

"Can you choose life when you see death?" "Yes!" "Prove it."

_PearlX · Fantasy
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190 Chs

73 The Bridge of Separate Worlds 6

     Running. They were running faster than the wind blowing. They were running so fast that they almost couldn't see their way through the thick dead forest. They jumped over roots of big old trees, taught their way through the branches and the leaves, danced through the thorned bushes until they came across a dark river. It wasn't deep to not be crossed over on foot. Princess was about putting her foot in it when Summer quickly spoke;

"The river doesn't look safe."

She was right. The color was black, but Princess wasn't surprised. She wouldn't be surprised if she was in the land of the dead. She shook her head to get the thought out of her mind because if that was the case, she wasn't ready to begin slaughtering creatures she may not have seen before.

"I think we should jump over it."

It was a good suggestion. Yet, Princess wondered if the girl could make the jump. It was quite a distance.

"Are you sure?"