
The Assassin's Redemption: A Princess's Journey to Forgiveness

It started as a tale, then turned into a prophecy, told for ages but no one believed it would actually turn to be true. Bound only to the Crescian royal family, everyone else took it as an adage, before it turned to a whisper. But when least expected, the Prophecy of The One was manifested. Crown prince Alexander of Valoria and princess Isadora of Crescia, brought together by fate, or is it destiny, to fulfill the foreseen prophecy. Together, they must strive to fight for what is right even when the differences between their kingdoms come in between. Join me in this pack field adventure of vengeance, love, war and destiny.

Dennis_Bundi_5441 · Fantasy
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246 Chs


The dragon landed on the now deserted mountains with Alexander and Isadora dressing up. Fortunately, all the witches had been annihilated so there was no fear of being seen by anyone.

"That was awesome," Alexander said slipping in his pants but Isadora only blushed at the comment. She had never done such a thing before though it felt so good to be completely filled by him. She quickly brushed the thought away and approached the already sad dragon.

"He might sleep forever I fear, and he's the last of his kind," Said Alexander buttoning his shirt now. "Think about it carefully."

"He can't stay with the humans. I can't afford to see everything go into flames would he run berserk." Alexander simply shrugged his shoulders at that.

Isadora telepathically instructed the dragon to walk into the cave, and though whining, the Whirlock reluctantly walked into the darkness, where it belonged.