
The Astral world

DaoistsNzReX · Fantasy
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15 Chs


It's been a month since we've all come to the astral world . We've trained a lot and learnt how to use our powers for the benefit of defeating our foes. And now it's soon for us to go on our journey to defeat them. Hey Seth come up here quickly , it's time for dinner said Rick . Late night dinners are always the best haha!

Alright then kids. Tomorrow you all are going on your journey to Narnia , and now I would like to give you a map which shows you the way to get there . And don't even think of it being an easy way cuz you have to fight many foes. There are in total twelve strong people below the emperor that you have to fight

12. Hades

11. Judas

10. Succumbus

9. UI

8. Frosche

7. Illusion

6. Seducy

5. Arek

6. Saul

5. Lucifer

4. Escariot

3. Ultear

2. Zeref

1. Melchizedek.

There are twelve different territories you have to pass through , but again the emperor's whereabouts are unknown but if these people are defeated, for sure he will make a move. Out of these twelve , the top four people are the strongest. They can be as strong as that of a normal dragon . But Melchizedek…he's the biggest threat ever. His powers are beyond what you can imagine. For this battle , me Habruk and Mequila shall accompany you all , said Aetrix .

Wait why don't y'all accompany us in all of our battles? Asked Arthur to which Aetrix replied that they have to save up as much power as possible in order to defeat Melchizedek . Damn I really wonder how powerful this man is in fact to even make dragons use their entire power.

Anyways y'all go ahead and sleep cuz y'all have to start your journey early tomorrow said Mequila . And hence the conversation ended there and we all went to sleep . For a weird reason I feel like we all have grown up including myself even if it's just a month..I wonder why or is it that maybe time moves at a different pace in this world.


Wake up Seth!! It's time to go yelled Peterson . Man is it already this early? Tsk I wish I can sleep more but well I gotta go now . We all freshened ourselves up , ready to go on our journey. Hey did y'all pack up everything asked Ember . Haha obviously we all did said Peterson .

Looking back one last time at the dragons , with a look of seriousness on our faces we moved forward in order to destroy the enemy ahead. Lol reminds me of anime openings .


Ahhhh fuck man , I feel so hungry . Let's stop here and have our lunch said Ember . The route to Narnia was honestly filled with green lush full trees with a river flowing in the midst with the purest of waters I've ever seen in my life .

Well we stayed and had our lunch , everything was going alright until we reached a specific location . The site in front of us was horrific to even look at. I think it's a better option to go back guys said Peterson , having a terrified look on his face.


The trees were dead coated with darkness. Carcasses lying on the ground around us. And the sky was filled with grey. With the wind blowing so cold that it gave us the shivers.

HEY CALM DOWN GUYS said Ember herself freaking out at the site lol . But anyways we only looked forward. But it started to get more weird..the birds in the air started falling down to the ground. Life in fact started to perish as we went ahead.

That was when we all saw a creature. A demon . Grey eyes with jet black hair . He stood and stared at us with a vicious expression. Ho? So there are filthy beings who can withstand my power? Said the demon.

Who are you? Asked Hazel with a look of distress and anxiety on her face to which the demon was enticed and laughed at her.

I obviously have some sort of pity for the prey I'm about to kill haha. My name is Hades. Now it's time you people answer my question. Who are you people? And how dare you enter the territory of Narnia.

Hey man shut up , just to let you know I'm gonna defeat you said Peterson with a look of overconfidence. We are gonna defeat y'all here Hades and we will defeat the emperor.

*scoff* with a loud laughter , did y'all think that you humans can beat us? , have you not known what happened to the society seven who were sent here hahaha . You all will suffer the same fate said Hades. With a proud full look on his face.