
The Assassin's Blessing

Blood spilled across the land as civil war raged throughout the country of Asmeria. The peasantry defiance, led by the Scottkey Family and the Asmerian Army led by the tyrant king clashed for control of the nation. Brought about by the king's unsatiable lust and mercilessness, the commoners took up arms and in placed a republic to rule the country. With the king dead, the royal family was allowed to remain as a cerimonial body of government to appease those who supported the tyrant king. Now years later, we find the country still torn on its governing beliefs, unable to find a sense of identity. All rights reserved

Thomas_W · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Assassin's Risen


Jackson crawled through the dense bush as laying flat as he could, his cloak hood covering his head and only allowing him to see but a few feet in front of him. He could hear Natalie behind him crawling across the ground as well. They heard loaded wagons rolling down the road only fifty yards to their right and the natural sounds of the forest as the wind blew through the trees. Jackson stopped just short of the clearing in front of him, Natalie to his left. "Is this the place?" She asked. The Mansion before them towered over the lush gardens that surrounded the parameter.

"I doubt any man would be allowed to have such an estate with an Asmeria around. Every Asmeria I've ever met has been an ignorant and greedy ass." Jackson's cloak turned to mist and then he disappeared.

"I see you're not so fond of your king."

"My king? No, that man is a fraud who put the blame of the senate on my family and had my parents murdered. He is no king and he is definitely not mine."

"Mister?" She asked panicked. "Mister, where'd you go?" Now raising her voice.

"Calm down. I'm right next to you Natalie. I need you to be quiet." He whispered.

"Okay, but how did you disappear like that?"

"Well, I don't quite frankly know. It's magic and allows me to do most anything I want to, I know nothing more than that."

"I see, you're a mage then?"

"Something like that, but I can only remain like this for a few minutes before I tire out, so I'll make this quick." Leaves crunched with every step he took, and she could see a slight outline of him as he sprinted across the garden to the mansion. It was only a minute before he sprinted back and laid down beside her, and as soon as he laid down, he turned visible again. She was speechless and even he seemed impressed by the ability.

"Well, that certainly drained me. Head back to Carter, I need him to be here so when we do this, we can ride the horses out of here."

"We're stealing the horses? They'll hang us."

"Yeah, the stablemaster will be pissed once we escape with his horses, but I think we'll be hanged for assassinating a head of state rather than the horse theft."

Natalie scurried off into the woods behind him. He lay in wait, keeping his eyes focused on the mansion. Several men came outside and started tending to the gardens. "Hurry, before Lord Asmeria comes back. He wants all of the Zephrin flowers watered and planted by the time he returns!" A man overseeing the other workers barked. He was obviously the foreman of the manor. He had a bullwhip in one hand and a dagger in the other. The slaves tending the flowers feared every word that came out of his mouth.

"Zephrin?" He muttered to himself. Zephrin was a flower used by Asmerians who were ill. Most people thought it had healing properties and helped people gain the ability to become mages. It was a red flower that turned purple as it got closer to the inside. A thorny stem was its main defense against insects and pests. The thorns had a small amount of poison that when ingested would make a man ill for weeks.

He watched for what seemed like hours as the slaves worked as fast as they could to tend the garden and lawn. Two slaves with scythes who were cutting the grass came within feet of Jackson but did not notice him. The black cloak blended with the dark undergrowth of the forest as if it were a part of the undergrowth itself. Natalie returned, but Carter was nowhere in sight. "What happened, where's Carter?" He asked with concern.

"There's been a change in plan, I have to go, and Carter's held up with some very aggressive folks. You might want to go help him soon." Natalie said. She stood up and started walking away.

"What do you mean by that Natalie?" he barked. The slaves heard him and started making their way towards him.

"You're so powerful but too naïve, you'll thank me one day for leaving. Now, Carter's under attack by the people I've been running from. This is for the best, goodbye mister and I'm sorry."

"What the hell do you mean?" he asked raising his voice. He was now readying himself for a fight, but Natalie just backed away into the brush. "Damnit, Natalie, I won't forget this!"

"You may want to go help Carter before he gets overrun, and I hope you never do." She disappeared into the bushes and the slaves were now almost on top of him.

He cursed her with everything he had but he had to retreat to Carter who was standing guard around Ruby, and he had his sword drawn against four men all cloaked in black and wearing fine garments and wielding expensive arms. Jackson kept his distance to observe and orient himself to what was going on. He could barely make out what was said but he could tell by the men's behavior they were demanding something from Carter. That's when he decided to leap into action.

"Now Carter!" Jackson cried as he charged out from the woods onto the road. The men were shocked and started to face him, but their swords vanished from their hands and a puff of black mist from Jackson enveloped them. Carter and Jackson slaughtered them like old oxen who had grown too weak to pull a plow. Their mangled and bloodied corpses lay scattered across the ground. Ruby scavenged around the bodies for money and anything that was useful. Jackson stood next to Carter and assessed the carnage. "Well shit, where'd Natalie go?" Carter asked.

"I don't know, all I know is she left us for good and left you all alone to deal with these fuckers."

