
The Author's Reincarnation

Our mc dies and gets reborn into his novel. Wants to live a better life, gets stronger maybe he'll fall in love. This is my first work and honestly I write for my own enjoyment more than anything else, so if you wanna read this go for it

Ramen_Guy10 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 - So now what?

'So first of all, I need figure out some stuff. Like where I am and wether the original owner of this body had any family and I need to write down everything I remember from my original work'

I spent around 2 hours remembering every single thing I could and writing it down in a notebook, I had filled it with all the major events along with places where I could find cheat items that the original protagonist didn't need or simply didn't use.

I glance at my status and go over it one more time, 'So my new name is Reinhardt? That's a pretty cool name I won't lie, and I'm an F- rank? That would make 'me' a pretty talented person, well, if I don't compare myself to anyone strong like the original protagonist and anyone with a bloodline ability'

Just as I was pondering on how to approach the situation, I notice that there's a certificate on my desk. "Welcome To Pendragon Academy."

'So I got in to that school? That makes things easier, since I'm going to Pendragon academy I'm probably in Pendragon City. The school starts on the first of January, and it's the 27th of December so I have around 5 days to prepare myself.'

Pendragon City is the central city in the human territory, the reason the city and academy were named Pendragon was because Arthur Pendragon was one of the first 5 heroes. These 5 heroes were the first humans who were capable of using mana, and they pushed back the demons and managed to get humanity to where we are now. There are 4 other academies, each named after their own respective hero with their own city. Now what is a hero? Well I don't think I need to explain, they're like what hunters are in those Korean WebNovels or adventurers from Japanese WebNovels, in short. They go inside dungeons and kill the monsters inside, they also go and kill demons when they pop up every so often. They also take down villains and demon bloods, a villain is just someone who misuses their power while a demon blood made a contract with a demon and received their blood to become stronger.

Humans can be ranked from G rank all the way to SSS rank, although we've not had any SSS ranks since the 5 heroes we do have some SS ranks. There are only around 19 SS ranks, they are the ones who stand at the pinnacle humanity. Well until the main character came in and did his thing with his system and overly large harem.

Anyways, I got in to the same academy as the main character, most of the original story occurs within the academy. Although this would normally be bad thing since I could die from all the bull shit that they go through. However in this specific scenario it's not, since these events along with my knowledge will help me get stronger. Why do I need to get stronger? Well, in short it's because of my shitty writing. Let me expand on that, it's because when the Demon King is finally released by the things that are holding him back, gates will open. The Demon King can open gates like in those Korean Novels and can send his armies through them, the demons have conquered many worlds but they need the help of the Demon King to travel through worlds.

And when the gates open, the real war will begin. Right now,the 3 factions that rule this world are at a stalemate with neither side progressing any further. But when the gates open, the 3 Races Alliance will need to join with humanity to fight off the entire demon race. Especially when the seven major clans decide to befome more proactive. Each clan has a Duke ranked demon ruling it,they would require 2 SS ranks to defeat. The clans are named after the 7 deadly sins like Wrath, Pride, Lust etc

It was pretty lazy on my part but it's a bit late to think about it now. But whatever, the point is that I need to get stronger to survive, after all I refuse to be some helpless bitch boy who's always helpless. And since this body isn't part of a special bloodline or anything I'll have to use all the cheats that the main character doesn't need.

And then, I'll make sure to take advantage of anything I can. I might try to make my own little group of mercenaries or maybe a guild.

The first thing I want to do is get a specific skill, the skill I'm eyeing up is called 'Monarch's Wrath' it allows a person to make the perfect decisions, emit a horrifying pressure that's incomparable to normal killing intent. And one of the most important parts is that it allows the user to 'Rule Mana' now what does that mean? It means Mana will follow me of its own accord, I'll be able to replenish my Mana faster than most, my efficency and proficiency with Mana will also increase and Mana will even heal me of its own accord.

The skills rank is 'Unique' meaning it'll be impossible for anyone else to have it, steal it or copy it. Back when I was writing this story, I gave this to the protagonist when he really didn't need it. But I just thought of the skills name, found it kinda cool and gave it to him. I didn't finish writing up about it, so I'm not entirely sure as to what it'll do once I get better with it.

Now, let's see If anyone else lives with me. And I need to see wether or not this body has friends or is in a relationship. After all, I hope that the child who used to inhabit this body can be proud of what I do. When I went to type in the password I noticed that I simply knew it, maybe because it was muscle memory. I also notyiced that there weren't any contacts on it. No 'Mum' or 'Dad' contact, not even any friends.

'So he's exactly like I am? How sad, it seems like he was alone earlier than I was. After all I became alone when I was around 18 or 19 and this body is only around 15. And judging by how clean and tidy everything is, he's been taking care of himself for a while now'

Anyways, I'll make my way to the train station so I can get 'Monarch's Fury' after all acquiring the skill might help me figure out how to actually use Mana. Since I'll get my faced smashed in by some random young master who wants to show off if I can't fight.

'Wait what was my Mana Capacity again?'

Name: Reinhardt Umbridge

Race: Human

Age: 15


Strength: F

Speed: F

Stamina: F-

Intelligence: F

Mana Capacity: F+

Charm: C+

Class: Swordsman

Fighting style: N/A

Skills: N/A

'A mana capacity of F+ at F rank? That's pretty amazing, wait that second name-'

I hadn't really paid attention to 'my' name till now, but my second name was Umbridge. That was also the name of an extremely powerful villain, The S Ranked Villain, Shadow.

Then a thought dawned upon me.

'Wait hold on, dont tell me that the original owner of this body wanted revenge or something?'

'Since I'm still alive and I'm not in some sort of detaining cell. I'm assuming that they didn't find out I'm Shadow's son. Shadow had killed several officials, and he had even killed some A ranked heroes. But the first confrontation with an S rank he had was with Aurora Gladius, 'The Witch Of Ruin', she was a big shot before this but she took out Shadow who had never even received a blow before. And that really boosted her popularity'

Anyways, I was planning on having this whole arc with Shadow being revived via necromancy and then his name would be revealed as 'Kevin Umbidge' at some point and and the protagonist would use talk no jutsu and Kevin would suicide. But I'm not sure if I can fulfill the original Reinhardt's revenge, since Aurora is an S rank. And more importantly, she came from a renowned family of Heroes, meaning I'd be making several S Ranks my enemies along with the whole government.

After I had my inner monologue, I spent a solid 10 minutes trying to figure out where the fuck the house keys were soon after, I figured out where 'my' bank card was. On the way to the train station, I had to ask some strangers for directions but I got there eventually. The place I was going to was basically in the middle of nowhere, the closest station was Albard which was still within Pendragon City. I had to walk for an hour or so before I found the place. There were loads of caves near Albard, but only one of them had the Unique Skill I wanted. My writing skill was horrible so I only described it as 'The cave was near a dead tree that only had one branch'

It was already 8 o'clock by the time I found the cave, well I didnt know wether it was the cave I was searching for, it looked relatively normal. The surrounding area was just some plain grassland, same as all the other caves. But this was the only cave with a tree nearby, it looked surprisingly eerie since it was the only tree for who knows how far.

Once I had resolved myself, I took a step into the cave...