
The Assassin's Blessing

Blood spilled across the land as civil war raged throughout the country of Asmeria. The peasantry defiance, led by the Scottkey Family and the Asmerian Army led by the tyrant king clashed for control of the nation. Brought about by the king's unsatiable lust and mercilessness, the commoners took up arms and in placed a republic to rule the country. With the king dead, the royal family was allowed to remain as a cerimonial body of government to appease those who supported the tyrant king. Now years later, we find the country still torn on its governing beliefs, unable to find a sense of identity. All rights reserved

Thomas_W · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

The Victorious Steed


"Hey, is this the right place?" Jackson asked as the rain started to pour down from the sky.

"Yeah, I think it is!" Carter shouted as thunder boomed overhead, lightning struck the ground a hundred meters away, and set a small shed on fire. "Hurry, get inside!" Carter barged through the door and assisted Ruby and Natalie inside as the harsh winds nearly blew them to their feet. Jackson was the last to enter, his black cloak made it hard for him to move when the wind got hold of it.

"Oh wow, that was sudden wasn't it?" Jackson laughed.

"Thank god we found shelter," Natalie said as she took off her cloak. It was one of the cloaks from the castle and it was soaked through.

"Good morning," A young man in his twenties asked. He wore a brown jacket and grey pants and a small black cap that looked kind of strange to Jackson. "Welcome to the Victorious Steed, are you just sheltering from the storm, or would you like a room?" The man asked, he was clean-shaven and was startled by them barging into the inn as they did.

"No, we're only seeking shelter from the storm, but would you be able to spare us a room so that we can change into some drier clothes?" Carter replied they were all drenched, and some warm dry clothes would keep them from catching cold.

"Of course, I have two rooms available, one for the men and the other for the women or would you like to share?" The man said as he made his way behind the counter.

"We'll take em' both," Jackson said as he took off his cloak. "Damn, it's completely soaked."

Carter paid the small fee of five coppers per room and followed the man to the rooms. The innkeeper handed him the keys to each room, and he gave the key to Ruby for their room to Ruby. Jackson snatched the key from Carter and unlocked the door. "Y'know you could've asked, right?"

"True, but you take too long, now let's get changed. I also need to talk with you about something."

"Something like what?" Carter said as he closed the door behind him. The room was small, it had no windows nor anything other than the bed and a small painting of the countryside hanging on the far wall. It was also leaking water in the corner and a puddle was starting to form.

"About my uncle." He said as he took his wet clothes off and reached into the pack for dry ones. He revealed his scared and tattered back. Carter averted his eyes to avoid seeing Jackson's grotesque back scares.

"So, what do you want to know about him?" He inquired.

"Well, for starters, I'd like to know exactly when the last time you saw him was."

"I understand, well, I guess it was five years ago, a year before the king took back power. I moved to Greendale with a friend of mine who died from an infection just after we arrived-"

"Where was that at?"

"What? You mean when I last saw him?" He clarified.

"Well yeah, where was he at?"

"Lexington at the time, he was heading back to the Capital when he departed from the caravan I was guarding. He said it was something about having to take care of something for the Order."

Jackson struggled to get his old shirt on, the ragged shirt from the castle wasn't the easiest to get on. He turned to Carter, showing his abs that were well toned. Carter however could only dream of having abs like Jackson. His old age and love of ale made it impossible to achieve such a lean and cut body as his.

"How much do you exercise master?" He asked.

"Whenever you're not looking, I mainly do what my uncle taught me. Pushups and the like, but sometimes I'll sprint or jog around at night."

"I see, most athletes would kill for a body like yours."

"Oh, well, uh thanks I guess?" Jackson said confused and flattered. "If you ever want to join me, I don't mind."

"No, no exercise isn't for me, I'm happy as long as I can see my toes unlike Lord Daniels. He was a rather large man."

"Ha, you should've heard how loud it was when he fell to the floor."

"I bet, fat bastard, anyway I'll get dressed and we can wait out the storm. Say, what do you think of Ruby? I've never asked until now but, are you two, well you know?"

"No, I'm just responsible for her, there's nothing between us and I don't think she wants there to be anything between us." He said coldly, it was clear he didn't enjoy discussing it.

Carter bared not inquire any more than that, he knew when Jackson needed time or space. Ruby closed the door behind her and Natalie, they had puddles from under them and their clothes were stuck to them. Ruby's clothes were hard to get off and they were especially heavy from the material used. Natalie stripped and quickly threw on the clothes Jackson bought for her. "Thank you for the clothes, you helped him pick them out right?"

