
The Author Who Found Himself In His Story

Having written his first story ever, Julius slept in excitement to turn his passion into a career. Expecting to wake up with his story still in his laptop, he opens his eyes inside the very story he wrote. When fiction and reality became harder to tell apart, he has to use all his experience to survive in the new world he found himself in.

Monobleee · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Magnus Oswin, an orphan who has just become of legal age. He was a person who loved reading, and a kid who fought for his life at a young age. Though burdened by his circumstances, he lives his life without even thinking he had it bad. He continued fighting no matter what and did so without backing down.

A fierce, somewhat untrusting, yet kind person.

But as commendable of a person as he is, working that much at such a young age has its side effects. Due to his constant working, he died at an early age due to implications and reincarnated in the world of Terra where he gained strength and lived an exciting and honorable life.

His background might seem familiar at first, but that's just because I wrote him while thinking of me.

Or at least who I wanted to be...

Apart from my desire to escape the real world, as it was a transmigration story, Magnus was a person who, as hard as his life was, continued pushing true and lived a life he didn't regret. No challenges or struggles were there to stop him or even make him run away from them.

When life is hard, it's almost impossible to want to give up. Yet here he is, a person who doesn't.

I wanted to be him who fought without backing down. I wished to be this person.

Magnus Oswin. "The Incarnation of WiIl"

Magnus is someone I wanted to be back then. Back when, I was making drafts for my story.

But anyway, that person is a real being now. And I'm here looking at him, with the same fierce looks in his eyes.

I don't know whether he came from the earth I was on. It was based on the real Earth when I was writing it, but it just makes me wonder if this world has its own. If I ever suddenly get pulled back, will it be my Earth or this universe's?


"Who the hell do you think you are, you little fucker? "Do you know who you're talking to, bastard? James continues to shout at Magnus, still seemingly enjoying all the attention on him.

"Do you think, just because that bitch hired you, you can just let your dirty mouth loose?"

James was currently being guarded by three individuals, while Magnus was alone. He wasn't with Jules or anyone he knew, so the crowd immediately knew what was happening. He's currently being surrounded by people who are looking at the scene with interest, expecting him to grovel on his knees.

But Magnus is who I wrote him to be. He's not someone you can easily bully.

"Apologize, right now. "Magnus, who was looking at James straight in the eyes, says without any hesitation. He was standing firmly while staring James down.

"Wha-what?" James looks at Magnus in confusion, as if he didn't expect the sudden turn of events. Just some random arms for hire didn't beg for forgiveness? This wasn't what should happen.

"I said apologize, "Magnus said with the same tone, looking at James in resolution.

"This bastard dares. "The guards who were with James shouted at Magnus in anger. As if they also didn't expect that response.

Is the whole family that stupid? I wondered. Even Harold, from the same family, was annoying. If not for the staff, who already saw Magnus's potential and were testing him, they all would've been punished for even holding the shaft of their blades and thinking of fighting without proper guidance.

"Oh damn, that guy has balls. "The crowd that was watching seems to have grown more and more interested in the fight as it grows bigger by the second.

A commotion picked up, talking about Magnus, and some even laughing at James, causing him to jump out of his confusion.

" What?! Shut up! "He screams at the crowd before looking at Magnus in rage.

" Who do you think you are?! You fucking pig! "James's face suddenly turns red as he soon comes to realize that the sudden laughter from the crowd was directed at him. The authority he had when he was showing it off earlier backfired.

He didn't expect a psychopath to suddenly treat him like that.

"HAHAHAHA, I can't believe this. It seems like the Bons only amount to this much, huh? "The crowd continues to laugh out loud, mainly the other noble families who were watching, loving the feeling of stepping down on someone else.

Despite everything, however, Magnus stayed firm and stared James down. This, in turn, caused James to grow even angrier by the second, as his provocations and little tantrums failed to work.

"This… Kill that bastard! "In the middle of throwing a fit, James shouts out loud as he points at Magnus in rage.

