
The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)

One bad day is all it takes to send an average man to the fringes of madness, or so a wise, demented clown once said. But if one bad day that started with getting fired and ended with a meteor falling over one such average man's head didn't drive him insane, then maybe waking up in a fictional world full of monsters would do the trick? ... Are you sick of the usual power-wank, wish-fulfillment garbage? Are you tired of one-dimensional fanfiction protagonists? Have you had your fill of monotonous monologues and forced dialogues? Do you want to see steady, slow character development and power level growth? If you answered yes to all those questions, then congratulations! This is the story for you! ... I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
321 Chs

Comic Relief #98

"This will be your room... you may wait here and spectate the fight through the television or join your companions in the VIP spectators area to watch the fights until it's your turn," The Penguin henchman explained as he opened the door that had nothing but a couch, a locker, and television.

He had taken me through the bar into the Iceberg Lounge's basement, which was way bigger than I imagined, big enough to fit a whole-ass fighting ring complete with a spectators' stand that could comfortably fit at least 1000 people.

There are also the contestant's rooms and other areas that were restricted, but you get the idea. The place was huge, with a high roof, and we had to take an elevator to get here, which got me wondering how deep The Penguin borrow goes.

Get it? Cause it's the penguin and not a rabbit. No? Well, fuck you then; I thought it was funny.

In any case, the henchman, who showed up in the upstairs waiting room, accompanied us to this floor, then left me with this guy to take Benjamin and Richard to the so-called VIP spectator's area as they weren't allowed here.

I looked around the room and quickly shook my head at the idea of staying here. It was probably intended for the contestants to get changed and ready for the fights, but I already had my gear on, and there wasn't much preparation I needed to do in the first place.

"I prefer to spectate the fights with my companions," I blankly said as I turned away from the room without stepping inside and looked at the henchman.

"As you wish. Please follow me, and I will take you here. However, please keep in mind that you must return here sometime before you are called to the ring," The henchman said, nodding as he began walking, politely gesturing for me to follow.

"Someone will come to notify you to return to your room when the time comes," the henchman added as he briefly turned to see if I was following before increasing his pace.

"Who gets to participate in the tournaments, by the way?" I asked as I walked behind the henchmen, keeping up with his pace and maintaining several steps between us. "Do you allow anyone to participate?" I added quickly.

"Many people came here to join the tournament, but not everyone was allowed to partake in it," the henchman immediately replied without halting his stride.

"Only people of particular renown such as yourself were allowed to join the fights," He added as he raised his hand to his mouth to clear his throat.

"There were some exceptions for people with exceptional martial prowess but little renown," The henchman went on and paused for a second, hesitating before he continued.

"And then there were those who were only allowed to fight, solely for their entertainment value..." The henchman concluded with a hard-to-read tone, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Entertainment value... you say...?" I remarked, my tone curious, as I halted my steps in surprise for a second before I resumed walking to catch up with the henchman.

"Indeed. You will understand once you see the first fight..." the henchman replied, trailing at the end of his sentence, and I understood he had no intention to elaborate further, promoting me to drop the subject and follow him in silence.


"Here we are. Please enjoy the show," the henchman said as he stopped and beckoned me into a relatively small rectangular room with fancy seats, cryptically smiling before he left.

I wordlessly watched him leave before I turned to survey the room. It had a big window at the end, overlooking the arena with comfortable-looking chairs and tables full of delicacies next to them.

I quickly found Richard and Benjamin sitting in the middle in front of the window, the latter enjoying the presented snacks. But I didn't stop looking around, trying to find other contestants.

However, all I saw (other than Richard and Benjamin) were suit and dress-wearing, likely filthy-rich assholes with masks covering their faces, whispering amongst each other as they noticed my presence.

I scoffed, ignoring their presence as I turned to make my way to Richard and Ben after finding no sign of other contestants around the VIP spectating room.

"Oh, look. The kid is here," Ben said as he stuffed his mouth full of chocolate cake, jabbing Richard in his side as he turned to me and smiled, ignoring the looks the rich assholes sent him.

Richard merely turned to me and smiled before reverting his focus on the arena as I arrived and found no empty seat next to them.

"You're in my seat," I said as I turned to the guy sitting next to Richard, with a table full of beverages and snacks separating them, and he merely stared at me in shock, seemingly not knowing what to do and how to reply.

"You deaf, bitch? Get lost," I added as I stepped in the guy's direction, but he still didn't get the hint, prompting me to sigh. I gripped the collar of his fancy suit and pushed him away, quickly taking a seat.

Benjamin couldn't help but laugh, while Richard just shook his head and sighed as the guy I yeeted off the seat kept staring at me in shock and confusion.

"Is there a problem?" I asked as I reached into my pocket and retrieved Ebony out of my inventory, placing it on the table, and the guy finally got the hint.

He stood up, dusted himself, and left to find another seat, but not before giving me a nasty glare. And yes, I knew what it was despite the guy wearing a mask, thanks to my empathy.

"Oh! Now you've gone done pissed off Mr. tweed-pants," Benjamin said without bothering to hide his amusement as he loudly laughed, causing the rich guy to hasten his steps and quickly leave in embarrassment.

"Who cares? What gives?" I said, shrugging as I chuckled and turned to look at the empty arena, to which the other rich, masked assholes finally got over their shock at my actions and resumed murmuring.

"Touche. One of The Penguin's henchmen said the first fight would start in a couple of minutes before you showed up," Benjamin said as he retrieved a golden coated cupcake and started munching.

"Say what you will about The Penguin, but the guy definitely knows how to eat," he added as he finished the cupcake with a second bite and turned to the table to fetch his next snack.

"Dude... you know I'm wearing a mask, right...? Have some fucking sympathy, will you?" I said, my eyes twitching under my riot gear as I watched stuffing treat after treat into his mouth.

"Fuck it..." I murmured as I turned to the table next to me and proceeded to store everything in my inventory, much to Ben's amusement, as he loudly cackled, getting Richard's attention.

"Will you two grow up already...?" Richard said, rubbing his forehead in frustration as he sighed, but it did little to stop Benjamin as he kept laughing and stuffing his mouth.

Benjamin and I spent the next couple of minutes just like that, bickering and annoying Richard until some guy in a mask and a pianist suit walked into the middle of the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen. The moment you've been waiting for has come, the fights will soon begin, and I will be acting as your announcer on this fine evening," the man said, as he dramatically spread his arms and spun in place as the spectators clapped in excitement.

"And so, without further ado, allow me to introduce the combatants of the first round," the announcer said as he relaxed his arms, allowing them to fall to his sides.

"In the right gate, we have a face you are all familiar with, someone you will all surely recognize," the announcer exclaimed as he turned to a tunnel-like entrance at the right side of the arena.

"The man responsible for the design of the most hideous vehicle to ever grace the streets of Gotham, the Joker-mobile," the announcer added, causing me to frown as I detected the mockery in his tone.

"A master thief, mechanic, and aviationist. Give it up for the one and only Kite Man!" The announcer concluded as a man dressed in a full-body bright green suit with a literal kite hanging over his shoulder stepped into the arena from the right.

Kite Man's lips were stretched from ear to ear as he walked into the center of the arena next to the announcer, basking in the applause of the spectators. However, something was wrong.

Everyone was clapping, including the people in the VIP room, but instead of cheers, the rich assholes were openly mocking Kite Man and laughing their asses off.

'So that's what the henchman meant by entertainment values...' I realized as I looked around me and noticed the mocking grins the rich assholes had while looking at Kite Man.

'Poor dude... looks like the comic readers weren't the only ones to view him as mere comic relief...'


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