
The Assignment's Partner

Natalia Díaz, a Junior student at Orange Beach University, doesn't waste time getting involved in romantic affairs. She has worked hard to obtain the scholarship that allowed her to be in the prestigious university she attends, and she is not going to ruin her future by falling in love again. An assignment in one of her classes paired her up with Alexander Bailey, a rich, rude, nerdy snob, as she likes to describe him, from first impressions. This assignment has forced them to spend time together, and at the beginning, it seems almost impossible for them to get along, since they couldn't be more different... but sometimes different is good. Who knows, maybe different is what they have been looking for all along. The story is written from both of the main characters' perspectives (Natalia's and Alexander's).

Cheritza_Mondesi · Urban
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55 Chs

This Fine Specimen


Natalia finally called me when I was already in bed. I wasn't sure if I was going to hear from her before falling asleep. She said she needed to see me, so here I go, driving to the hotel, trying not to freak out about the reason behind our late meetup. She sounded anxious on the phone, so this could be bad news... I just don't know if the news involves me.

I park at the beach, where her shared location says she is at. I didn't even take the time to change my clothes... I just rushed here in my "wife beater shirt" and flannel pajama pants, and threw a black hoodie on top. My hair is all messy and I am super tired. But I showed up, because that is what boyfriends do, and I want to support Natalia, whatever this might be about.