"Oh, yeah." Ruby replied, she was focused on getting her new shirt on. They stopped by a tailor's shop and purchased extra clothes for Ruby and Natalie just before the storm hit Rosaria. Her shirt was a simple long-sleeved shirt in a mute grey color, and she had also bought a pair of jeans for cheap. Natalie also had gotten a pair of jeans that were a little large, but Ruby had to guess her size. She seemed distant and Ruby couldn't really put her finger on it.

"So," Ruby started. "Why did you become a Ubiytsa?"

"Well, it was something thrown onto me by my adoptive father. He was an old grumpy man. He seemed to have an idea of what I was supposed to be, and it turned out to be a Ubiytsa."

"So, you didn't have a choice?"

"No, I wouldn't say that. The pay was good, and it gave me a way out of the Western Isle, so I was comfortable with taking the job."

"And you were an Assassin?"

"Basically." Natalie sighed, "Are you scared of me?" She asked before Ruby could say anything more. Ruby's reaction gave that away before she needed to say anything. "I understand, you know nothing about me other than I killed for money. Who wouldn't be scared, but, mister Scottkey saved me. That's a debt that I'd happily pay with my life. Being used day in and day out, forced to pleasure old nobles from all over for a year. There's nothing I wouldn't do to repay him for that."

"Until someone offered you a higher price." Ruby muttered.

"What? I'm not someone who can just be bought like that. I've been bought and sold too many times over the last year. I thought you would know that better than anyone." Said Natalie, she seemed baffled by Ruby as she looked at her, head tilted, and eyes cocked.

"You're right, I do know that better than anyone. I was a slave for a Luccian merchant, he did all sorts of horrible things. Not only to me, but my mother, and my friends. I know that the man who freed me from him was also the same man who abandoned me and Jackson when we needed him most!" Ruby snapped. "The only, the only person who's ever gave a damn about me is him." Ruby was shaking with either rage or anguish and Natalie couldn't tell which.

"I'm sorry. I- I didn't know Miss Ruby." Natalie said softly. "I assure you; I will never take him away from you."

They sat down across from each other on the bed facing the opposite walls. Ruby wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath, followed by another and another, until she felt calm. She never opened up like that before, cursing the man who set her free. It was heart wrenching for her, but at the same time, alleviating. And for a moment, she completely forgot about the storm and the thunder that hurt her sensitive ears.

Jackson swung the door open, he looked straight at Ruby who stood up as he entered. She embraced him as he faced Natalie. "What happened here?" He asked, Natalie muttered something but he couldn't understand. "What?"

"It's my fault, I'm the reason she's crying." She said so he could hear. He pulled Ruby behind him and drew the short sword from his side.

"If you hurt her."

"I didn't, at least, not like that." Natalie replied, she now looked him in the eyes. Her expression was sad and remorseful. He lowered his sword and gestured to Ruby to leave the room, which she did. He walked in front of Natalie and leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, and eyes focused on hers.

"Tell me everything." He said calmly.

After explaining everything word for word Jackson relaxed. "I understand, I feared she would end up like this." The words barely escaped his mouth. "I must be very quiet, no telling how well a Varin can hear, especially Ruby."

"So, what is it?" Natalie asked in her usual volume.

"Shut up and listen to me." He whispered. "What I say now doesn't leave this room, do you understand?"

"Yes Mister."

"I've known for a while that Ruby is well… broken to say the least. I don't think she'll ever be normal to be blunt. She only relies on me anymore; she doesn't even hardly speak to Carter or strangers. And, well, I'm worried about her, but I don't know how to help her other than keeping her by my side."

"Then, what do you want me to do?" Natalie asked. "It's not at all like she trusts me, and I doubt you fully trust an assassin like me either."

"Huh, so you know exactly how we feel about you, do you? Listen, you're a girl, I don't know what normal girls do or how they act. I've been raised by knights and soldiers, not mother's and housemaids."

"And I was raised by an old man who predestined me to be a Ubiytsa."

"So? You must still do girly things, like gossip and talk about pretty things?"

"I don't mister; I've never done any of that." Natalie quipped. "Forgive me, but not every girl is the exact same. Some of us are more manly than the most battle-hardened knights in armor. I'm not a little girl who wants nothing other than to start a family or look at pretty things and neither is Ruby. She has trust issues and a bad sense of being abandoned."

"Well, then, find something out that could help her. Because I don't know what to do with her other than coddle her and well, that pretty hard given our situation." He stood up straight and stretched out his arms and walked to the door. "We have no reason to distrust you Natalie, but we also don't have a reason to trust you. If you help me with Ruby, you'll not only earn my trust, but pay off your debt to me."

