
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasy
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Chapter 44 Qingshan Town!

The scorching sun and the scorching high temperature scorched the earth with cracks in all directions.

The soles of the feet stepped on the hard soil, and a heat wave rushed in from the soles of the feet, making the people who were able to walk in sweat and cursed the ghost weather constantly.

On a small road, a black shadow suddenly descended from the sky and landed firmly on the ground.

The black shadow fell to the ground, and two figures were suddenly revealed, it was the flowing cloud in white clothes and the nameless figure shrouded in black robes.

"Master, we have arrived outside Qingshan Town." After landing, Wuming gently put down Liu Yun and bowed.


Hearing this, Liu Yun couldn't help but stretched out his arms, loosening his muscles and bones.

Looking at the town not far away, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "After a day's journey, we finally arrived successfully."

"Okay, Wuming, you have worked hard, and then you can hide in the dark."

Liu Yun said to Wuming: "As long as my life is not in danger, I don't have to shoot."

Since it is to come out to experience, it is natural that you cannot rely on the nameless shot all the time, and then you will not be able to achieve the effect.

"Yes, Master." As soon as Wuming's voice fell, he disappeared in front of Liu Yun.

Afterwards, Liu Yun slowly stepped into the avenue leading to Qingshan Town, and followed passers-by into Qingshan Town.

Qingshan Town is the closest town to the Warcraft Mountains. Because of its proximity to the Warcraft Mountains, it is also called the Warcraft Town.

In the small town, the largest crowd is naturally the mercenaries who add blood to the knife all day long.

They were in groups, hugging each other's arms, drooling on the streets, discussing unscrupulously where the women in the town are the most delicious, where the wine is the strongest, and where the monsters are the most vicious...

Walking on the streets made of bluestone.

Liu Yun was dressed in white and dressed as a handsome young man. Compared with the mercenary dressed in rough clothes next to him, he was naturally out of place, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

For these gazes, Liu Yun naturally didn't care, and walked towards Qingshan Town unhurriedly.

Soon, Liu Yun entered the interior of Qingshan Town.

Although Qingshan Town is only a small town, it is no less lively than the bustling area of ​​Wutan City.

In the center of Qingshan Town, there is a long road.

On both sides of the avenue, there are actually many shops, and because of the geographical location, the popularity is quite hot.

Looking at these shops, they were no different from those in Wutan City, and Liu Yun was not interested.

He has only one purpose, and that is the Wanyao Zhai where Xiaoyixian is located.

This time, he came to Qingshan Town to experience, in addition to improving his own strength, the main purpose was to get close to the little medical fairy.

If he wants to get the cave treasure in the Warcraft Mountains, he must find the little medical fairy.

Now, only she knows where the treasure is.

Moreover, Liu Yun was also a little curious about the poisonous body on Xiaoyixian's body.

This kind of physique that relies on poison to rapidly improve his strength really attracts him.

Of course, Liu Yun also admitted in his heart that he wanted to see the peerless appearance of the little medical fairy.

In his previous life, when he read the original book "Fighting the Heavens", he was full of good impressions of the little medical fairy.

Now that I have crossed over, it is natural to have a close contact.

Soon, Liu Yun found his target, a vast medicinal herb store with the words "Wan Yao Zhai" written on it.

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Yun stepped directly into the Wanyao Zhai.

Walking into the spacious store, the moonstone hanging on the wall lit up the store like daytime. At this time, there were quite a lot of people in the store, and the clerks were very busy, so no one greeted the people who just came in. cloud.

In desperation, Liu Yun could only take the initiative to attack.

"Hello, is Xiaoyixian here?"

Liu Yun grabbed a male clerk and asked.

The male clerk who was held by Liu Yun turned his head and glanced at Liu Yun, and when he saw Liu Yun dressed as a son, he immediately regarded Liu Yun as a playboy who was pursuing a small medical fairy.

Over the years, I don't know how many such sons and brothers are pretentious and come to pursue the little medical fairy, but all of them are rejected by the little medical fairy.

"Little Doctor Immortal has gone out." Thinking of this, the male clerk replied to Liu Yun impatiently, and then fell back into busyness.

"Going out?" Hearing this, Liu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and when he was about to ask again, the male clerk had already left.

Seeing that the male clerk didn't want to pay attention to him, Liu Yun was a little depressed, and he didn't seem to have offended him.

Later, Liu Yun thought of a way to look at the medicinal materials in the store.

After a while, Liu Yun left Wan Yao Zhai satisfied.

After buying some medicinal herbs, he directly asked the cashier when he checked out that he had finally arrived at Xiaoyixian.

"It's true that money can make a ghost run the mill." Liu Yun sighed a little.

Afterwards, Liu Yun inquired and headed straight towards the entrance to the Demonic Beast Mountains.

I got news from the cashier just now that Xiaoyixian has entered the Mountain of Warcraft to collect medicine today.

It seems that if you want to see the little medical fairy, you can only go to the Warcraft Mountains first.

Soon, Liu Yun came to the exit of Qingshan Town, which was also the entrance to the Mountain of Monsters.

At this moment, there are already many mercenaries crowded here, shouting loudly, constantly greeting the individual mercenaries who want to enter the mountain.

The mercenaries in the town are roughly divided into

There are three kinds, one is a mercenary group that has been closely organized. This kind of mercenary group is the strongest, and it is extremely safe to enter the Warcraft Mountains.

The second type of mercenary is some temporary mercenary teams. Such teams are generally disbanded after completing one mission. The mutual trust and tacit understanding are far less than that of a regular mercenary team.

The third type of mercenary is those mercenaries who walk alone. These people generally have some kind of life-saving trump card.

At this time, the loudly shouting mercenaries at the exit of the town belonged to the second category.

Liu Yun naturally did not think of joining a mercenary group, but when he came to the entrance of the Demonic Beast Mountains, he was suddenly dumbfounded.

"how so..."

Looking at the three-way intersection in front of him, Liu Yun was a little confused.

The cashier of Wanyaozhai just told him that Xiaoyixian was in the Warcraft Mountains, but did not tell him which direction to go.

Liu Yun was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do next.

"If I knew earlier, I would have asked more clearly." Liu Yun thought a little depressedly.

In desperation, Liu Yun had no choice but to look at a mercenary who was ushering in the front, and asked, "This eldest brother, may I ask which way did the team of Little Doctor Immortal take when they entered the mountain?"

After reading the original book, Liu Yun naturally knew that Xiaoyixian was very famous in Qingshan Town, and there must be many people who knew her whereabouts.

"Little Doctor Immortal? Her team is going up the mountain from this side." The mercenary who was pulled by Liu Yun was stunned for a moment, then pointed at the path on the right and said indifferently.

Many mercenaries know that the little medical fairy went up the mountain to collect medicine, and naturally there is no need to hide it.

"Thank you!" Liu Yun smiled slightly and headed towards the path on the right.

However, what Liu Yun didn't notice was that when he mentioned the three words "Little Doctor Immortal", a cold look appeared in the eyes of a young man dressed as a mercenary behind him.