it as he punched at the creature's face and sent it flying high into the air. And before the beast could react, my axe shot straight into its chest, freezing it instantly.

Super Man didn't spare Zorrm another glance as he flew past him while the latter fell to the ground. He quickly reached his destination and tackled Yurrd, catching him by the neck and flying up as the latter tried to lunge at Wonder Woman.

The amazonian goddess merely nodded at Superman before moving behind Ragga, gripping the back of his head and bashing his face against my axe as it flew right behind the Kryptonian.

The weapon's blunt side crashed into Ragga's face, cracking its skull and smashing the metallic parts on its face before promptly freezing it on the spot.

Wonderman let go of the creature and flew towards the last horseman of the apocalypse as Superman dived to the ground while holding Yurrd, crushings the beast's torso into the ground.

My axe quickly froze Yurrd, turning it into an ice sculpture before flying behind the two heroes, who promptly closed the distance and began thrashing Azareuz.

"Damned bone bags!" Azareauz bellowed, struggling to swing its scythe as Wonder Woman and Superman tossed his around like a rag doll, breaking its bones with every strike they landed.

"Enjoy your victory while you can! My brothers and I will not rest--" Again, that was all the winged creature could say before my axe was buried into its face, turning him into the world's ugliest frozen figure.

"If only I had a nickel for every time someone said that..." I remarked to no one in particular, chuckling as I slowly flew toward Super Man and Wonder Woman, levitating the three frozen creatures behind me.

"Step back, please," I asked as I tossed the three frozen creatures on top of their brothers and retrieved my axe, then turned to the two heroes, who shared a brief glance before flying away.

I raised my hand over my head and channeled my energy into it, creating a fireball that rapidly grew until it was two times bigger than me before shooting it toward the four creatures as I dissipated the ice encasing their bodies.

The grotesque beasts instantly turned to dust, and I could feel four bursts of energy leaving their bodies, to which I immediately activated the lodestone crustal and drew them into it.

The crystal began shaking in my hand and cracking for a second, but it quickly settled down and mended itself before I could even frown or start worrying, much to my relief.

"Immortality isn't so nice when you have to spend an eternity inside some raggedy ass crystal, is it?" I muttered, chuckling as I playfully tossed the crystal before storing it in my inventory.

"What do you intend to do with that thing?" Superman asked, frowning as he flew down and stopped before me, followed by Wonder Woman, who had the same concerned expression.

"The crystal has enough energy to wipe out an entire country..." The man of steel continued, raising an eyebrow as he crossed his arms, to which the amazonian goddess nodded.

"Should anything go wrong, many lives will be lost including yours. Are you able to safe-keep or destroy it?" Wonder Woman asked, the warning clear in her tone as she looked straight into my eyes.

"As long as the Lodestone crystal is in my dimensional storage, it will be in time stasis," I replied with a shrug, shaking my head. "If it can work on a magical nuke seconds away from blowing up, it'll work on the crystal," I added, barely resisting the urge to chuckle at the two heroes' stunned expressions.

"That is even more concerning, to say the least..." Wonder Woman said, trailing at the end of her sentence and frowning as she turned to Superman, seemingly having a silent conversation with the latter.

"But you have proven your strength of character..." The amazonian goddess said after a brief pause as she turned away from the man of steel and toward me.

"If you say you can handle it, then I'm more than willing to put my trust in you," Wonder Woman calmly added, to which the man of steel nodded in approval at her words.

"However, that trust only extends to you and no one else..." She said, trailing off as she gave a meaningful look. "Especially not the likes of Veronica Kale," The amazonian goddess, causing me to pause, taken aback as I was.

'Yup, this woman is definitely scary...' I mused, barely resisting the bitter smile tugging at my lips. "Yes, ma'am," I replied without hesitation, much to Wonder Woman's satisfaction, as she nodded in approval.

I wasn't planning to give the crystal to Veronica Cale anyway since I didn't know if she could safe keep it, and I didn't trust her not to get any strange ideas about it either.

I was out of my element here since I don't remember reading about her in the comics, but she looked and acted as shady as they came, what with being a wealthy scientist surrounded by bodyguards, which is always a red flag.

I never said I'd give her the crystal back either, merely telling her I'd find her before I took off. I'm also more than capable of studying the crystal and finding a way to destroy it alongside the four horsemen's spirits whenever I had the time, so I had no reason to hand it over to anyone.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a vacation to get back to..."


The Rock of Eternity

"There is no point in struggling, child..." Black Adam calmly said, frowning as he looked down on a tied-up, depowered Billy Batson, struggling against the ropes binding him in vain.

"The wizard is no more, and you fell to the same ploy you used to deprive me of my might," The former champion said, raising the scarab necklace in his hand and extending it towards Billy Batson.

"Even your sister sees that our cause is just," The protector of Kahndaq said as he lowered his hand and turned to Mary Marvel, causing her to look away from her brother with a guilty look.

"The world is filled with evil. Your lack the will to cleanse, but we don't, so rest easy," Black Adam said as he looked straight into Billy Batson's eyes while the latter merely glared at him in silence.

"We will succeed where you and the wizard failed," The former champion said as he turned away from Billy Batson and looked at Isis, who was casting a spell on the Rock of Eternity. "How much longer?" He asked his wife, causing her to stop what she was doing.

"It's not a matter of time," Isis replied with a sigh, shaking her head. "I can take control of the rock, but its power has diminished..." She went on, her expression shifting slightly.

"We need more energy..."


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