"Very well, it's for the best to not have another mouth to feed."

"She betrayed us, Carter, there's no way I'm letting her just run away."

"Who did she betray us to?"

"Assassins from the West Isle," He replied holding up a patch of cloth the had a black skull embroidered onto it with a dagger piercing the top of it. Jackson cringed and turned back to the woods. "I bet there are more assassins around."

Ruby stepped away from the corpse closest to Jackson she held on to him tightly. "What's our plan now?"

"We're going to continue with what we've already started. Then, we go after Natalie and her band of assassins." He sighed. "For now, just rest up and eat something. I'll be back before dusk."

Jackson took a moment to think about what to do next; he did come up with a plan. He noticed that Ruby had found Royal stamps that were either stolen or imitated to perfection. He took a piece of paper from his satchel and started writing on it. He forged a slave transfer note which he had only ever seen in the capital before. He filled it out as if his father had written it himself. He then took the king's stamp and sealed the letter. The red wax ran down the paper only for a moment then hardened holding the golds in place and keeping the writing sealed away inside. "Well, I have a plan, I'm not sure if it's a good one or not but here it goes." He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Ruby, do you know what a slave ledger is?"

"Yeah, I think I've seen a couple back at the castle."

"Do you know what's in a slave ledger?" He asked calmly.


"Well, it's basically just a list, and it lists all of the slave owners and slaves who've owned them. That's what we need from Lord Asmeria." He handed the letter to Ruby. "I'm sorry Ruby but you'll need to act the part of a royal slave sent by the king just for tonight."

Ruby took a step back; she knew better than to question Jackson. "Are you sure about this Jack?" she asked against her better judgment.

"Absolutely, there's no better way and once you get the ledger, I can kill Asmeria, and we can continue to Lexington."

The sun began to set below the horizon and the woods started to grow colder and colder as the warm rays of the sun vanished. Ruby followed Carter who now donned a King's Guard uniform once more. He led Ruby to the front door and was greeted by the head of security who was a Major in the King's guard. He looked over the document Jackson wrote and was pleased with it. Ruby entered and Carter departed to regroup with Jackson who was burying the bodies.

Ruby walked down the immaculate halls of the manor and she was led down to the master's chambers. The Major opened the door and stepped inside first. She waited attentively outside and was soon called in by the major. She entered and kept her head bowed and avoided eye contact at all costs.

"So, you're the unexpected gift from my dear cousin the king." The man who couldn't be mistaken for anyone else other than Lord Asmeria said with a sense of joy.

"Yes milord, I was sent to serve you faithfully and dutifully," Ruby replied. She was scared and starting to quiver.

"Calm down, you're not losing your status as a Royal slave. You are entrusted with the very same duties and responsibilities that would've been entrusted to you in the capital. And you will be given a decent bed for your position as the overseer of my slaves should your skills match what my cousin has so fervently described."

"Forgive my curiosity milord, but what did his majesty say about me?" She asked, trying to display some confidence.

"He simply said that you're beyond your peers and that whilst he enjoyed your service you would make a far greater head of staff. That is all. Now, please show Ruby to her quarters." The Major took her by the hand and led her through the manor to the slave quarters.

"This is your new home," he said opening to the door to revile a large room filled with bunk beds and servants. Most of whom were Varin. "Your rack is in the back corner and your bed will be fetched by tonight. Should you need any blankets, they can be found in that closet over there. Now I'll be on my way. I recommend you seek out the head of staff, Miss Vermillion, and introduce yourself to her soon."

Ruby politely thanked the Major and set up her own little area in the corner. Jackson told her that she would only be there for a day, but it would still be best to ready herself for up to a week or more in the manor. She fetched a blanket and laid it on top of her bed then set her satchel down. The atmosphere of the room was bleak and there was only a little bit of light that was let through the windows. She headed out in search of Miss Vermillion who was overseeing the work in the gardens. "There's nothing out there, I don't care what you think you saw or heard yesterday. Now get to work you wretched thing." Miss Vermillion snapped at two slaves who were shying away from their duties near the edge of the forest. She was furious and to Ruby's dismay, armed with a whip.

"Good morning mistress," Ruby said bowing her head respectfully and avoiding eye contact. "I was told to look for you by the Major. I'm the Royal servant sent by his majesty the king."

"Oh?" Miss Vermillion turned and revealed her long blond Asmerian hair that shimmered in the sunlight and the beauty of her blue gown. Her round nose and green eyes made her a gorgeous woman by most standards. The gold ring on her finger was so exquisite that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to assume that she was a noble herself.

"Ah, yes, so you're the King's servant?" Miss Vermilion asked

"Yes ma'am," Ruby said with a bow. "I was told to abide by your every command mistress."

Miss Vermilion scoffed and started down the hall that led to the gardens. She followed her and took note of her surroundings. The layout of the manor was enclosed and claustrophobic. The hall was only wide enough to allow for one person to pass at a time.

"Why is it so tight in here?"

"This is the servant's passage, no one else uses this hallway so there's no need for it to be any larger. I didn't know 'Royal' slaves were taught to ask so many damned questions."

