
The Assistant of God

What might happen if a higher being, like a god, for instance, were to kill someone? It seems he/she seize to exist, erasing all memories and traces that prove he/she ever existed. With that in mind, his soul is transferred, without any recollection of who he/she was, to where that god lives. And not just that! This god happens to need an Assistant, which means that he would offer that job to the person he just killed, as a form of apology of course. Being erased from existence, the new Assistant created a body and since he doesn't remember his name, he chooses a new one before going to his first assignment, a fantasy-like planet called Ditia.

JustSam3 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 2

I reach the door and found the note that god was talking about and to my surprise, it is stabbed on it. Shaking off the weird feeling that caused, I take the piece of paper, looking at what is written on it. 'Look at the other side'? I flip it and it starts shining brightly and then disappears. Suddenly, a screen appears in front of my face, making me fall on my butt. "What the fuck?" I say and then noticed that it had something written on it:

'To make thing easier and simple for you, I made some things looks like an RPG type game; if you don't know what I'm talking about (since you probably don't remember), then let me give you a quick explanation: you will have a Status Screen that will show you your different capabilities as an inhabitant of that world. Things like strength, speed, vitality, Mana, and others will be measured by numbers. In your case my friend, the Status will try to measure the power I'll be giving you, and considering you'll never see a definite amount since its part of the power of a God we're talking about, they'll be off the chart. With the Status Screen comes the level. In your case, it will start with question marks because is unnecessary considering the amount of power you'll get.

'There will be also magic in that world. You'll have access to all the elements of magic and the ones that are considered Lost Magic; along with that, you'll get many powerful skills and spells to protect yourself.

'Well, that is all for now. When you finish your body come outside, there's another thing you have to know. See ya later!'

After I finish reading that message the text window gets replaced by another one:


First assignment:

Create a new body.

Indications: go to the mirror next to the door.

Note: This is a one-time-only thing. What you'll be doing aren't 'assignments' so don't expect things like this window to happen again.


"What mirror?" I say looking at the wall next to the door... and there's nothing, I approach the wall and touch it and my reflection appears. I raise an eyebrow or at least I think I'm doing that. "That God was right, I'm a ball of light."

After admiring my form I notice a little part of the mirror that says 'create new body'. After 'touching' it, the mirror shows my body before showing a variety of complexions (ranging from thin to slightly bulky and bodybuilder), hairs (ranging from normal to ones that seem to defy gravity), eyes (normal ones to really strange ones, like totally black or totally red), and clothes (for some reason, there's battle gear in that category).

"Well, let's get started."


After finishing creating my new body, the counter in the upper right corner, that for some reason was there, marked that an hour and a half had passed; I ended up with white spiky hair, slim build, and my left eye is black while the other is red, and I'm wearing a brown leather trench coat with a black t-shirt with a skull design, brown pants, and black and red boots. Then I go to the door and open it. What welcomes me is a sky covered by tree branches. In the distance, I see the teenage boy that was on the video and called himself god.

"Hi there," says God.

"So you're God. Why that appearance?" I ask.

"Well, I got it by creating it and it was easy to make. It didn't take me too much time like you, Mr. Assistant," he says with a mocking grin.

"Hey! It's my body, I needed to take my time," I retorted. "And my name is not 'Assistant'! It's..." my name didn't come to my mind. The memories of the one I supposedly was didn't appear either. "Why I can't remember my name?!" I screamed at God.

"Relax, it's a side effect. Remember what I told you, being killed by me erased you from that planet and it also affected your memories. Basically, you never existed down there which means that your entire family tree just got scattered around the globe since the original combination got screwed up. I brought your soul here and, technically speaking, you were just born an hour and a half ago. I'm surprised you didn't notice the absence of your name. Wow, those were too many words even for me, please tell me you get it, it would be a bother to explain that again." he begged in that last part while I was still dazed.

After some time, I came to my senses and threw a punch to God, hitting him square in the face, which sent him flying and crashing with many trees before stopping kilometers later.

"I think I overdid it," I said, surprised with the tremendous force my punch has.

"Don't worry, I deserved that," he said behind me.

I turn around and see that he doesn't have a single scratch and then I realize, "He is God after all," I murmur accompanied with a sigh.

"Anyway," he continues. "First, you'll need to get your name so we can continue with the Assistant stuff," a cave appears in front of him.

"What's inside?" I ask him as he starts walking to that cave.

He turns around and says, "Didn't I said it before? Your name."