Cybertron, Kaon: Battle Pit
It has been two months since Oden had his fight with Killer bee. In the past two months Oden has been focusing on strengthening his body as well as building up his speed. With his current strength he was now able to fight with Killer bee and win 6 out of 10 fights without entering his drunken fist style. Killer bee taught him how to do his tornado move, and helped him increase his swordsmanship.
Within the two months he was able to win all his matches with no problem. Today is the final match of the amateur division and he is confident that he will win due to his skill and strength. He made his way to the middle of the pit for the last time at his division. The commentators once again started their rant.
"Good night femmes and mechs tonight is the last night of the amateur division fights. On the left side we have the fan favourite dark sword Ooodenn!"
"On the right side we have blue speeder Blurr!"
"One thing that I can say is that Blur is fast, maybe Oden won't be able to catch him."
"Nonsense Oden may not be as fast as Blur but he is skilled. He was able to defeat Killer bee."
The commentators bantered for a minute about who is the better bot before finally starting the match. As soon as the match started Oden drew his swords out but then felt a punch on his face before he could even take his swords out. The punch wasn't strong but he was surprised that he was hit that quickly.
Looking behind him Oden saw Blur standing up looking at him with a smirk on his face. Then Blur began to talk very fast.
"I know you were not expecting that, I mean look at your face you are so shocked, You were like did I really just get punched in the face in a second. You are just too sl."
Right before Blur was finished talking he had to quickly tilt his face to the side dodging a sword. He turned his face and looked at the sword in disbelief no one has ever come that close to hurting him. As soon as he turned his face back around he got kneed in the face by Oden.
"You talk too much kid, this is a fight."
Blur quickly got up and ran to Oden and sent a kick to his temple Oden dodged the kick and sent Blur flying with a kick of his own to Blur's stomach. Blur got up rubbing the bit of energon that ran down his lip.
"How were you able to catch me? I am the fastest bot in Kaon."
"You may be the fastest bot in Kaon but I am skilled enough to anticipate your move before you do it and allow me to strike when you are off guard."
With that Oden rushed at Blur. Seeing Oden coming Blur ran towards him taking out the small mace on his waist and swung at Oden's face. This time Oden was unable to dodge in time getting hit in the face but before Blur could celebrate a sword swung at his face. Blur could only raise his mace up to block the slash but it was cut in two.
Blur quickly retreated on the other end of the arena. Oden used this time to retrieve his other sword that he threw at Blur. Calming down Blur went after Oden again but this time he sent punches and kicks at the same time to take down Oden. He was able to hit Oden, but for each time he hit him he was rewarded by a more powerful attack that started to hurt him. Blur had to retreat another time to take a break but before he could run off, Oden sent a spinning kick to Blur's face. Right before it could hit Blur raised his hand up to block it. This sent him to the other side of the arena falling down on the ground.
"Ahh ahh ahh my hand."
Blur began to cry out, the kick was able to break his hand. He has never been this hurt. Blur was an experimental bot created with the experimental red energon infused in his spark. Even though the experiment was successful granting him super speed he consumed too much energon moving at speeds which he was unable to control. This caused him to be thrown into Kaon to work as an energon miner, he quickly turned to fighting in the pits due to his need for constant supply of energon. He only stayed in the amateur division to avoid bots that were too tuff to defeat but today he encountered a really strong foe.
"Listen Blur give up, I don't want to hurt you anymore, kid."
Oden tried to reason with Blur not wanting to hurt the young bot too badly. Although he was young himself he still regained the mentality of his adult self. He didn't want to hurt a kid. Blur quickly got up again, his eyes turning red and he attacked Oden at super speed, slashing him with his small knife all over his body causing small cuts to appear all over Oden's body. Oden bears through the attacks and as soon as Blur stopped he was going to knock him out, but Blur fell down passing out due to over use of energon.
Everyone in the audience was shocked, they were unable to see Blur while he attacked Oden just now. They all thought that he would win but then he suddenly passed out. The commentators had their jaws open by the display, but being experts they quickly commented on the fight.
"And in a shocking turn of events Oden was able to win against Blur!"
"I have to say looking at Oden leaking energon from those small cuts all over his body I thought it was over for him. Who would have thought that Blur would just pass out like that."
As soon as they were done, bots came to get Blur and bring him to the medbay. Oden followed to make sure that he would be alright. On his way he met up with Showdown who followed him to the medbay.
"I knew you would win, kid but in that last part I thought he had you kid. This is a job well done. In the next month you will be able to move onto the next division and pretty soon you will be able to fight in the expert division. I even got to talk to the masters of the pits. I will be able to get you to skip divisions with the skills that you have."
Oden stopped Showdown from speaking then looked at him with a bit of guilt. This got Showdown nervous.
"Hey kid what's the issue?"
"Listen Showdown I know you are excited for me to move up divisions but right now I need a challenge so I can develop my skills more. Based on what I have seen watching the other divisions I won't be able to progress more if I continue fighting in the pits."
"So what are you saying kid you want to leave the organization after all I have done."
"No I don't want to leave the organization you have done alot for me. For now though I do want to leave the pits and become a bounty hunter. I need to develop my skills more and I want to see other parts of Cybertron and maybe even parts outside Cybertron."
Hearing that Oden wasn't leaving the Organization Showdown was relieved. He was a little disappointed though that Oden was not going to fight in the pits anymore.
"So what should I do now kid. I am not angry at you but where can I find talent like yours again."
After Showdown was done Oden looked over at Blur then an idea came to his mind. His iconic grin split across his face.
"Haahahaha this kid here is pretty talented. Just have Buzzwire beat some skills into him then he could be as good as me. You will have another prized fighter."
Showdown listened to Oden then agreed. When Blur woke up he was told about this opportunity he of course accepted under the condition that he gets a constant supply of energon. Under this contract Showdown increased the percentage of his cut from Blur's pay due to this condition and in the end they were both happy.
Hi guys, it's your friendly author here. I hope you like this new chapter. With this chapter things are starting to pick up. The love interest will be coming in and soon the Cybertron war will begin, you will be able to see your favourite characters from Transformers Prime, Transformers animated series both the 80's one and the 2007 series. With that being said, thank you for all your support. I will try to post 2 more chapters tomorrow.