
The Attacking System

Alex a boy whose dream was to be a footballer to care for his family, died. But then he realised he came back?

Jimmy_Young12 · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Keeping Focus

The steady drone of the classroom felt like a lullaby to Alex Bram. His eyelids grew heavier by the minute as he sat at his desk, struggling to stay awake during a long history lecture. His teacher, Mr. Hendriks, was a tall, stern man with a habit of pacing the room as he spoke, his voice a monotone murmur that easily induced drowsiness.

Alex glanced at the clock, counting down the minutes until lunch. He had spent the previous night practicing free kicks with the "Bend It Like Beckham" technique, trying to perfect his aim. Coach Johan Berg had stressed the importance of set pieces, and Alex knew he had to step up his game to keep the unbeaten streak alive. The extra practice had left him exhausted, and he felt his head drooping.

"Mr. Bram," Mr. Hendriks's voice cut through the haze, snapping Alex back to attention. "Would you care to repeat what I just said?"

Alex's heart raced as he realized he'd been caught dozing off. He glanced around the classroom, his classmates watching with a mix of curiosity and amusement. He had no idea what the teacher had said.

"Um, sorry, sir," he stammered. "I, uh, missed that."

Mr. Hendriks sighed, his eyes narrowing. "You're a bright student, Alex, but you need to focus in class. Football is important, but so is your education. You won't get far if you don't pay attention. Understood?"

Alex nodded, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

The teacher continued with the lecture, and Alex made an effort to stay awake, scribbling notes and trying to engage with the topic. He knew he had to do better. Balancing school and football was challenging, but he couldn't afford to let his grades slip.

At lunch, Alex joined his friends at their usual table in the cafeteria. Steven Gerben and Paul Jose were already there, discussing the upcoming matches. They'd just finished an impressive run, winning four games in a row, and the pressure to maintain the unbeaten streak was mounting.

"Did you hear about the scout coming to our next match?" Steven asked, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Coach Berg mentioned it this morning. It's a big opportunity for us."

Alex nodded, trying to push the classroom incident out of his mind. "Yeah, I heard. We need to be at our best. The next game is against PSV U15, and they're tough."

Paul Jose leaned forward, a mischievous grin on his face. "So, what happened in history class, Alex? You looked like you were about to fall asleep."

Alex groaned, covering his face with his hands. "Don't remind me. Mr. Hendriks caught me dozing off and called me out in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing."

Steven chuckled. "That's what you get for staying up late practicing free kicks. You need to get some sleep, man."

Alex sighed, knowing they were right. The pressure to perform on the field was intense, but he couldn't let it affect his schoolwork. He needed to find a better balance.

Over the next few weeks, Ajax U15 continued their unbeaten streak, winning four matches in a row. The first match was against NAC Breda U15, a team known for their solid defense. Ajax took control early, with Paul Jose providing a brilliant assist to Alex Bram, who scored a powerful left-footed shot from outside the box. The second goal came from a corner kick, with Paul Jose sending a precise cross to Steven Gerben, who headed it down for Alex to score his second goal with a tap-in. Ajax won the match 2-0, and the streak continued.

The second match was a complete thrashing, with Ajax dominating their opponents 7-0. Richard Klein scored a hat trick, showing his prowess as a center forward. Paul Jose added a stunning screamer from outside the box, leaving the goalkeeper with no chance. The team's defensive midfielder, Martijn Bakker, scored a header from a corner kick. Alex Bram contributed with a beautiful free kick, bending the ball over the wall and into the top corner, and later scored a tap-in from a low cross by Steven Gerben. It was a comprehensive victory that showcased Ajax's attacking prowess.

The third match was against NEC Nijmegen U15. This time, it was a tighter game, with Nijmegen's defense holding firm. Alex Bram played a key role, providing two assists—one to Steven Gerben, who scored with a powerful shot from outside the box, and another to Paul Jose, who finished a well-timed cross. The final score was 3-1, securing another win for Ajax.

The fourth match was a tough encounter against PSV U15, a team known for their disciplined possession style game. The game remained scoreless until the 75th minute, when Paul Jose delivered a perfect cross to Richard Klein, who headed it into the net. The match ended 1-0, and Ajax's unbeaten streak extended to eight games.

Back at school, Alex made an effort to focus more in class, knowing that he needed to keep up with his studies. He spent time with his friends during lunch breaks, discussing football and helping each other with homework. Despite the challenges, he was determined to succeed both on and off the field.

Coach Johan Berg was pleased with the team's progress, but he knew that maintaining the unbeaten streak would require continued focus and hard work. He emphasized the importance of teamwork and discipline, reminding the players that they needed to stay humble and keep improving.

As the season progressed, Alex Bram felt a growing sense of responsibility. His performances on the field were crucial to the team's success, but he also had to balance his commitments at school. It wasn't easy, but he knew that with dedication and perseverance, he could achieve his goals.

The journey was far from over, and the challenges ahead would be significant. But with Coach Berg's guidance and the support of his teammates, Ajax U15 was ready to face whatever came their way. The unbeaten streak was more than just a record—it was a testament to the team's resilience and determination. And they were determined to keep it alive.



Name: Alex Bram

Age: 15

Talent Estimation: Grade C

Points: 600

Evaluation: A young Dutch boy aspiring to be the best among the best but his talent is better than average.


Physical Fitness: C+ (Strength, Speed and Stamina)

Game Intelligence: B

Mental Ability: B

Soccer Technique: B


1. Jay Jay Okocha Reverse Step Over (Completed: 80/100)

2. The Reverse Elastico (76/100)

3. Bend It Like Beckham (50/100)

4. Messi's Body Feints (23/100)

"I finally bought a new skill from the system, this would help me a lot" Alex said.