
The Author of Life

Thomas is a boy plagued with feelings of loneliness and isolation when one day, he discovers a mysterious box with the power to create life within it. Eager to escape his isolation, he becomes the Author of Life, shaping worlds and civilizations. As he grapples with his newfound power, Thomas learns that playing god has consequences beyond imagination.

rcolin02 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 4

"Alright Benny, I'm ready to get to work. What should I do next? I feel too weak to create the world right away."

"You're not wrong. The physical effects of creating a sun have made your body and mind too fatigued. First, we need to do some addtional exercises to strengthen and prepare you for the next stage. You've already done the meditation, so let's focus on strengthening your body."

"Okay, what do you have in mind?"

"We are going to start with something simple: squats. I expect you to do hundreds of them. Once your body has adapted, we will move on to other exercises."

"Hundreds? That's a lot!"

"It is, but it is necessary. We must prepare you for the next stage of the process."

I groaned and reluctantly got down on the floor. I started doing squats, feeling the burn in my legs. After a few minutes, I was sweating and my muscles were aching, but I kept going. With my strengthened body, I felt I could do squats for hours at a time.

As the days went on, I found myself improving faster and faster. I was able to do more squats, more push-ups, more crunches, and more sit-ups. My body was adapting and changing. Soon, I was able to do a thousand squats a day.

I could feel the power surging through my body, and the exhaustion didn't stop me anymore. I kept going.

One day, as I was finishing my morning routine, I felt something inside me shift. I had reached a new level of physical strength, and the Box of Dimensions was allowing me to reach even greater heights.

I felt like I could do anything.

"Well done, Thomas. You've reached an important milestone. Because of your achievement, the physical and mental stress has been lessened considerably. It will be easier to use the box's Imagination Amplification capabilities and thus, it will be easier to create things."

"That's great!" I said, excited to continue.

"Indeed, and we will continue with the exercise, but today, we will do a new type. We will focus on improving your cardio and lung capacity. Today, we will run."

"Run? Like, run outside?"

"Yes, Thomas. Running outside is the best way to improve your cardio. We will start with a simple five-mile run."

"Five miles?! Isn't that a little much for a beginner?"

"Not for you. You are a special case. Your body has already adapted and reached peak human condition. Now, we are only focusing on strengthening and sharpening it. Trust me, you will be able to do it."

"If you say so," I said, still not quite believing him.

"I do. Now, let's get started. Put on some comfortable clothes and step outside."

I did as Benny said, putting on some shorts and a t-shirt. I stepped outside and took a deep breath. The fresh air felt good in my lungs.

"Alright, let's do this," I said, stretching my legs.

"Start at a slow pace and gradually increase your speed as you feel comfortable," Benny said. "Your goal is to complete five miles. Don't worry about time. Just focus on your breathing and keeping a steady pace."

"Okay, here goes nothing," I said, taking off down the street.

I started off at a slow jog, getting a feel for the terrain and my body. As I gained confidence, I picked up the pace.

My legs moved like pistons, and my breathing was steady. I could feel the wind on my face and the energy coursing through my veins.

I passed houses and cars, and the city streets became a blur. My mind was focused on the goal, and nothing else mattered.

As the end of the fifth mile came into view, I felt a surge of adrenaline. With a final burst of speed, I crossed the imaginary finish line.

I collapsed on the grass, my lungs burning and my muscles aching slightly. Only a few days ago I was an unconditioned kid who could barely run a mile without feeling like I was dying. Now, I could run five miles easily.

"Excellent work, Thomas," Benny's voice cut through my thoughts.

"Thank you," I replied, still breathing heavily.

"Now, let's head back home and get started on the next phase of your training. This time we'll be focusing on improving your meditation techniques. You must be strong both in body and spirit to make full use of Imagination Amplification."

I nodded and headed back home, the feeling of accomplishment filling me.

I spent the rest of the day practicing my meditation techniques. With my improved focus and concentration, I was able to master new techniques much more quickly than before.

After the run, I returned home and settled into a comfortable position. My mind was clear, and my breathing was steady.

I focused on the energy flowing through my body and allowed my mind to expand. The world around me disappeared, and I was transported to a place of pure calm and peace.

I felt a warmth radiating from my chest, and a sense of power and confidence filled me. My body felt strong, and my mind was sharp.

In that moment, I knew I was ready.

"Are you prepared to begin creating the world within the box?" Benny's voice cut through the silence.

"Yes, I'm ready," I replied, opening my eyes.

"Remember, you will need to take things slowly and steadily. You may not be able to create the entire world all at once, but as long as you focus on small and simple things, you will be fine. Now, let's begin."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, allowing the energy of the Box of Dimensions to fill me.

I focused on the image of dirt filling up the Box of Dimensions within. Then, grass sprouted, followed by trees. The landscape continued to grow until it reached a dense forest.

Slowly, the trees began to spread out, revealing a small clearing in the center. The ground was covered in soft, green grass, and the trees were filled with lush leaves.

As the clearing grew, the sky above it darkened. Soon, a bright moon appeared, casting a soft glow over the scene.

The air was filled with the scent of fresh earth and growing things. It was a place of life and peace.

"It's perfect," Benny said, his voice filled with awe.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling a surge of pride. "I feel incredibly tired though."

"That's to be expected. Creating such a large space is an enormous task. Get some rest and we will continue tomorrow. You have made major progress far exceeding my expectations."

I nodded and settled into bed, a smile on my face.