
The Atlantian System

What would you do if you suddenly had ancient technology slowly making you more than you were before? High schooler Oletta Black is your typical private school outcast with only a handful of friends outside of her nerdy circle. What she lacks in looks, she makes up for in her intelligence, with dreams of becoming an Archeologist and studying the ancient cultures that she loves so much. Offered a spot as an assistant on a archeological site by her teacher, Leta jumps at the chance to enjoy what she loves. While poking around underwater ruins off the coast of Greece, Leta accidentally triggers an ancient nanite technology, thrusting her into a millennia long battle between super-powered factions. [TESTING COMPATIBILITY WITH HOST] [HOST COMPATIBLE WITH SYSTEM] [SYSTEM UPLOADING] [SYSTEM UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY. WELCOME, HOST, TO THE ATLANTIAN SYSTEM] AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey there! L.E. Reinhart here, giving you a little info on what to expect. Chapters posted to WebNovel are the rough, rough, rough draft of the novel. Seriously, these are the chapters fresh out of my brain that have not been edited yet. As such, they are most likely going to look very different from the final novel chapters. If you'd like to read the finalized chapters, head over to Royal Road at https://www.royalroad.com/profile/416409. Chapters here on WebNovel 'may' give you a sneak peak of what's to come in the finalized versions. All my best, -LER

LE_Reinhart · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three - Part Two: Group Huddle

Simon's jacket, ripped in places from attacks, was draped over Leta's shoulders as Afra handed her a hand wipe. "You still look like a horror movie survivor."

She had almost forgotten that she was still covered in werewolf guts.

The wet cloth did little to fix her appearance, but at least with the sports jacket covering her and a clean face, she looked more like a wayward vagabond and less like a murder suspect.

The group retreated from the smithy to Afra's car, a baby blue Honda N360 that was just a step above clown car in it's size. Leta, Kaviah, and Simon were somehow squeezed into the back seat with Eriene riding shotgun, her seat having to go nearly all the way up to the dashboard in order to fit Simon in behind her.

Despite the close quarters, Leta did her best to keep as still as possible, partially in an effort not to anger the grumpy Blacksmith but also out of fear that any sudden movements would tip the car over.

What happened next was one of the most terrifying experiences of her life as Afra drove the vehicle like she was auditioning for a Michael Bay film, dodging pedestrians and snaking through narrow city streets. She should have hit someone, or at the very least tapped the breaks, but in the entire thirty minutes it took to reach a parking area near the Sect, she hadn't slowed down in the slightest.

Leta tumbled out of the car, limbs weak from clenching in fear as she heaved a sigh of relief.

Afra gave her a smirk as she helped the elderly Eriene out of her seat. "But did you die?"

"You're a menace."

Afra found that most amusing and was cackling all the way to the Sect penthouse.

Leta looked up as they reached the front entrance. The sun had been setting as they made their exit from the foundry and now the sky had turned to softened shades of indigo and violet.

Huda opened the door at their arrival and immediately went to her sister, assessing her for damage before taking Eriene's arm gently and leading her to one of the plush living room chairs. "What happened?"

"Ambushed by Loupgaru and Minotaurs." Eriene sighed, wincing as she sat. "We were at the foundry when they broke through the door. Kaviah fended them off while I put out the distress signal. I wasn't paying attention and one of the Loupgaru managed to get me before Kaviah killed it."

She gestured to Leta and Simon with one bony finger, "They arrived after Kaviah had been fending off those beasts. They both killed the Minotaurs and Leta nearly got killed by a Loupgaru before she managed to kill it. Afra arrived soon after and took care of the rest."

Huda nodded, then scrunched up her nose as she saw Leta's disheveled state. "You seem worse for wear after your second encounter with these creatures."

"One kind of exploded on me this go around, so I could definitely do without another situation like this."

Huda's beautiful features were pinched in disgust. "Down the hall, to the right is a bathroom. Please feel free to take a shower and clean yourself."

Leta felt awkward leaving everyone to go clean up, but Simon gave her a pat on the back. "I know this isn't your first fight, but a shower would do you wonders for your mental health. We'll all be here when you return."

