
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasy
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Chapter 32 Chiyang Art!

"Ding, the auction of the third-order bloodthirsty devil wolf demon core was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return and obtaining the seventh-order sky poisonous scorpion dragon beast demon core."

10,000 times return!

Seventh-order Sky Poison Dragon Beast Demon Core!

Hearing the prompt sound in his head, Liu Yun couldn't help being shocked.

Actually got the seventh-order Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast Demon Core!

Liu Yun's consciousness sank into the system space, and a scorpion-brown magic core was suspended in the void.

Approaching the seventh-order Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast Demon Core, Liu Yun felt a strong sense of oppression.

As expected of the magic core of the seventh-order Warcraft, Liu Yun could clearly feel the huge energy contained in it.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Liu Yun suddenly thought of the original book, Xiaoyi Xian condensed the poison pill, the seventh-order Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast Demon Core is a must-have item.

Perhaps, the seventh-order Sky Poison Scorpion Dragon Beast Demon Core could be used in the future.

At this moment, Liu Yun's mind has already started to plan for the future.

After a while, Liu Yun's consciousness slowly exited the system space.

He has already planned in his mind, after this auction, he will take time to go to the Demonic Beast Mountains.

There are many beasts in the Warcraft Mountains, and Liu Yun just needs to hunt and kill the beasts to obtain the blood of the beasts to cultivate the scriptures of the beasts.

With nameless protection, there should be few monsters in the Monster Mountains that can hurt themselves.

Moreover, Liu Yun remembered that there was a record in the original book that there was a cave treasure in the Warcraft Mountains, and there was even a rare flying fighting skill in it, the colorful poison scripture that the poison master longed for.

If you put these treasures up for auction, what kind of treasures will you get after the system returns them?

Today, Liu Yun has reduced the auction to once every two weeks, so there must be enough treasures to support it.

In addition, Liu Yun also had the idea of ​​a little medical fairy in his heart.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun's mind couldn't help but flash the information about Xiaoyixian in the original book.

Liu Yun remembered that Xiaoyi Xian was a doctor in Qingshan Town outside the Warcraft Mountains.

She is very skilled in medicine. She met Xiao Yan in the Warcraft Mountains, and then gradually became acquainted with her through the cave exploration, and she had an ambiguous relationship with Xiao Yan.

Later, he practiced the "Colorful Poison Sutra", and his physique was "Evil Poison Body".

Xiaoyixian eats poison and cultivates, all poisons do not invade, the whole body is poisoned, and whoever touches it will die, white hair and purple eyes, and then go to the Izumo Empire to experience.

Afterwards, Xiaoyi Xian founded the Poison Sect in the Izumo Empire, nicknamed "The Poison Girl", and his strength has reached the realm of the four-star Dou Sect.

Collecting the poisonous gas generated by the outbreak of the Evil Poison Body has advanced to the Five-Star Dou Zong.

Afterwards, Xiao Yan went to Zhongzhou together and got separated in the space wormhole teleportation.

Because the "Evil Poison Body" was hunted down by the Glacier Valley and other forces, it was found by Xiao Yan, Venerable Tianhuo and others in Luoshenjian, and was rescued by Xiao Yan and helped him form a poison pill to get rid of the Evil Poison Body.

Afterwards, he accompanied Xiao Yan to participate in the Danta Dan meeting. After the Dan meeting ended, Xiao Yan began to conquer 3,000 Yan Yanhuo. When Xiao Yan conquered 3,000 Yan Yanhuo and met with Xiaoyixian again, he confirmed that Xiaoyixian's strength had reached 3-star Dou Zun.

Later, before going to the ancient clan, Yao Lao asked Xiao Yixian to go to an ancient tomb.

The original owner of this ancient tomb was also the owner of the Evil Poison Body, and at the juncture of death, he created a method to completely control the Evil Poison Body, but because the Evil Poison Body had completely erupted, it still failed in the end.

Xiaoyixian found a way to completely control the Evil Poison Body in the ancient tomb, and succeeded in cultivation, his strength reached the Seven Star Dou Zun, and became the first person in the history of Dou Qi Continent to truly control the Evil Poison Body.

Later, with the help of the blood of Huangquan Yaosheng, Xiaoyixian broke through the peak level of Dou Zun, reached the level of Dou Sheng, and became the elder of Xingyun Pavilion.

In the finale, Xiaoyixian returned to Qingshan Town to practice medicine alone, and was taken over by Xiao Yan to live in Wutan City.

Liu Yun had also seen the Great Master. When the Little Doctor Immortal appeared in the Great Master, his strength was Spirit Grade Heaven Supreme, and he was the elder of the Endless Fire Domain.

It can be said that the little doctor fairy in the early stage was a tragic character, and her ending was relatively good in the later stage.

Little Doctor Immortal has a poisonous body, if Liu Yun can get her, he will have a right-hand man by his side in the future.

Shaking his head, withdrawing the thousands of thoughts in his mind, Liu Yun continued to look at the auction table.

Regardless of his future plans, his only goal now is to improve his strength.

In this world where the strong are respected, only when you are strong can you realize your thoughts.

"Everyone, let's start the auction of the fourth item."

On the auction stage, Ya Fei's enchanting waist twisted, revealing a charming smile.

As soon as Ya Fei's voice fell, a maid slowly came to the stage with a wooden box.

"The items in this auction are high-level Huangjie exercises... Practicing fire burning!" After opening the wooden box, Ya Fei immediately introduced to the auction platform.

"The Yellow Rank Advanced Cultivation Technique!"

"Practice fire!"

As Ya Fei's charming voice sounded in the auction, a burst of commotion suddenly emanated.

For a fighter, the importance of exercises is self-evident.

Only by cultivating a good practice can we go further in the future.

"Practicing Huo Fen, isn't this the Xiao family's practice?"

"Damn it, it seems that this guy Xiao Zhan has invested a lot of money this time in order to get the Qi Gathering Pill!"

After Ya Fei said the words "practice fire burning", Galebi and Obaba couldn't help but flash a trace of trouble in their eyes.

The three big families fought like this

After years of dealings, the two of them naturally knew that this practice fire came from the Xiao family.

The secrets of the exercises are the foundation of an aristocratic family.

They didn't expect that in order to get this Qi Gathering Pill, Xiao Zhan even put out the Huangjie advanced exercises for auction.

This shows that Xiao Zhan's attitude towards Qi Gathering Pill is inevitable!

"The auction of Huangjie's advanced exercises will start now, and the starting price is 25,000 gold coins!" On the auction stage, Ya Fei announced the start without any fuss.

"Twenty-six thousand gold coins!"

"Twenty-seven thousand gold coins!"

"Twenty-eight thousand gold coins!"


"Thirty thousand gold coins!"

Intense shouts sounded endlessly on the auction floor.

Soon, the price of the Huangjie Kungfu practice Huoburn rose to 30,000 gold coins!

But everyone's enthusiasm for cultivating exercises is obviously more than that.

In the end, the price of practicing fire burning stayed at 40,000 gold coins!

"Does anyone continue to increase the price?"

"If you don't have it, then this high-level Huang-level exercise will belong to this gentleman."

Mei Mu swept the entire auction hall, and seeing that the price had stabilized, Ya Fei announced the final result without hesitation.

"Ding, the high-level Huang-level exercises have been successfully auctioned, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten-thousand-fold return, and obtaining the Chiyang Art of the primary-level exercises."

"The Chiyang Art has been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to the host to check it!"

At the same time as Ya Fei announced the results, a system prompt sounded in Liu Yun's mind.