
The Author of Life

Thomas is a boy plagued with feelings of loneliness and isolation when one day, he discovers a mysterious box with the power to create life within it. Eager to escape his isolation, he becomes the Author of Life, shaping worlds and civilizations. As he grapples with his newfound power, Thomas learns that playing god has consequences beyond imagination.

rcolin02 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

After resting for a while, I returned to work on the creation of sapient life.

"What are sapient beings exactly?"

"They are the most advanced type of life form. They have the ability to reason, create tools, and develop cultures. They are the ones that will evolve into your civilization in the distant future."

"Alright, I'm ready to begin. Maybe now I won't feel so alone."

"The process will take some time, and it will require a great deal of focus and concentration. Make sure you take your time. It is of utmost importance to get this part right. Be prepared to spend a lot of mental and physical energy," Benny warned. "You'll need to take things slowly and carefully. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready."

"Focus on the image of a humanoid life form. Picture a being that is similar to you in appearance and anatomy."

I closed my eyes and focused on the image of a humanoid life form.

As I focus on creating a humanoid life form, the exhaustion hits me like a tidal wave. Creating even simple plants and animals took a toll on me, and now I am struggling to keep my focus.

The image in my mind begins to take shape, and I can feel the power of the Box of Dimensions flowing through me. Slowly, a creature appears within the box.

It's a humanoid form, similar to me in appearance and anatomy. Its body is covered in soft, smooth skin, and its eyes are a bright blue. It's the first of its kind, the first sapient being.

But the process is draining, and I can feel myself growing weaker. My muscles ache, and my head is spinning.

I take a deep breath and continue working. The creature is becoming more and more detailed, and I can feel the energy flowing through me.

"This is tough, Benny *huff*. I don't think I'll be able to finish it." I say while panting in between words.

"Don't give up, Thomas. You can do this."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The image of the creature becomes clearer, and I can feel the energy flowing through me. I think back to my days of playing fantasy video games and I add elongated ears to make the creature resemble an elf.

"I can see it! A few more tweaks and I'm done," I shout out in glee.

"You're almost there, Thomas."

I continue to focus on the image, and slowly, the creature begins to take a clearer shape. Its features are sharp and delicate, and its piercing blue eyes are filled with intelligence. It's a creature unlike any other, and I know that it's a special being.

Finally, the process is complete. I open my eyes and stare at the creature. It's a perfect representation of my vision, and I can't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe.

"I did it," I say, my voice barely a whisper.

"Congratulations, Thomas. You've created a new species. A sapient life form."

I look at the creature, and I can see a spark of intelligence in its eyes. 

"What will you call this race of creature, Thomas?" Benny asks.

"They will be called 'Elves,'" I say, the name popping into my head.

"The Elves," Benny says, trying the word out. "It has a nice ring to it. A fitting name for a unique species."

As the first sapient life form, the Elf, gains consciousness, a powerful wave of emotion washes over me. This is a momentous occasion, and I know that it will change the course of history.

"I think you should create a partner for him. I advise a female companion so that he is able to reproduce and grow the population. It is important for the species to spread and grow."

"That's a good idea. I think I'll create another elf, a female this time. What should I name them?"

"I will leave that choice up to you, Thomas."

I think for a moment, then say, "I will name the female elf 'Amber.'"

"Amber. A fitting name," Benny says.

I focus on the image of Amber, the female elf, and slowly, she begins to take shape within the Box of Dimensions. As she comes into being, I feel a surge of power flow through me. It's an amazing sensation, and I can't help but feel a connection with her.

"Now, what will you name the male elf?"

"I will name the male elf 'Cyrus.'"

"Cyrus. Another fitting name," Benny says.

I look at Cyrus and Amber and I can see the love and understanding in their eyes. It's an amazing feeling, and I know that I have created something special.

As the two elves stand there, staring at each other, I can't help but feel a sense of hope and wonder.

"I guess I'm officially a god, right Benny?" I ask the mentor AI in the box.

"In a way, yes, but your power is not limitless. Don't forget that you are severely limited because your mind is still feeble. This is only the beginning of your journey as the Author of Life. The real test is ahead of you."

"What do you mean? I thought we were done," I say, confused.

"Far from it, Thomas. You have created a new world, but the journey has only just begun. There is still much for you to do, and many challenges for you to overcome."

"What kind of challenges?"

"You must create a stable environment, a society, a culture, and eventually an advanced civilization. Also, don't forget, the sapient races you create will rely on you in the initial stages of their development."

I look down at the elves I have created and realize the enormity of my task.

"It is a monumental task, and one that you are not yet ready for. For now, rest and recuperate. I will guide you along the path to becoming the Author of Life."

"They appear to look... confused, Benny. Should I do something?"

"Yes, explain their purpose and destiny. Guide them. Help them to understand the world they have been born into. Be their mentor and guide them, Thomas. Do not let them wander aimlessly in confusion."

"That sounds overwhelming."

"It will be, but you will get through it, with my help, of course. You have come a long way, and I am proud of you. But you still have a long way to go. Remember, the success or failure of this entire project is up to you, Thomas."

"I understand," I say, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I look at Cyrus and Amber, and I see a glimmer of hope in their eyes as they look up at me. I use Imagination Amplification to create a mental tether between me and them.

"Greetings elves, I am Thomas your creator and the Author of Life," I say. "Welcome to my world."

The two elves, Cyrus and Amber, seem to understand me. They communicate to each other in a series of grunts and squeals.

"I think they understand me," I say to Benny.

"Good, they should be able to communicate with you. Use the mental tether to transmit images and ideas to them. Do not attempt to speak aloud to them, they will not understand you. They are like infants but they will learn rather quickly."

I try to send them an image of a forest, and they respond by sending me images of a forest as well.

"They understand. This is incredible," I say.

"Indeed, it is," Benny agrees.

"Can you talk to them, Benny? Can you help me teach them?"

"I can, but you should be the one guiding them. They are your creations, after all."

"Alright, I'll try."

I focus on the elves, and I begin to mentally communicate with them. I send them images of the forest, and they respond with images of their own. I can sense their curiosity and their wonder, and it fills me with joy. 

I send them images of their task, which is to procreate and create a thriving population of elves. I also send them images ordering them to learn how to speak so that I can communicate with them in the future.

The elves seem to understand and they agree to follow my orders. I can feel a connection with them, and I know that I have a responsibility to guide and protect them.

"They are a beautiful species, Thomas. Now, you should let them get started with the process of populating your world. I would advise to use your Imagination Amplification abilities to speed up time in the Box of Dimensions. Also, you can further modify their race at any time which I would heavily advise you to do."

"What kind of modifications can I make?"

"Anything you can imagine. You can change their appearance, their physiology, their behavior, and their traits. You can make them stronger, faster, smarter, or anything else you can think of. I encourage you to do this once they have established a community. It would be a waste to create a unique species and not give them any advantages. This would be your greatest opportunity to create something truly special."

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind," I said.

"Good. Now, it is time for you to step back and let the elves establish their own society. With your guidance, they will be able to thrive and prosper. The next stage of your journey as the Author of Life has begun, and the future of this world is in your hands."