
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasy
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Chapter 57 Poisonous Python!

"I have to kill one first. When they join forces, I will be very passive." Staring at the chest of the iron-armed bear, Liu Yun had an idea in his heart.

Must kill in one hit!

Just when Tiebixiong's huge arms were about to fall to the clouds.

With a movement of Liu Yun's body, he cast a shadow of his clone, instantly dodging the attack of the iron-armed bear.

At the same time, the wolf claws on Liu Yun's hand were as sharp as a sword that cut gold and broken stones, and fell on Tie Bixiong's chest like lightning!


With a dull sound, the iron-armed bear that had come straight at the moment stopped instantly.

I saw the wolf claw in Liu Yun's hand, inserted into the chest of the iron-armed bear with great precision, and a dazzling hole appeared.


The next moment, the huge body of the iron-armed bear slammed to the ground, causing a burst of dust.

Liu Yun looked at the blood-stained wolf claws and couldn't help shaking it, as if the whole wolf claws were numb.

The strength of this iron-armed bear is really terrifying. If the wolf claws were not strong enough, Liu Yun felt that his entire arm would be broken.


After falling to the ground, the iron-armed bear seemed a little unwilling and let out a scream.

But it didn't help. After a few screams, the blood in his eyes gradually faded.

The huge body twitched for a few times, and finally died of breathlessness. Until he died, he could not imagine that a harmless teenager could be so terrifying.

"It's your turn now!"

Seeing that the iron-armed bear had been resolved, Liu Yun sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then walked slowly towards the blood-colored python that had not yet responded.

The wolf claws on his hands radiated an icy cold light, and Liu Yun approached the blood-colored python like a god of death.


Seeing Liu Yun coming towards him, the blood-colored python spit out a scarlet tongue, and a cold glow flashed in its icy pupils.

The next moment, the blood-colored python was like a ray of blood, galloping towards the flowing clouds like a long rainbow, raising dead leaves all over the ground.

Among the fallen leaves in the sky, Liu Yun's wolf claws ooze cold light, making him look even colder.

At the moment when the two were about to collide, a cold light surged out like waves, directly piercing the scarlet eyes of the blood-colored python, and blood sputtered out.


The blood-colored python fell backwards in vain, hitting the towering tree, and the tree collapsed.

The huge body of the Blood Flood Serpent rolled on the ground, screaming frantically, and the severe pain made it lose its calmness.

Liu Yun walked calmly, appearing behind the Blood Flood Serpent like a ghost, and the sharp wolf claws pierced through its body in one fell swoop.

Blood splattered, the roaring blood-colored giant python made a more shrill scream, and the huge body no longer rolled, but twitched slightly.

But the next moment, Liu Yun Jian's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and he quickly pulled out the wolf claws from his hands.

"Very poisonous!"

The blood of this blood serpent is corrosive, and even if the wolf claws are condensed, Liu Yun feels a piercing pain.

"Unfortunately, the blood of this bloody python cannot be used for cultivation!"

Liu Yun said in a low voice, turned around and walked towards the body of Tie Bi Xiong, and put the body into the ring.

The blood of the Blood Flood Serpent was venomous, and its flesh was even more poisonous. Liu Yun dared not joke about his own safety.

Suddenly, Liu Yun seemed to have thought of something, and returned to collect the corpse of the blood-colored python.

He thought of Xiaoyixian.

Although this blood-colored python is useless to him, the little medical fairy may come in handy.

With her talent for refining poison, she might be able to extract the toxins in the bloody python.

The Scarlet Giant Python is a Tier 3 Warcraft. If the toxins in its body are extracted, it should also be used to deal with other Tier 3 Warcraft.

In this case, the little medical fairy alone in the cave can be regarded as having a little self-protection.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun returned to the cave after collecting the two demon beast corpses.

"Liuyun, you're back."

At the entrance of the cave, Xiaoyixian is still the same as before, standing alone at the entrance of the cave, just like a wife who waits for her husband to get off work every day.

After Liu Yun approached, Mei Mu kept looking at Liu Yun and asked with concern, "Are you not injured?"

Liu Yun shook his head and said, "No."

Looking at the girl guarding the entrance of the cave, an inexplicable taste flashed in Liu Yun's heart.

After being in this world for so long, finally someone truly cares about him.

"I brought a good thing." Thinking of the corpse of the blood-colored python in the ring, Liu Yun raised the ring in his hand, and said mysteriously.

"What?" A curious look appeared on Xiao Yixian's face.

"Let's go ahead and talk about it." After Liu Yun finished speaking, he walked directly into the cave.


As soon as he entered the cave, the sound of an eagle roared suddenly. It was the pet of the little medical fairy, the first-order magical beast Blue Eagle.

"It looks like you've almost recovered." Liu Yun looked at Lan Ying, who was already able to move, with a smile on his face.


Hearing this, Xiao Lan called out again, as if she understood Liu Yun's words and was responding to him.

"This is also thanks to the third-order Warcraft flesh and blood you provide every day, otherwise it is estimated that it will take more than ten days for Xiaolan to fully recover." Xiaoyixian followed behind Liuyun, looking at Xiaolan who had recovered, her face could not bear it. Stay smiling.

Hearing this, Liu Yun smiled and did not speak, but released the corpses of the blood-colored python and the iron-armed bear in the ring.

Two behemoths appeared in the cave, even if the cave was big enough, it seemed a little narrow at the moment.


As the bodies of two Tier 3 monsters appeared in the cave, the pressure that belonged to Tier 3 monsters suddenly made the Tier 1 monster Lan Ying cry out in unease.

"Why aren't you afraid of eating?" Seeing this, Liu Yun was a little dumbfounded.

Since Blue Eagle recovered, after tasting the sweetness of the third-order Warcraft's flesh and blood, he has eaten a lot of flesh and blood almost every day.

If it weren't for the huge size of the Tier 3 Warcraft, Liu Yun would be a little short of supply.

Don't look at this guy's fear of death now, it's the favorite thing to eat later.

"Little Doctor Immortal, I don't need this bloody python. I'll leave it to you. Be careful that it is poisonous." Liu Yun pointed to the corpse of the bloody python and said to Little Doctor Immortal.

"Poison Python!" Hearing this, the little doctor fairy's beautiful eyes lit up, and a surprise appeared on her pretty face.

The last time she dealt with the bloodthirsty demon wolves, the poison powder made on her body had been used up.

In this third-order Warcraft area, she did not dare to go out, because she was short of materials to make poisonous powder.

Now that Liu Yun gave her a poisonous python, which was still a Tier 3 monster, she was naturally excited.

"Liuyun, thank you!" Xiaoyixian raised a smile on her pretty face and looked at Liuyun with joy.

"No thanks, just bake these two bear paws for me later." Liu Yun said indifferently, pointing to the two bear paws of the iron-armed bear.

This bear paw, but a rare delicacy, naturally cannot be wasted.

"No problem." Xiaoyixian smiled and said, this is her strength.

After playing with the little medical fairy for a while, Liu Yun didn't forget his business.

As usual, he took the barrel out of the ring and began to bleed the corpse of the iron-armed bear.

As long as he refines the blood essence of this iron-armed bear, he can condense the ninth blood aperture tonight.

With one blood orifice missing, he has ten blood orifices in his body.

At that time, he will be considered to have successfully cultivated the first level of the Myriad Beasts Mantra.

The physical strength will be greatly improved, and at the same time, the body of the beast will be condensed in the body.