
The Humorous One

It was a lively atmosphere, Uncle Sam and his wife were dancing while "Song for my father" by Horace silver played in the back. My young cousins playing chase, their steps crunching the grass below as the musical laughter of children mummer though the air, sizzling sounds of sausages snipped at my ears as I switched my focus to my father whom, with a Wide smile was practically radiating contentment, simply turning and tossing the sausages about.

With the height of the festivities now over, Fatigued overwhelmed us, already on the verge of nodding of we all rolled out our respective sleeping bags. One by one every fell asleep their soft breathing was calming, with myself cocooned in the blankets staring at the night sky, each star smiling brightly a story to tell.

I awoke to see the stars still, with groggy movements I moved my arm to see what time it was, only I couldn't move, with a groan I repeat the action once more---same result, switching tactics, I shift my head to a side but I could not for the love of god move, I can feel my commands going through-- but no response. I began panicking, my breathing is erratic, my eyes widen, darting back and forth, it takes a me a moment of clarity to realise that am no longer camping. It's my room back at home; With my peripheral vision I can faintly make outline of my alarm clock, my chair, desktop and all familiar little items as I left them.

The room slowly dimmed cleansing any remaining light. The darkness engulfed the room its tendrils snuffing out any life left. I was scared, here I lay paralysed with only my sense of hearing left. The door knobs opening—it's still dark. Heavy footsteps can be heard gaining more weight as it continues its momentum until it stops. I open my eyes with great trepidation, staring at me was sunken white orbs representing eyes, the hairs on my body rise as a glacial miasma pass through me rooting me further—even though I was already conjoined the bed at this point. Staring at its soulless eyes for what seemed to be mere seconds felt like an eternity, was shattered when released it a warm breath near my ear, an action that caused my enough discomfort to maul my own ear off. Further adding to the discomfort was a bony finger which traced my earlobe, a shiver cycling throughout my body. At this point I just wanted to realease a scream, just do something , I can see the shadows moving clearly my fight or flight instincts screaming for me do something, I—I Can't breathe anymore, the same skeletal fingers wrapped around my neck like a vice. Is this how it feels to choke? My vision dimming until I see no more.

I awoke once more, the last moment of wakefulness at the forefront of my mind, I gasp taking a large gulps of air like a starved man eating to the crumbs. Drinking in my surroundings once more, it's the night sky! Am back at camp! I was confused, was that a dream? It felt so real. With a deep breathe I sat up taking a critical eye to my surroundings, everything looked the same, my breathing much steadier, less erratic I-It however meant nothing as my body started to numb, shoulders become undone followed by my arms then hands, I feel a tiredness, sleepy yes, I refuse to succumb to that horror---willing everything I have to keeping my eyes open I scream in challenge---- yet no voice came out for my head lay limped my chin contacting my chest. Eyes barely blinking till I succumbed to the inevitability- a faint child-like laughter echoing through the canals of my head.

Opening my eyes for the third time, Its my room again I think, it's the same roof. While I wait for the inevitable, I am distracted by familiar yelp of pain. Shifting my eyes to a side I see my brother playing minecraft on the console his dog just got hit by a zombie. Unimaginable amounts of relief fills, The nightmares finally over, am home, am safe I felt giddy even laughing a bit. I called to him

"Help me" I exhaled to him.

He simply responded to me simply saying: 'Bro stop being weird alright?'

I just need to see his face, I need to, I have to "Turn around please"

My gaze fixated as he turns around and faces me, it's my brother's body—but his face is a swirling whirlpool of black tendrils, fingers long and bony. Fingers moving to its face he made a shhh expression and soon after begins laughing, before I could shrink myself he stands up and approaches me a slow-tease like walk as am drawn to its steps. A brown piece of skin drops at his feet, skin flakes, as I turn my head back up, He w-was shedding, the image of my brothers skins slowly flaking away---- revealing A lanky sexless creature still haunts me to this day its legs scrawny, hips wide as saucer, flabby arms, broad shoulders and short fingers yet nails longer than the whole finger. Its swirly face now slightly sunken at the eyes, a thin smile lines its face. Truly a horrifying amalgamation of flesh, I've had the misfortune of witnessing.

I attempted to mouth the words father, cry for help. But knowing by now all that would release would be an unintelligible garble, I faltered and remained frozen, I sunk myself into despair and gave myself up. Noticing the inaction it laughs, ghost of a smirk plastered on its face obvious amusement--- A deep yet gravelly voice I could easily mistake for my father I note.

He's in front of me, my sights enveloped in darkness, yet his silhouette and his facial expressions are clearly visible. It covers me in its deathly shroud covers me whole---- It's numbingly cold.

It stares at me pity, as if he feels bad for me. It looks so familiar with such a soft expression yet I--I can't recall much anymore.

My memories blanking

What's happening again? Who am I?

Why am I so confused? What am I missing, similar questions courses through me.

But it's quiet now, I feel no hesitation, can't see nor feel anything, yet I feel no worry, all I feel at this moment is sense of peace--- unadulterated bliss. I slowly lose any sense of being- sinking forever

I lose any desires to awake again.

Am experimenting with new ideas and what not lemme know what you think, Thank you for reading like share etc.

ProfessorLhaecreators' thoughts