
The Assassin's Redemption: A Princess's Journey to Forgiveness

It started as a tale, then turned into a prophecy, told for ages but no one believed it would actually turn to be true. Bound only to the Crescian royal family, everyone else took it as an adage, before it turned to a whisper. But when least expected, the Prophecy of The One was manifested. Crown prince Alexander of Valoria and princess Isadora of Crescia, brought together by fate, or is it destiny, to fulfill the foreseen prophecy. Together, they must strive to fight for what is right even when the differences between their kingdoms come in between. Join me in this pack field adventure of vengeance, love, war and destiny.

Dennis_Bundi_5441 · Fantasy
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246 Chs

Your Majestie(s)

Lord Augustus was the first person to meet the royal caravan outside the palace compounds. He held the long sleeves of his robes, his deep sunken eyes surveying the fleet that came in. It came as a surprise to him that the royal caravan comprised of all the three rulers of the realm. Oh, how he had wished to see such a day when Arcadians, Crescians and Valorians would dine in one room.

The carriage opened and Felista was the first to step out followed by Roselyn. Other members of the council stood at a distance as Lord Augustus moved his screaming bones to receive the guests.

"My Lady," he said taking Felista's hands in his and kissing it.

"You've seen better days Lord Augustus," Felista commented. Alexander's and Isadora's carriage halted at the same time before they stepped out. Alexander shaded his eyes, his sight traveling the length of the Arcadian palace. It was as beautiful as they said.