
The Assassin With A Dog Tag

They say that things get easier over time but does it really? Daemyn Hades has had the worst life in his so called pack. His father, the "alpha" was supposed to give Daemyn the alpha title once Daemyn had turned eighteen but instead, he lowered Daemyn's rank to "Omega". The pack treat him like trash and he is forbidden to shift. The alpha doesn't want to let go of the title so he doesn't feed his son, he doesn't let him hunt, exercise or even shower. No, Daemyn has to find a way to do all of that AND the pack chores as well. All he wants to do is meet his mate and escape, but what happens when his father meets her first? What happens when his mate turns out to be something he didn't want, but knew he needed? "If you don't fight for what you want, then don't cry for what you could've had" That's her motto. Pluto Orion's I mean. Pluto used to have a life that one could only dream for, and now that's all that's left of it. Dreams. She is an alphas daughter, a packs Luna and an Assassin by heart, body and soul. She scraped up the pieces of her falling pack and built them. She created and molded the perfect pack, the perfect assassins and they would stop at nothing to do what their alpha wants. When she is hurt, they're pulsating in pain. When they are mad, she's infuriated. The pack lives and breathes like one big family, so why does she feel as if she's missing something even though that void was filled a long time ago?

Georgia_Towers · Teen
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7 Chs

Killed The Emotion

Pluto's P.O.V

After signing yet another document, I sat back in my chair. This was starting to get ridiculous! Pack members were getting hurt, they were fighting, overreacting in pretty much every situation, it was as if I had a whole different pack. It was as if my parents had died all over again.

This time however, I know it's my fault. It's because my wolf and I have started to feel the mate bond tighten. It is trying to pull us closer to the one we were destined to be with, but my wolf and I know better than to go running to him and forcefully mark him. That would surely send him running for the hills, it would put him in danger. So yes, marking him was a big 'No, no' for us.

My mate... I haven't talked to him since that night. I mean, sure I see him around the pack house but every time he see's me he flinches. I've tried to help him settle in. I've given him space, two weeks worth of space to be exact. Hell, I even eat and sleep in my office since it's the only room he knows i'm sure to be in! The only thing that I can think of that would help him, was if I went away for a while. He could come out of his shell a bit, talk to pack members and hopefully stop pushing himself against walls and flinching back every time someone walks up to him. I've only talked to Flynt about that though, I wasn't sure if I should go, I mean my pack is at war with each other and only listens to me and my Beta. Plus, if Noni knew I was planning on leaving for a while she would ask a lot of questions that I can't even answer myself.

'Alpha, where are you?'

'Noni? What's wrong?'

'It's the weekly pack meeting, sweety you can't miss two weeks in a row!'

'Sorry Noni, It..just hasn't been whats on my mind lately. I will be heading over now. I have an important announcement to make anyway so can you make sure Beta Flynt is there too?'

'Of course Alpha.'

With a yawn, I stand up and stretch out. I'm going to do it. If leaving is what will help my mate adjust, I will do so.


I hesitantly rest my foot on the stage, should I really be getting up here and acting like I haven't been cowering away in my office for the last fortnight?

Pushing my doubts away I step up onto the stage and walk to the centre of the floor, the loose floorboards squeaking under my weight. The entire podium had quietened down once they saw who was on stage. They looked shocked, frightened, guilty. They knew the way they had behaved was abnormal and they regretted it.

"These last two weeks have not been our best. I'll be honest, the reports I got were shocking. It made me bubble with rage." They looked so guilty, it made my heart break.

"However, it wasn't your fault." This had seemed to shock them. "I haven't exactly been a perfect alpha either. When I had challenged our last alpha I had taken a pledge to do my best, to do what was right for this pack, my pack. Yet, I let my emotion cloud my actions. I hadn't realized that my pack were suffering as well. After all, whatever I feel is heightened when you guys get a whiff of it." I take in a deep breath.

"Which is why.... Which is why I think it would be best if I leave for a while." People start murmuring, I hear Elk scream out a little "No!" from somewhere in the crowd.

I hold my hand up, silencing my pack. "I will return, that is a promise. I just need a healthy distraction from the mess I have gotten myself into. I won't be far either, in fact I will be attending a hunt for the neighboring pack's Luna, the very same hunt that five of our best warriors are organizing at this very minute and they have been doing so for about a month now,"

"Beta Flynt will be in charge while i'm gone. I don't want to hear about any of this behaviour that has been going on! You guys need to sort it out amongst yourselves and me not being around with my heightened emotions should help with that!" I nod my head once, slowly.

"Adiós mi familia" And with that said, I turn away and walk off stage, leaving my pack in silence.

*Daemyn's P.O.V*

"Adiós mi familia" She's leaving? But... Why would she leave? This is her pack. Shouldn't she be sorting it out? I mean, I watched as her pack members have been at each other's throat while she hid herself in her office these past few weeks.

But then again she said something about their emotions being heightened because of hers or something?