With that send off, she followed Huda's directions and ended up in a typical European bathroom with tiled counter tops and teal colored ceramic shower/bathtub combination.

Leta stripped down and examined herself in the mirror as the water heated.

It was the first time that she got a chance to really look at her pauldrons. They were made of muted silver that braided back and forth over her shoulders and moved like a second skin. It was odd to see such an archaic armor, but Leta found that the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

The pauldrons weren't the only things different about her.

Was it just her, or did her eyes seem brighter? Her cheeks seemed more defined, her lips looked just a bit softer and more full. The gradual weight loss she had been experiencing since becoming what she was was starting to become extremely noticeable. She looked like she'd lost at least seven or eight kilograms of weight, mostly around her stomach and thighs.

Objectively, she could almost say she was… pretty.

"That's a crazy thought." she mumbled to herself as she stepped under the hot torrent of water and ignored the mottled rust color that was pooling at her feet.

Halfway through there was a knock at the door.

"I have brought you fresh towels and some clothes to change into." Huda called to her, "They were left out by Ismene with a note that you would need them. I am assuming that they will fit, but I cannot say if they are to your style."

They weren't, but they were manageable.

Less than twenty minutes later, Leta stepped out in a too large men's shirt that said "I do all my own stunts" and a pair of jeans that were being held up by a shoelace belt and a prayer.

By now, Allister, Koa, and Hayato had also arrived with Bonnie licking at Eriene's fingers like a concerned pup.

The ginger giant grinned behind his full beard when he saw her arriving. "Lass! Had a bit of a day, didin' ya?" He chuckled, slapping her on the back so hard she nearly flew forward.

He paused, giving her a once over. "Ya look thin, girl. More so than if ya just missed a meal. Think yer class is starting to settle, whatever tha' may be."

"She did well today, but there is certainly room for improvement, Simon added from the kitchen, pouring Eriene a cup of tea.

Allister gave a grin that was this close to being considered evil. "Sounds like you an' me'll be headed ta tha Gym tomorrow."

Leta groaned in displeasure.

"I volunteer Hayato as her sparing partner." Koa said with a head gesture to the Assassin.

"Hell, no! I've been tazed before and I'd like not repeat it if at all possible." Hayato shot back.

While the pair was arguing back and forth, Afra looked up from her phone and frowned after seeming to take a head count. "Where's Atreus?"

"Ah…" Allister sighed, "He's keepin' away far' the time bein'."

Just about everyone seemed to have some verbal reaction, from gasps to 'huh?' to 'no sh**!'

"It's me, isn't it."

Though Leta spoke softly, the severity of her words was enough to quiet the group.

Allister nodded, "Aye, lass. Nones' been said yet, Esmene warned him that the Governor o' the region was alerted by another Priestess to 'a bein' of great import' that would appear in his area. Ma guess is he may be thinkin' a new Crown may be comin' into it's power. He's usin' the Priestesses as involuntary spies ta see if any of the Sect Leader's come in contact with such a person."

"He knows he's being monitored, so he's keeping away." Koa interpenetrated.


"Why all the secrecy?" Hayato questioned. "I get it, she's got a crazy Talent to absorb vitality and can channel electricity, but it seems like small tricks compared to some of the things the Crowns can do."

"Um…" Simon held up a finger, his face tightened almost as if he was reluctant to share information, "There's more to it now."

Everyone looked to the Judge, then back to Leta.

A full conversation took place between them. Leta giving him wide 'what are you doing?' eyes. Simon returning with an up and down 'do it' expression.

Finally, Leta sighed, and held her arm out.

Once more her pauldrons and gauntlet's melted over her body until Inimus had formed into is deadly spear form, making her look like a puny mortal in possession of a god's weapon.

The room was silent, mouths opened in speechless 'O's as they watched what could only be described as magic take place in front of them.

"Holy s***!" Hayato shouted, startling everyone, "Where the hell do I get one of those? Do they come in katanas?"

Guess what I did for the hell of it?

The Atlantian System soundtrack is on Spotify at bit.ly/3FBRBx0. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading the end of Chapter Twenty Three. I'd appreciate it if you left a comment about what you've liked so far about the book, cast your vote, and follow along for updates on the next chapter.

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See you soon!


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