"I apologize milady." The hall grew dimmer and bleaker as they walked down, it was no longer a hallway but a tunnel that led to an old cellar that had been long since before the manor was built upon it. Miss Vermilion opened the hatch and the sunlight made Ruby sneeze as her eyes adjusted to the sudden change in brightness.

"Bless you." Miss Vermilion said, Ruby was caught off guard and frankly surprised that a woman of Miss Vermilion's stature would say bless you to her. She trotted alongside her as they entered the gardener's storehouse on the edge of the forest. "You'll remain here and organize the tools and clean all of the soil that was spilled yesterday when the damn fools dropped a sack of soil."

Ruby simply nodded and got to work. It wasn't long before Miss Vermilion left her to her duties. The soil covered the ground, and the tools were strewn about in any place they could be thrown. She sighed as she slaved away at cleaning and organizing. The door opened but no one was there. "Hello?" She peered outside. "Miss Vermilion?"

"Not quite," Jackson said as he stood behind her and inspected the state of the tool shed. "I was worried, so I came to see how you were doing. I'll finish cleaning up, just take a break and close the door already."

"Jackson!" She cried, she shut the door and embraced him. "I can't do this; they're going to find out about us Jack."

"That's only if they send word to the king, but I don't plan on letting them live long enough to see the light of the day tomorrow."

"You mean?"

"Yeah, Carter and I will be coming tonight, you just need to find the ledger."

"It's locked away in the lord's chambers," Ruby said wagging her tail, she obviously was glad to hear he was coming to get her. Though Jackson stepped away, he seemed nervous. He fidgeted with his hands and couldn't make eye contact. "What's wrong?" Her tail now still.

He took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" His voice shook and he looked away once more. He was afraid, it was the first time she'd seen him so worried.

"Of course. I trust you, Jack; you've never failed me before."

"Of course, I have, the last four years were because I failed you."

"But here we are, so close to finding your uncle and- "

"Is that enough? We're still being hunted every day; they now know that I'm the one who… who murdered Daniels and they know you're with me. You get hurt every day you're with me and I'm the one at fault."

"That's true, I do get hurt and I am being hunted but I'd be hunted just for this tail and these ears. I'll always be haunted by who I am but I feel like I can be myself around you jack. Asmeria is no place for me and I'm not sure if Gregoria is as well. The only place I'd ever walk around freely is Vern. But you'd be subjected to the same treatment as I get here. A Human in a Varin world and a Varin in a Human World."

"Then after this, I'll take you to the Vern border, they'll take you in there and I'll escape to Gregoria."

"NO!" She cried. "You can't leave me after this, after everything!"

"I promised to keep you safe Ruby if you don't want to go to Gregoria then I'll take you to Vern."

"You don't understand! Why can you not understand, I want to be with you, Jack!"

He stepped out of the shed and turned invisible. "I do understand, but, not now, there's just too much." It tore him apart to say those words, his voice shaken to the core. She watched, speechless, as he walked out and vanished into the woods. She slammed the door shut and leaned against it sobbing. She took all day to finish with the shed. It was, despite Miss Vermillion's being displeased with how long it took, perfect.

The door opened slowly as Vermillion had returned to inspect Ruby's labor. "Good work girl," Vermillion said rather impressed with how tidy the area was. "Follow me, Lord Asmeria wishes to speak with you." They were both out in the garden now and Ruby couldn't help but notice Jackson laying low in the tree line. She averted her eyes away from him and followed Vermillion inside the manor. She was led to the Lord's office where Arthur Asmeria was hard at work writing new laws for his territory. There were two other slaves laboring away at cleaning and organizing books on the bookshelves that lined the room.

"Ah, Ruby, just the Varin I wanted to see," Arthur said as he flipped the book shut. "I need you to train several slaves I bought, as you can see, they've been cleaning, and it looks worse than it was some time ago. So, I want you to show them how they should perform for royalty."

"As you wish my lord, would you like me to have them finish cleaning your office, or is there somewhere else that my lord would rather me train them?" Ruby asked politely.

"I'd like you to teach them here so that my Major can learn the ways of your trainer and thus instruct more slaves without your aid."

"As you command my lord. Now then, you two come and watch." She ordered. The two slaves made their way slowly and with no intention of being efficient. Ruby slapped them both as the slavers of the Lucc Empire would. "You best listen for your own sake for in you continue to disappoint my lord you will be killed or worse. Not pay attention or I'll ask the major to punish you more thoroughly. She instructed the two slaves on how to pay attention to the slightest of details and to clean effectively in the Luccian way. It was only a few minutes before they started to thoroughly clean the office.

Ruby, while the others were distracted by the two slaves working much more efficiently, managed to catch a glimpse at the slave ledger for the territory. It was on the side of the desk. It was a dark-colored book, near black and made with a leather binding.

"Very well, I must be going to dinner, I'll leave it to your care to finish cleaning the room, Ruby."

"As you desire my lord." Ruby bowed as Lord Arthur Asmeria exited the room with his entourage. Mistress Vermillion was the last to exit and she eyed Ruby on her way out, keeping her eyes on her until the door closed.