
The Author's POV: Invincible from the start

Travel through the world of The Author's POV and start with the Solo Leveling system. Currently, I'm just learning to write fanfiction, if there's anything wrong, please give me more opinions.

DaoistViyIkE · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 11

'The exoskeleton looks pretty hard.... Can my dagger damage it? '

Obviously, a dagger would have a shorter range than a steel longsword I used before. So if I want to inflict deep wounds, I need to increase my attack.

I hold the dagger in the reverse hilt. I thought it would be easy to hurt the monster by holding the blade like this.


Finally, the spider stood before me. It then raises its front legs and bends them at an angle.

'What is it trying to do?'

My curiosity lasted only a brief moment - my eyes widened the next.


If I hadn't instinctively leaned forward, the spider's leg just now would have pierced my chest. The spider's legs hit the ground behind me before taking to the air, its joints folded. And from its two feet, pieces of earth and rock fell.

I peeked behind me.

The stone floor now has a rather large hole in it.

'If I get hit by that, it won't end with me feeling a bit sore in my chest, huh.'

My eyes are sharper. Now is the time for me to focus even more.

'It's coming!'


The legs of the spider that originally looked like bullets were being fired can now be retracted into my eyes.

Left side.

I lowered my head to avoid the spider's left front leg.


I leaned back and let the spider's right leg glide past me, before taking a step closer.


I dodged the spider's leg that was aiming for my head again, and this time took two steps forward.

Left, right, right, left, right, right, right, left, left.

Collapse! Boom! Kwahng! Kaboom! Collapse! Boom! Kwahng! Kaboom!

The legs of the spider that pierced and destroyed the ground were so large that my ears actually felt numb from the pain.

I dodged the spider's attacks in turn and got closer to the monster.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Meanwhile, the attacks of the spider poured down relentlessly.

I dodged all those attacks and was confident in my victory. After reducing the distance between them little by little, the spider's head was now almost within my reach.

The spider's attack form is quite simple so I can get close to it quite easily.

'For now, I'll aim for its eyes.'

That was the basis of all the basic rules for attacking the weak point of the monster. So I decided to attack the spider's eye, which seems to be the weakest point in its defenses.

'As soon as I stabbed my dagger into those eyes….!'

Just like I decided….

I suddenly felt that the spider's attacks had slowed down for some reason.

Swish! Swish!

Is it because my eyes have fully adapted to its attack speed?

Boom !! Collapse!!

No, that's not it.

My eyes may have been fooled, but my hearing could not be fooled. The loud noises coming from the exploding ground reached me a beat slower than before, since a few seconds ago.

I was pretty confident about my excellent hearing so I could feel the subtle change.

It was at that moment that some ominous premonition flashed through my brain.

When I took a closer look, the muscles around the spider's mouth were shaking imperceptibly.

'Why is it trying to open its mouth now?'

I was getting ready to jump three meters and reach the spider's head, but I sensed that something unfortunate was about to happen. I hurriedly changed direction to jump from the front to the back.

And after that….


From the spider's mouth, dirty and cloudy liquid spewed out.

I rolled on the floor for a second before regaining my balance. I quickly looked behind me. The spot on the floor where I had stood until a second ago was now smoking and blackened.


The stone on the floor melted helplessly.

I gulped after seeing that.

'If I had jumped forward....'

It won't just be the floor that's melting right now.

Perhaps sensing that Sirius was distracted, the spider rushed towards him at once.

Stir fry!!

I raised my head. At that time, the spider was right in front of my eyes.


I jumped to avoid the giant spider's legs.


"D*mn it!!"

After that, I approached the monster's head several more times. However, each time it happened, I had no choice but to retreat to escape that disgusting digestive juice.

When the spider's attack form became two, it became much more difficult to deal with it. If I get closer after dodging all those burning legs, digestive juices will gush out. Its legs attacked again when he had to step back a long distance because of the juice.


Feeling frustrated now, I decided to attack my legs with my dagger.

Unfortunately, the legs are also covered with that thick skeleton and no matter how many times I cut it, I can't even nick it once.

I bit my lower lip.

'This won't work.'

The spider only needed its front legs to attack me, but on the other hand, I needed to use my whole body to evade them. It is clear who will get tired first here.


[Tired: 57]

Just as I thought, my Fatigue stat is increasing rapidly.

