

Astral Serenade is an Era in time that is happening 670 years after Magic has been discovered, with the Astral Serenade Era only being 2 years old as of now (Not the Novel), The Great Ashu Centuries has taken place 370 - 600 years, as no one knows much about the Centuries taken place within the 370 - 170 years ago. Due to most of the time being lost in that era, creating a mystery that our MC wants to know about, and to know these mysteries he'll need to figure out how to manipulate his magic and find a way to figure out the history of time in that lost era.

Tokan · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Juvie's Hell


𒊳ジュビーの地獄 ┃ Juvies Hell


As a week has passed, nothing much too out of the ordinary happened in the jail. Though, on this faithful day. Something happened that was out of the ordinary. Usually, people will be in their cells, then go to the cafeteria and spend some time there till they had to go back to their cell. But today, something unique sparked in this prison.

"Eh, eh... Yo you." A prisoner said to another, "I'm talking to you punk, I heard ya beat up my bud... I won't roll with that in here, got it?" The prisoner finished, as he revealed his blonde hair that ended with strides of pink, blooming in the air despite the wind having slim movement in the cafeteria. There was only one thing to describe this, as it was tension. The prisoner stared at the other, till the man he was talking too finally stood his ground as if he was a raging lion ready for his prey.

"Not out of the Great Ashu era of demons being a thing have I seen something so mind boggling." Kyuzu said out loud, however his presence was so tiny it was as if he was nothing more than an atom in a room full of buildings. Even despite being there for a week, no one even knew his name. "Yeah, I beat 'em up... Kid kept talking about how things rocked in here." The other prisoner said that was being accused. He then got up from his seat, leaving his tray on the table. Looking at the man in his eyes, they were relative height even. 

"I'd like to see you diss me like how you diss him, aight?" The prisoner that was said to have blonde hair has stated once more, as his navy-blue eyes struck him. "Bet, square up little guy." The other man stated, as the two men then sat down with people talking about what was going to happen.

Kyusu rolled his eyes as after what seemed 20 minutes they arrived in the backyard, the backyard in the prison allowed for usage of Allure that was restricted with gloves that everyone had to put on. Weaking their Allure but letting them use it. As the two men from earlier looked each other dead in the eye.