
The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Enemies always meet on a narrow road and when they meet war breaks out. They met as kids and fought but Zi Han lost. They met in the army as recruits and even then Zi Han lost. He lost again as he remained a sergeant while Yi Chen was promoted to the position of Marshal. Even when his dark history swallowed him whole and shifted allegiance to become the Universe's most infamous assassin he still lost to Yi Chen. Zi Han, "Damn it! Why won't you let me win." Yi Chen, "I can let you win in bed if you like?" Zi Han, "......" When did enemies graduate from rolling in the dirt fighting to rolling in the sheets..... fighting? That's the million-dollar question.

Andru_9788 · LGBT+
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617 Chs

'May you forever be of one mind'

Zi Han was so entranced that he didn't realise that the route they used was extremely long. Alongside the busy streets whether it be in the most affluent neighbourhood or the most impoverished, men, women and children were standing on the side of the road eager to catch a glimpse of their most beloved prince and his future husband.

This was as per tradition but no one thought there would be this much support for Zi Han. He was after all the most vilified prince in the history of the federation and even topped the list of the most wanted criminals.

Most political analysts and reporters predicted that he would be the most hated prince with very little support. But they were wrong. The streets were crowded despite the fact that the citizens could now watch the procession on StarNet on every broadcasting channel.