When this Stat reaches 70, my speed will drop, and when it reaches 90, my breathing will become too heavy and it will be much harder to move freely.

I have run out of time.

'If I want to get closer to it, then… ..'

Speed, velocity.

His speed matters.

Boom !! Boom !! Boom! Boom !!!

'Wait. Speed, right? '

As I continued to dodge each rain of feet, a thought popped into my head.

'Yeah, I got that, didn't I?'

I actually possess a single active skill.


[You have activated 'Skill: Dash'.]

[Your movement speed has increased by 30%. One Mana will be used every minute while active.]

Along with those messages, my body became even faster as if a booster had been activated. Thus, it becomes even easier to evade the spider's legs.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I quickly dodged the spider's legs that were descending like lightning and in a flash, was in front of the monster.

Surprised, the spider hastily spat out its digestive juices.

However, thanks to my increase in speed, my movement now has a certain composure to it. I easily dodged the digestive juices and rushed towards the spider's head.


My dagger cuts the spider's eye.

['Effect: Paralyze' has been activated.]

[Effect canceled due to high resistance target.]

['Effect: Bleeding' has been activated.]

[Target's stamina will decrease by 1% per second.]


One of the two special effects that Kasaka's Poison Fang possessed successfully activated.


The spider roared and staggered.

I didn't miss this opening.

As soon as my feet were back on the ground, I jumped again and climbed onto the spider's body to reach the top of its head.

The spider goes crazy and swings its legs all over the place, but I won't let those blind attacks hit me.

Collapse! Boom! Kaboom!

Instead, holes continued to appear in the poor, bluff ground.

Now that I was standing on top of the spider's head, I started stabbing the spider's eyes with my dagger.

The stab! The stab! Click!!


The stab! Stab!!


The spider struggled one way or another, but I persisted to the end and continued to stab my dagger into the spider's head.

"Keu, keu-ru-ruk!"

The spider began to stagger dangerously. Apparently it's weakened now. Seeing that, my hand accelerated.

And finally, the spider's huge body finally tilted to the side.

REAL !!!

However, I did not let go. No, I kept going with it, until the spider was definitely dead.

The stab! Stab!! Stab!!!

"Keuruk. Keureureureu…. "

Along with the spider's final gasp, several notifications popped up in my field of vision.

[You have killed the master of this dungeon.]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

"I did it!"

While covered in blood from head to toe, I raised my arms high. Maybe because it's a boss monster my level has doubled.

"Status window."


Name: Sirius

Level: 21

Grade: None

Title: None

HP: 2,600

MP: 391

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 53

Strength: 30

Agility: 38

Intelligence: 30

Perception: 32

(Number of points available for distribution: 0)


Passive skills:

- (Unknown) Lv. Max

- Durability Lv. first

Operational skills:

- Dashes Lv. first


From level 19, he spiked to 21 in one go. And that's not even the end. Besides leveling up notifications, a few other things also appear.


[The 'Shop: Buy' function is now available with your level reached 20.]

'Oh, so I can finally spend those Gold things now, huh?'

That's a nice message, for sure. However, now is not the right time to relax browsing the Store.


The cave began to shake a little.

[With the death of the dungeon master, the dungeon's entrance will be destroyed in an hour.]

[Time remaining: 59 minutes 58 seconds.]

Indeed, I must finally get out of this place before the Gate closes. Browsing the Store can be done once he is in a safe place.

Just as I was about to climb down, I spotted something glittering in the center of the spider's head.

'Is that an item?'

I thought for a moment before realizing what it was.

'Ah, these have magic crystals, don't they?'

No matter how busy I am, how can I forget something so precious?

I extracted the magic crystal hidden deep inside the dead spider's head. This is a C-rank magic crystal extracted from the boss monster.

As the trophy for my flashy win, this will do great.

I gently jumped off the dead spider's head.


I landed lightly on the ground and turned around, and well, I spotted more sparkles, this time coming from the spider's belly.

Not only that, but even some of them!

I feel quite surprised now.

'So what could they be?'

I used a dagger to cut open its stomach and continued to stab it in the stomach, causing the rest of the undigested insect-type monsters to spill onto the ground. And the light comes from those things.

"No way….?!"

I rummaged through the dead insects for a while.

And just as I suspected, they all possessed their own magic crystals. Sure, a few of them have melted and are smaller than before, but quite a few of them have survived and are still as good as new.

