
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasy
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Chapter 38 Galebi's Conspiracy!

A full moon hung in the sky, and the soft moonlight shone down.

At night, in the backyard of the Oba family, a burly figure sat quietly in the pavilion, as if waiting for something.

After a while, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the backyard, heading straight towards the gazebo.

He came with extraordinary aura, exuding the aura of a great fighting master.

"You came."

Feeling the arrival of the shadow, the burly figure seemed to have expected it, and said indifferently.

"How is my suggestion considered? Patriarch Oba!"

The black shadow came directly opposite the burly figure and looked directly at the latter.

This burly figure is Obapa, the patriarch of the Oba family.

And the dark shadow that suddenly descended was Galebi, the patriarch of the Gale family.

At this moment, hearing Galebi's words, Obaba kept silent and kept silent.


Seeing this, Galebi's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, and a cold expression appeared on his face.

"Obapa, don't you plan to let my Jialie family and Xiao family go shopping, and then your Oba family will take advantage of the fisherman's power?"

"You're doing a pretty good job of it..."

Galebi looked at Obaba in front of him with a bad expression.

It turned out that during the day, Galebi had come to the Oba family to conspire with Obapa.

The content of its conspiracy is naturally aimed at the Xiao family.

Now that Xiao Zhan has obtained the Qi Gathering Pill, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through to the Dou Ling Realm.

This suddenly made Galebi feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Among the three major families in Wutan City, the Jialie family and the Xiao family are comparable in strength, and conflicts have often occurred in recent years.

If the Xiao family goes out of the Dou Lingjing realm, then don't think about it, the first one to destroy is definitely the Jialie family.

The first strike is stronger, and the later strike suffers!

Caleb naturally understood this.

Thinking that in the near future, his Jialei family will be destroyed by the Xiao family, and Jialebi will naturally not sit still.

Therefore, after leaving the Mittel auction house, Galebi went directly to the Oba family to discuss countermeasures with the patriarch Obapa.

Jialebi proposed that before Xiao Zhan broke through Dou Ling, the two should cooperate to enter the Xiao family and destroy the Xiao family.

In this way, the hidden danger of the Xiao family can be completely eliminated.

But what dissatisfied Galebi was that Obama still had to think about it for a while, and did not promise himself the first time.

If it weren't for the fear of losing both himself and the Xiao family, the Aoba family would take advantage of the fisherman behind, and Galebi would have led the clan into the Xiao family.

Because he had already received the news, Xiao Zhan had already entered a state of retreat after obtaining the Qi Gathering Pill.

Xiao Zhan retreated, and at this moment in the Xiao family, no one was his opponent.

Destroying the Xiao family is definitely an easy task.

What Jialebi was most worried about was that when he and the Xiao family were fighting to the death, the Oba family suddenly stabbed him in the back.

Therefore, Obappa did not agree to join hands with him, and Galebi did not dare to act rashly.

In desperation, Galebi could only give Obama a little time to think about it.

It is now late at night, Xiao Zhan has already taken the Qi Gathering Pill, and he may break through to the Dou Spirit Realm at any time.

Thinking of this, Galibi couldn't bear it any longer, and sneaked into the Oba family to meet Obapa in person.


"Galibi, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't speak indiscriminately."

At this moment, hearing Galebi's words, Obaba's expression changed, and he finally couldn't help it.

"My Aoba family and Xiao family have always been well-watered, so why do you ask me to attack the Xiao family with you?"

Obaba sneered: "Among the three major families in Wutan City, my Obaba family is the weakest."

"For more than ten years, the reason why my Oba family has been safe and sound is because your Jialie family and Xiao family are jealous of each other, for fear that my Oba family will defect."

"Now, if I attack the Xiao family with you, after the Xiao family is destroyed, the next one will be destroyed, isn't it my Auba family?"

Speaking of this, Obaba looked at Galeb with some disdain: "Galeb, don't treat everyone as an idiot, what kind of wishful thinking is in your heart, do you really think I don't know?"


Obaba's remarks are equivalent to tearing his face. After Galebi heard it, he was shocked and angry in his heart.

He never imagined that Obappa, who had always been regarded as a fool by him, could actually think of this.

What Obappa said just now was almost in line with the plan in his heart.

This performance immediately made Galebi look at Obama in front of him with admiration.

After a moment of silence, Galebi quickly calmed down the ups and downs in his heart.

"Obappa, it is undeniable that I did have such an idea in my heart."

"However, the top priority is to deal with the Xiao family. When Xiao Zhan breaks through the realm of fighting spirit, we will no longer have a chance."


Seeing Galebi admit it, Obappa sneered: "Is it not trying to cooperate with a tiger to cooperate with you? Would I do such a stupid thing?"

Seeing that Obaba was still unmoved, Galebi was angry and anxious, gritted his teeth and said: "As long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will transfer ten shops to you, and I will also sign a contract with you in black and white. , don't move your Auba family for ten years!"


Galeby's eyes

Looking at Obama, the cold light flashed in his eyes.

He has already given in like this. If the other party still doesn't know the good and bad, then don't blame him for being rude.

Feeling the killing intent in Galebi's eyes, Obapa's heart suddenly burst, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Twenty shops, don't invade my Oba family for fifteen years!"

"If it can't be done, I will never promise to attack the Xiao family with you!"


Hearing this, Galebi stared at Obama with some fierce eyes.

"make a deal!"

"Tomorrow, I will send someone to connect with you. After transferring the shop, I will immediately prepare to attack the Xiao family with me." Facing Obapa's rogue, Galebi had no choice but to agree with gritted teeth.

"As long as your promise is fulfilled, I, Obaba, will never break my promise." Obaba vowed.


With a cold snort, Galebi turned and disappeared into the backyard of the Auba family.

After Galebi left, Obaba slowly got up and looked in the direction of the Xiao family with a complicated expression.

To be honest, Obappa didn't want to go to war with the Xiao family in his heart.

The three-legged confrontation between the three great families of Wutan City is the most favorable situation for the Oba family.

For more than ten years, the Jialie family and the Xiao family have been intriguing, but they are the only ones who dare not attack the Oba family.

The reason is, of course, the fear of pushing the Oba family to take refuge in a hostile family.

This also allowed the originally weakest Aoba family to recuperate, gradually catching up with the strength of the Xiao family and the Jialie family.

"Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan, the situation in Wutan City was destroyed by you."

"I'm helpless too, you forced me to do it." Obama muttered to himself.