
The Average Adventurer With a Luck Ability Was Promoted to S-Rank

In a world where destiny intertwines with choice, meet Velvet Goon Kaiser—an ordinary adventurer who bravely left behind a life of privilege. Armed only with a goddess-bestowed passive ability of luck, he embarks on a solitary journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. As fate unfolds, Velvet finds himself not just battling foes and exploring uncharted territories, but also gradually attracting a captivating array of lovers who become his companions on this adventure. Join him as he navigates challenges and deepening relationships, where fortune smiles upon the bold and love blossoms in the most unexpected ways!

Hatsu_Poralu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Secrets of the Deserted Haven [Part 2]

An island filled with mysterious happenings, where the unexpected lurked around every corner. What could possibly go wrong? Everything, I assumed, as I stood trembling after a device unexpectedly exploded in my hands. From the smoke emerged a figure: a girl with striking greenish hair, clad in a maid's outfit.

"Thank goodness I didn't explode!" I thought, my heart racing as I tried to calm my frayed nerves.

"Let me ask again, are you my master?" the girl with the prosthetic limbs questioned, her voice tinged with an unsettling monotone.

I blinked in disbelief. "Uh, you sure you got the right person?" I stammered, attempting to process the bizarre situation unfolding before me.

"Certain," she replied robotically, her gaze unwavering.

"You have a very interesting voice, I must say," I complimented, my eyes involuntarily scanning her form, taking in the peculiarities of her mechanical body.

"What do you think you're doing, Velvet?" Ariel, my sharp-tongued companion, glared at me before delivering a swift whack to my head.

"I deserve that, sorry for worrying you girls," I apologized sincerely, rubbing the back of my head as the embarrassment washed over me.

To my surprise, instead of reprimanding me further, Ariel, Ruka, and Poru engulfed me in a group hug, their arms clinging tightly around me. I stood still, feeling a mix of warmth and bewilderment. It was only logical to remain calm in a situation as surreal as this, right?

"As you can see, whoever you are, I'm quite in a pickle, don't you think?" I nervously addressed the unknown girl, feeling a tinge of panic as the gravity of the situation settled in.

"It seems you are. Want me to join in?" she asked, her mechanical voice conveying an odd blend of innocence and mischief.

"That's unnecessary," I said quickly, trying to regain control. "But since we're here, can I start off by asking what you are and what your name is?"

"I have no name; I am a robot created by a hero named Liam. Will that suffice?" she replied, her expression devoid of any emotion.

"Then I'll give you a name. How about Noira?" I proposed, watching as her appearance subtly shifted in response.

"Yes, that's a good name," she said, her voice brightening as she stepped closer to me.

With a sudden movement, Noira hugged me tightly, causing an unexpected flutter in my chest. I was taken aback, feeling both embarrassed and slightly reluctant about having another girl in our team. Yet, I was surprised by her softness; she felt more human than any robot I had encountered, and her chest seemed to boast a larger bust than the other three girls combined.

"I need confirmation of you being my master," she whispered, her mechanical gaze piercing through my uncertainty, and then, to my shock, she kissed me.

Caught off guard, I felt a rush of warmth and confusion. This was certainly not how I envisioned this encounter going. Noira then added, "This kiss is a contract for marriage."

Polygamy? I pondered internally, unsure if this was acceptable. But as I weighed my options, I realized I had little choice and decided to go with the flow.

"Though, I must say, you girls seem oddly calm about all this," I remarked, glancing at them as they continued to cling to me, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and acceptance.

"Well, it's not like you can have intercourse with her, right? And it's all fake, isn't it? So, we're okay with it," they replied, eyeing Noira with a hint of suspicion.

I noticed that Noira seemed out of her depth, struggling to understand the dynamics of our group. She wore a slight frown, which prompted me to comfort her, creating a strange tension. When I jokingly suggested that she could indeed have intercourse, it sent shockwaves through all of us, leaving us momentarily speechless.

"Let's discuss this another time," I quickly interjected, trying to redirect the conversation. "Oh, Noira, do you know how to get out of here by any chance?"

"Yes. Would you like the fast way or the slow way?" she asked, her voice imbued with a playful tone.

"Fast!" I exclaimed, eager to leave this cave of chaos behind.

With that, she grasped us all firmly, instructing us to hold on tight. In a flash, we rocketed upward from the cave, our cheeks flapping in the rush of wind, screams erupting from our lungs as Noira let out a robotic laugh that somehow managed to sound endearing.

After what felt like an eternity of tumbling through the air, we landed abruptly on the island. Noira, ever the composed one, instructed us to calm down. "Here we are!"

I took a moment to catch my breath, only to feel my heart drop as I pointed nervously at the creature lurking behind her. "Noira…"

"Oh, don't worry," she assured me with an unsettling smile.

"What do you mean—" I began, but before I could finish my question, a screech erupted from the monster.

Noira stood unfazed, making mechanical sounds as she prepared to confront the creature. To my astonishment, with a swift motion, she obliterated it into smithereens, leaving me stunned.