When he collected the intact ones, I counted more than ten.

"I really hit the jackpot this time!"

I started moving out of the dungeon. After selling out all the crystals, I returned to the academy.


It's been about two weeks since I officially entered the academy. Although the courses are mainly focused on raising the hero. To pass the first year, you still need to pass all your courses.

"Alright guys that marks the end of the lesson, I hope you enjoy yourselves at the elective fair"

Interrupting my thoughts was Donna's enchanting voice.

'So today is the day, huh...'

Today is the day the elective fair is held.

The elective fair is an academy-wide event where third and second years attempt to recruit new members to their elective team.

Once an option has been selected, you cannot change it until the start of the new year.

There is a wide selection of electives available for each student to choose from.

There is a 'Special Combat' course, a 'programming' course, a 'dungeon exploration' course and many more activities to choose from.

This is also the time when the first years of contact with the senior years.

Because the first, second and third years are separated, they don't have many opportunities to socialize with each other.

Electives are a great opportunity for seniors to interact with their juniors.

Moreover, the first years they manage to recruit to their elective course, the more they are funded by the academy.

So every year, the first few years find themselves attacked by all sorts of seniors looking to recruit new members.

Furthermore, there is another thing that one needs to be careful about when considering which electives to take.

That is… they have to watch out for 'hidden politics' in some electives.

Campuses exist inside the academy.

A good example is the 'Blood supremacist' faction of which Gilbert was a backer when he was still a student.

Many secret electives are a process of recruiting certain individuals to their faction.

So one should be careful when choosing a faction as choosing one faction means becoming the enemy of all the other factions.

If I don't remember, today is the day Fabian Parker got into a conflict with Emma and Kevin at the buffet.

Sirius is very fond of the heroines in the story, currently Sirius is not strong enough to interfere with the plot. But now I have enough power to step into the plot and change a few things that I want. So I decided to rescue Emma before she got hurt when confronting Fabian.

In building B.

At the entrance of the house.

The rows were divided into three, and at the end of each row, a student in a red coat was handing out flyers to each person who entered the building.

"Welcome to the buffet fair"

Approaching Kevin and Emma, an elegant blonde handed them a flyer with a soft but confident smile on his face.

"Thank you"

"Thank you"

Without thinking much, Emma and Kelvin took the flyer and left, resulting in the boy smile fading momentarily.

"Ehm..ehm..excuse me, freshman"

Quickly regaining his composure, the blonde individual hurriedly moved in front of Kevin and Emma, ​​obstructing their path. Suddenly stopped from nowhere, both Kevin and Emma couldn't help but frown as they examined the person in front of them.

Although he is not as handsome as Kevin, he can be considered a rather handsome person with relatively well-proportioned lines, blue eyes and a confident demeanor.

"What do you need?"

Annoyed, Emma made no attempt to hide her displeasure as she glared lightly in his direction.

Smiling friendly, oblivious to Emma's attitude, he couldn't help but glance at Emma, clearly dazzled by her beauty.

Without even admitting or glancing in Kevin's direction, the blond focused his full attention on Emma almost as if he were mesmerized by her beauty.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Fabian Parker third year 14th, may I have the honor to know this beautiful girl's name?"

As he introduced himself, it was impossible to hide the undisguised pride in his tone as his smile deepened and his back straightened.

His eyes were now completely focused on Emma, ​​unable to hide the longing hidden within as he took a step closer to her.

"That's enough"

Placing his hand in front of Emma's face, preventing Fabian from approaching her, Kevin glared at him.

"Can't you see you're bothering her?"

"Who are you?"

Finally noticing Kevin's presence, Fabian couldn't hide his displeasure, as his head jerked in his direction.

"How dare you block this person's way?"

"You're annoying"

"Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude."

Frowning, just as Kevin was about to rage, a mocking voice interrupted their confrontation as Emma walked up to Kevin.

"If you don't get out of my sight, don't blame me for being rude"

Imitating Fabian's tone, Emma came right in front of Fabian and smiled slightly.

Startled by Emma's outburst, Fabian found no words to say, his face contorted.

"There's nothing to talk?"

Raising an eyebrow, Emma looked at Fabian provocatively.

"You dare!"

Trembling, Fabian pointed in Emma's direction as he tried to control his anger.