Jackson closed the door behind him and looked around the hall the innkeeper was walking up the stairs which creaked with every step. He waved to the innkeeper and entered his room where Ruby was eating with Carter. "Carter."

"Wats hup?" Carter said with his mouth full.

"Can you take some food to Natalie?"

Carter swallowed his food and gasped for air before answering. "Yeah, sure." Carter grabbed the pack full of food and headed out of the room.

The storm continued for another hour before it let up enough for it to be safe to go outside. Jackson sat next to Ruby and pulled her close. She was still chewing her food; she was unbelievably beautiful in her new clothes. He couldn't deny it even if he tried. "Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked, food still filled her mouth making her words slur.

"I mean, do you want to go to Vern or the Lucc Empire, or do you still want to go to Gregoria?"

"What about your sister? We must go to Gregoria, what about Miller? Don't you want to be with him as well?"

"Yeah, that's all true but if I free my uncle. He can go in my stead."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to go see the world, Alta is a massive continent and I've only ever been in Asmeria. You should've seen the maps in the capital. They were amazing, so full of detail and color. The Wester Isle isn't just one island like Natalie said, it's like a chain that stretches out across the ocean to another continent way out to the west. Or the Kingdom of Koro, or the Northern Tribes?"

"Jack," Ruby cut in. "We can go anywhere but, family, that's Alice, and your Uncle. I've fought myself about my love for Mister Miller, I so very much wanted to call him father. I can't describe how happy it made me to have someone care for me like that. But, in the end, he just saved himself. I want to go wherever you go. You stayed with me even though you could've escaped any time you pleased. You are my family now and so is Alice and your Uncle."

"So, you really do hate Miller?" Jackson inquired with a soft voice that eased Ruby's emotions.

"I hope that when we see him next, I can tell him how much he hurt me… and you."

"Ruby, you were caught because of my fear. When we were at the ravine, I froze, I panicked."

"So, did I in the forest. I wanted to stay at the cart where they were because I trusted that man more than you."

"I trusted him as well, I mean, after all, he was a Gregorian knight, and he took Alice to Gregoria where she's safe." He was more bitter with his words now. It was clear to Ruby he was hurt by being away from Alice.

"You know, we should really go back to Gregoria, then we can decide there."

Jackson stood up and grabbed his pack from the bed. "Well then, we best be on our way then." He pulled her up to her feet. "Oh, and don't be so distrusting of Natalie. She's just like us, trying to go home."

Jackson met with everyone downstairs in the lobby of the Victorious Steed a few hours later. Everyone was now changed and dry, the storm outside was now just a fine mist that blew through the valley. "Thank you for letting us stay sir, we'll be on our way now." Jackson said as he opened door.

The road was so muddy that Carter sank knee deep into the road. He watched as Jackson effortlessly walked across the mud using the black mist that seemed to embody magic. "Hey, want to share with the rest of us?" Carter asked.

"I would if I worked like that, but I haven't yet mastered this. I'm not lying, it's incredibly hard to focus on exactly where my foot will be placed, and I have to think about actually holding myself up."

"Well, whenever you do master it, I would love for you to assist us."

Rosaria was massive, but in disrepair. When the King took power the thirteen districts were split up even further. The thirteenth District was split up the most, every city and town had a different Noble ruling over it while under the supervision of Lord Daniels. Jackson noticed a bulletin board on the street, on it were many job listings, advertisements and everything in between. There were several listed by the ruling noble of the city.

They read:

City Clerks needed for taxation and administrative duties, please apply at the Lord's Manor outside of the in Vestal. All Clerks will be paid five silvers a week. Must be ten or older and have a certificate of education. Tax collectors will be paid an extra two silvers a week and offered a personal guard from the Rosaria guard.

"Hey, a noble put this work notice up," Jackson said as he pulled the paper from the bulletin board. "Which nobleman rules Rosaria?" He asked as he handed the notice to Carter.

"Arthur Asmeria if I remember correctly, he's a distant cousin of the King. They're close from what I gather, why do you ask?"

"This bastard is an Asmeria? Well, shit, how far are we from Lexington?"

"About seventeen miles, we can make it to Lexington by morning if we hurry."

"Does this noble live on our route?"

"Vestal is a rich suburb of Rosaria to the west so, yeah, it's on our way to Lexington."

Jackson's expression changed and he smiled as he looked at the notice. "Might as well cause some public distress while we're here. Besides, there are some things I need to master before we get to Lexington."