"My storage is already full; guess we'll bag it…" I muttered, feeling a mix of sorrow and bewilderment as the remnants were gathered into a bag that Ariel had handed to Ruka.

Poru approached Noira, her eyes sparking with electricity as she examined the robotic girl. I quickly intervened, breaking the tense moment and urging them to be friends in this peculiar situation.

"Oh, I have a brilliant idea!" I suddenly exclaimed. "Ruka, can you transmit your memory magic to Noira? Maybe she can take us back to our hometown?"

"Sure," Ruka agreed, focusing intently as she directed her magic toward Noira, who absorbed it almost instantly.

"Okay, shall we go?" Noira asked, her enthusiasm infectious as she held us once more.

"You're not thinking of doing that to us again, are you?" we blurted out in unison, panic rising in our voices as we begged her not to launch us into the sky again.

"Hold on tight this time. You'll need it," she teased, a mischievous glint in her robotic eyes.

If Ariel, Ruka, and Poru were tempered, blunt, and straightforward, Noira seemed to embody a more devious spirit. At least she fit in with the girls, much to my relief.

"No more!" we cried out mid-flight, feeling sick and dizzy from the rapid movements.

Time warped, hours that felt like mere minutes slipped by, and soon Noira landed us safely outside my house. After our wild journey, I collapsed to the ground, exasperated. "Never do that again, please," we pleaded, still reeling from the experience.

"Duly noted," Noira replied, her tone sincere as she helped us back to our feet.

Suddenly, Noira tensed, her sensors picking up danger. In an instant, she knocked down a stranger who had approached from behind. We sighed collectively, relieved when we realized it was just a drunken man stumbling about.

"Ah…" she murmured, visibly embarrassed by her actions.

"Don't worry about it; we all make small mistakes," I reassured her, rubbing her head affectionately. She took my hands in hers, her cheeks flushing a soft shade of pink.

"By the time this is over, we're going to have a chat with that robot, got that girls?" Ruka whispered to Ariel and Poru, a serious look in her eyes that I unfortunately missed.

"Yes, I'll be waiting for a delightful conversation," Noira responded, her smile unwavering.

"What are you girls talking about?" I asked, feeling left out but receiving no answer. I sighed, resigned to their secrets.

With that, we decided to head to the guild to complete our quest. Ariel pulled out a blank license, handing it to Noira with instructions to keep it safe. As we made our way through the bustling streets, I couldn't shake the feeling of being scrutinized by the townsfolk. Their gazes were heavier, directed at me with newfound interest after Noira joined us.

"Haha…" I let out a nervous laugh, feeling the weight of their attention.

Once Noira was registered, we all agreed to find a place to eat. However, our options dwindled quickly, as most restaurants were closed. "Let's just cook at home," I suggested, sensing a growing hunger among us.

"So, anything in particular you all want to eat?" I asked as we walked.

"Velvet's homestyle hamburger!" Ruka declared excitedly.

"I'll have the same!" Poru wagged her tail, enthusiasm radiating from her.

"I'll just have something light to eat, maybe your homemade spaghetti?" Ariel pondered, finally settling on the choice.

Noira stood silently, her eyes wide as she contemplated her meal, perhaps uncertain due to her lack of culinary experiences.

"Don't think about it too much, Noira. I'll whip up something delicious for you. I'm sure you'll love it," I assured her, smiling at her uncertain expression.

She nodded, her happiness evident as we made our way home. Hours passed as I prepared the meal, pouring my heart into the dishes. When everything was finally ready, I laid it out on the table, exhaustion mingling with anticipation.

We gathered around, laughter and chatter filling the air as we dug into the meal. Noira, ever curious, marveled at the taste, her face lighting up with joy.

"This is amazing!" she exclaimed, her mechanical voice brimming with emotion.

"Glad you liked it," I replied, feeling warmth spread through me at her words.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over our gathering, I felt a sense of belonging wash over me. The journey ahead was uncertain, but I was grateful to have these girls by my side—my companions in this strange, beautiful adventure.

Hey there, wonderful readers! First off, I want to thank you all for your amazing support! Your enthusiasm keeps my creative gears turning, even when life gets a little hectic (thanks for your patience!).

As I was writing this chapter, I had a blast diving into the dynamics between the characters—especially how Noira’s enigmatic nature brings out the best (and sometimes the most chaotic) moments with the others! Who knew riddles could be so entertaining?

And hey, if you enjoyed this chapter, don’t forget to give it a bookmark! If you’ve already done so—high fives all around!

If you have any wild ideas or comments that push the boundaries of my imagination, throw them my way! I'm all ears. And if there's something specific you’d like to see explored, don’t hesitate to ask. Your input is like rocket fuel for my creativity!

Thanks again for joining me on this adventure! Your feedback means the world to me. Oh, and a special shoutout to the AI that assisted me in crafting this!

With endless gratitude and a sprinkle of humor,


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