As he grew crazier and crazier, he decided to order his guards to kill someone. In the vicinity of Front, for that matter.

This crazy bastard... why did I even write this guy to be this way? I can't believe I made such a stupid person alive.

"You dare, stain the name of the young master. Prepare to get punished, you fool. " The guards who received the orders proceeded to rush at Magnus, fully brandishing the swords in their hands.

It seems like the entirety of that nobility is crazy. Even the guards.

Well, there's only one result here, no matter.




About three clashes of what seemed to be swords echoed throughout the area. It was so quick and loud that even though we couldn't see it, the sound and the aftermath were enough proof of what just transpired.

The guards who were rushing towards Magnus were stunned, as their hands, which were supposed to be brandishing weapons, were now empty. Their blades were nowhere close to them, which seemed to have flown away from their grasps.

Opposite them was Magnus, who was wielding a katana with his right hand, looking at the people in front of him with no change in his expression whatsoever.

"What the..." The crowd that was instigating the clash even more suddenly turns quiet as they look at the battle in awe.

"What just happened? "They wondered.

One second, they were gutting to kill this guy; the next, they were stupefied, with no swords in their hands.

They didn't expect it to happen at all.

"He blocked all of that in a single second? Even I can't do that. "

"Aren't those guards in the middle D ranks? "

"Does that mean... He's stronger than them? "

"Woah, doesn't that make him the same rank as Dante then? "

"It's a fucking genius! "

As the crowd seemed to have realized what just happened, they looked at Magnus in awe.

Another hidden genius in Front! And it seems like he's someone who could rival the Lux siblings.

I should get ready. Though I was amazed by Magnus's performance, I came here not to see the fight. It's what happens after.

As the crowd continues to absorb the information from the sudden exchange,.

"You..." James, who had his head down, ashamed by the whole ordeal, suddenly whispers as he puts his right hand in his coat, seemingly reaching out for something.

"You fucking bastard... dare to embarrass me like this?! I'll kill all of you?! "he suddenly shouts, causing the students in the area to go quiet as their focus shifts to James, who had a parchment of some sort in his hands.

A talisman…

A piece of paper that contains magic circles. Or a scroll in game terminology. In simple terms, it's a parchment that was made as a one-time-use item that forms magic without any restrictions for the user. Meaning, you don't have to be a mage to use it.

And this particular talisman was quite dangerous. A middle C-rank spell.

" Flame Pillar! Burn them! " James shouts, still maddened with anger.

Flames, which started to grow on top of the talisman, formed.

Panic started to ensue as the surrounding students looked at the flames in shock.

"You crazy bastard! Stop! "Some of the students ran, while the others rushed at him, trying to stop him. Even Magnus, who was the target of the talisman, started to run towards him, but they were all just a little bit too far.


Except for me.

This was what I was preparing for.


With a low kick, I took James down, causing the talisman to fail.

The students who were running stopped at the sight of me stopping him. However, they were still dazed by the sudden turn of events, as it all happened within the span of a few seconds.

You crazy bastard. Why did I even think this was a good idea to write?

Though nothing would happen regardless of my presence, as a fierce yet good-looking lady who had bright red hair and eyes, was supposed to handle this problem.

The same lady, standing in front of me, wearing a dress showcasing her sharp figure.

She was looking at him in annoyance, seemingly confused by the sudden turns of events that had just occurred.

Although they were trying to make James probe Magnus's actual strength, they didn't expect him to be crazy enough to pull something like that. Even the guards who were watching earlier were still a few seconds away, due to James's crazy actions and the large crowd that formed.

That's why this lady herself had to step in.

But well, I appeared.

Well, sorry, ma'am, but I wanted the benefit of taking care of this. I wanted to introduce myself to the hero and, of course, the vice president of Front.

Scarlet Hwang

" Nice to meet you. "

My golden ticket to success.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Monobleeecreators' thoughts