
The Author of Life

Thomas is a boy plagued with feelings of loneliness and isolation when one day, he discovers a mysterious box with the power to create life within it. Eager to escape his isolation, he becomes the Author of Life, shaping worlds and civilizations. As he grapples with his newfound power, Thomas learns that playing god has consequences beyond imagination.

rcolin02 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 14

I had decided that it was time to introduce magic to the elves. Healing would be simple, and the elves could use magic to improve their lives and help their civilization.

I knew that magic would not be easy to learn, and it would take many years for the elves to master it.

As the Author of Life, I could see the evolution of the elves had progressed at a steady pace. However, it was not enough. I wanted to add something new and exciting to their lives, and I had decided to introduce magic.

I focused my mind and used my imagination to create a source of magical energy in the world. I imagined a golden ball of energy, and I focused on bringing it to life.

The golden ball of energy materialized in the sky, slightly within reach, and it was a sight to behold. The elves gasped and looked up at the golden ball, and they were amazed.

I walked towards the ball and I raised my hands. The ball floated down and landed in my palms. It was warm and radiant, and it filled me with a sense of wonder and awe.

The elves watched in amazement as I took the ball and placed it on the ground.

I focused on the ball and used my imagination to create a wand. The wand materialized in my hand, and it was a masterpiece. It was made of wood, and it was decorated with intricate designs.

"Watch carefully," I said.

The elves looked on in amazement as I lifted the wand and pointed it towards the ball.

"This is a wand," I said. "It is a tool that can help you to harness the magic of the world."

I waved the wand, and the golden ball began to float. The elves were amazed, and they could not believe their eyes.

"I can teach you how to use the magic of the world, and you can use it to improve your lives and help your civilization," I said.

"Using this ball of light, I will create a source of power for you to learn magic. Watch closely."

I focused on the ball, and I imagined it becoming a fountain of magical energy. The ball of light began to expand until it had engulfed the entire world. The elves were all glowing a golden light from their bodies as if they had bathed in the sun.

I aimed my wand at the sky and said, "it is finished. Magic is now apart of this world. Now, all elves have access to this source of power."

The elves cheered and looked at each other.

"However, you will need time to learn how to use it," I said. 

"To begin using it, you will need a wand. You can use any type of wood, but I recommend choosing a wand made of oak or pine. These are the best for beginners, and they are the most effective for beginners. This place is abundant with such trees. Once you have your wand, you will need to focus on the ball of light, which is now within you, and feel the energy within it. Use the power of your mind to control the magic. It will take time and an immense amount of focus. You may struggle at first because of your limited mind, but keep trying, and you will succeed in casting your first spells. It is all about your imagination and focus."

I looked at the elves, and they were eager to try out magic.

"Remember," I said. "This is only the beginning. There is so much more that you can learn, and there are endless possibilities with the magic of the world."

The elves were excited, and they began to gather around me and ask questions.

"Lord Thomas, how can we get a wand?" an elf asked.

"It is a simple process," I said. "You simply need to find a tree, and you will feel the magic within it. The more you focus on the tree, the more the magic will reveal itself to you. Then, you simply need to use your imagination to create a wand from the tree. This will take a lot of practice and patience, but it will be worth it."

"What types of spells can we cast?" an elf asked.

"Anything you can imagine, mostly." I said. "There are no limits to the magic of the world. Once you have learned how to control the mind and acquire the intense focus that is required the possibilities are endless. That doesn't mean that it will be easy. Far from it. You must start off small by casting simple spells like manipulating small gusts of wind or conjuring waves within a creek."

"What will the wand do?" an elf asked.

"Once you have focused on the magic within the ball of light, and the magic reveals itself to you, you will have the ability to channel the magic through the wand, and you will be able to cast spells. The wand is vital to casting spells because it helps you focus and channel the magic. Without the wand, the magic would simply be flowing freely and uncontrollably within you. The wand is a conduit that helps you to control the magic and use it effectively."

"What are the limits of magic?" an elf asked.

"Good question," I replied. "There are no real limits. But the main issue will be the strength of your mind. You can use magic to create things, destroy things, heal, and manipulate the world around you. However, the stronger and more intricate the thing you are trying to conjure is, the more difficult it will be to control. This is why it is so important to learn how to focus your mind. If you cannot control the magic, it will consume you and potentially break your mind."

"Will the magic ever 'run out?'" an elf asked.

"That's another good question," I replied. "The magic of the world is infinite, but you can deplete yourself. Using too much magic at once will cause you to tire quickly and drain your stamina. You will need to rest and recuperate after using a large amount of magic. As you practice and become more experienced, you will learn how to use the magic more efficiently, and you will be able to use more powerful spells without tiring yourself."

"I am excited to begin learning magic," an elf said.

"Excellent," I said. "But remember, the process will not be easy. It will take time, patience, and a lot of practice. Do not get discouraged if you do not succeed immediately. It is a difficult task, and it will require a tremendous amount of focus and concentration. I am confident that you will be successful in learning how to use the magic of the world. Now, go out and find your wands, and I will be here to guide you."