Since coming to the academy, no, to be exact, in all his life, Fabian had never been humiliated like this.

Born into the prestigious Parker family, holding immense wealth and influence, every girl he ever approached threw herself at him.

Never in his 19 years of life had someone disrespected him so much.

Especially from the first few years.

Apart from those who were ranked higher than him, and had the same influence as his family, no one had the right to look down on him.

Is he, Fabian Parker, heir to the Parker corporation with a net worth of over a trillion U.S. dollars, is he really being humiliated in front of everyone like this?

"Looks like you don't take your seniors seriously, well... well"

With a few claps, Fabian's face darkened and his previously elegant demeanor completely disappeared.


Covering her mouth, Emma looked at Fabian exaggeratedly and exclaimed "I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were a senior! I mean… "Looking at Fabian from top to bottom, Emma shook her head"The way you talk makes me think you're a spoiled brat, so I immediately assumed you were the same year as me"

"She definitely likes this…"

Seeing Emma act as if she had been mistreated, Kevin couldn't help but smile bitterly

"What a drama queen.."

She can ignore him and tell him who she is, since her background is enough to deter 99% of the academy attendees, but she chooses not to, which means she trying to humiliate him publicly.

Looking around, Kevin noticed that a small crowd had begun to gather around them due to Emma's loud voice.

Sighing, Kevin began to doubt whether asking Emma to help him was the right decision.

Noticing that the crowd had begun to gather around them, Fabian on the verge of exploding tried to suppress his anger and looked at Emma and Kevin instead.

"Seems like the first few years require discipline?"

- Vam!

As soon as he finished his sentence, great pressure engulfed the surroundings while blue light began to emanate from Fabian's body.


"UH .."

"Ahhh... what's going on?"

The crowd that had gathered due to the commotion suddenly felt a great pressure on them, and being caught off guard by the sudden attack, most of the people were sprawled on the floor and tried to move.

Kevin, who was under full force, fell to his knees as their legs stretched from the overwhelming pressure they were facing. Suddenly seeing Emma disappear beside him, Kevin panicked and looked around and then saw a figure holding Emma in his hand quite far away from him.

It was Sirius, as he was following Emma and Kevin. Just as Fabian was about to put pressure on the two of them, he quickly grabbed Emma and jumped a few meters away from the area.

"How can he move so fast?"

Raising an eyebrow, Fabian looked over to Sirius holding Emma in his arms.

Apparently, when he was about to put pressure down, he suddenly felt a wind and the girl also disappeared.

Feeling Sirius's hand gripping her body tightly, just as she was about to call out her bodyguards, a strong voice echoed around.


Immediately after the shout, the pressure that was on everyone disappeared, and a tall, dark-skinned person appeared in front of the crowd.

He had shoulder-length braids, and his bulging muscles the size of a soccer ball made one wonder if he was even a human.

"Stop this farce!"

Arriving before Fabian, who appeared to be the guide overlooking the area appeared before Fabian and loudly shouted at him.


Feeling saliva being sprayed in his face by the instructor as he yelled, Fabian couldn't believe his eyes tried to speak for a few seconds.

In fact, he knows this individual.

Hero class 459 Jerome Wilson aka 'Diamond Terminator', a hero quite famous for his tremendous strength. His name 'Diamond Destroyer' comes from the fact that he can crush diamonds with his bare hands. If it weren't for his agility, Jerome would have been in the top 300.

Realizing that he was being scolded by coach Jerome, Fabian was so shocked that he could not utter a word. The reason he was shocked was not because he was scolded, but because he was scolded…

The Diamond Destroyer, whom he has known since his youth, is actually believed to be an instance planted by his family to secretly aid him during his time in the academy.

Yet here he scolded you in front of everyone.

"Come to my office now!"

Before Fabian could pull himself together, Jerome grabbed him by the neck and immediately left without even looking at Kevin and Emma.

Watching the instructor rush to take Fabian away, Kevin got up and walked over to Sirius and Emma.

"Let me out!"

After hearing Emma speak, Sirius released her.

Looking closely at the person who had just released her, Emma realized that it was the guy who was at the bottom of the standings in the class. If he hadn't saved her when Fabian was about to pressurize, she might have been injured. But how can he move so fast? Is he hiding his power?

Shaking her head, Emma walk towards the entrance.

Looking at Emma, ​​Sirius predicted a storm would hit the academy.