
The Ascetic Doctor Is Addicted To Me

Kaylee: "I... I'm selling myself. Do you want me?" Lucas: "Sure, strip. Let's check the goods first." Kaylee: "...” Lucas: "Kaylee, after you've slept with me three times, you won't have a say in this anymore." Kaylee: "What?" Lucas: "You've provoked me, Kaylee. You won't escape easily unless I get bored." Kaylee: "Why?" Lucas: "Maybe it's because you're clean, obedient, and feel good in bed. I'm getting addicted." --- Coming from a poor family, college student Kaylee is forced by her mother to earn money for her disabled father's treatment and her idle brother's marriage. With no other options, she decides to sell herself. She thought her parents simply loved her brother more, but it turned out she was just a tool they picked up to make money. The handsome and wealthy doctor Lucas buys her first night and warns her that if she needs money, she can only come to him and no one else. Domineering and affluent, with a prestigious family background, Lucas initially intended to pay for a bed companion without any emotional involvement. However, he unknowingly became addicted. Stubborn Kaylee, repeatedly pressured by her adoptive mother, has no choice but to submit and become Lucas's exclusive kept woman. Though it was supposed to be just a transaction, emotions have become entangled, complicating their arrangement. Kaylee's mother continuously demands money; Lucas faces family pressures for an arranged marriage; An overseas crime lord covets Kaylee; And Lucas's family's political enemies are watching closely. Kaylee says: "It's really hard to make money these days." Lucas says: "Marriage is fine, but the bride must be the true heiress. By the way, I've found your daughter for you."

August_Witch · Urban
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11 Chs

No Secrets in Front of a Doctor

Because it was her first day at work, she felt a bit nervous. She even applied a light makeup in the morning and skipped breakfast.

The onboarding process went smoothly. A colleague from the front desk showed her around the company and then assigned her a workstation.

"Miss Lin, this is your workstation. Your immediate supervisor is Mr. Qin, and he will personally mentor you. Just wait here for a moment," the receptionist said.

Kaylee nodded and thanked her politely, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Mr. Qin will be here shortly. Familiarize yourself with the surroundings for now." With that, the receptionist turned and left after finishing her tasks.

Kaylee sat at her workstation and looked around. There were very few people on this floor, and most workstations were unoccupied. Next to her was James's office, with its door closed and no one inside.

Her position seemed more like an assistant's role.

To be James's assistant would be an enormous stroke of luck.

Not long after, James arrived.

Today, he was wearing a light gray casual outfit, one hand in his pocket, with a lazy smile on his face.

"Kaylee, good morning." Kaylee immediately stood up and greeted him, "Good morning, Mr. Qin."

"No need to be so formal. You're my student, so just relax. Have you completed all the onboarding procedures?" James asked.

Kaylee nodded, "Yes, all done."

"Great. Come with me for a bit. There's a design project today, and I'll take you along for some hands-on experience." James gestured for her to follow.

On her first day of the internship, she had a project to participate in. Kaylee felt both excited and delighted, quickly following behind James enthusiastically.

Half an hour later, James's car stopped at the entrance of Beihu City Hospital.

Kaylee looked at the familiar building, feeling her heart race inexplicably.

This hospital...

"Kaylee, keep up." James had already gotten out of the car. Kaylee snapped back to reality, hurriedly opening the door to follow him.

James walked familiarly through the hospital, explaining as he went, "Our current project involves the renovation of this hospital's building and redesigning the interior. So I'm bringing you here for a site survey. Later, you'll join the designers for measurements."

Kaylee nodded earnestly, "Got it." She followed James through the twists and turns, examining the entire interior design of the hospital, eventually arriving at the internal medicine building.

Kaylee was so engrossed that she unconsciously wandered down the corridor.

As she passed a staircase, she raised her hand to push the door open and was suddenly confronted by a pair of cold, deep eyes.

It's... him?

Kaylee's heart stopped abruptly! The man, in a white coat, sat casually on the stairs, holding a cigarette between his long, slender fingers. The ember flickered in the dim light.

He looked up, staring at her nonchalantly, exhaling a smoke ring.

"Looking for me?" His voice was cold and indifferent, tinged with a lazy hoarseness from smoking. Even seeing her in such a place, his expression showed no trace of surprise.

Kaylee quickly shook her head and greeted him awkwardly, "What a coincidence, Dr. Shi. I'm here for work. My internship project is in this hospital." Afraid he wouldn't believe her, she waved the measuring tools in her hand, proving she wasn't here to pester him.

In her impression, he seemed to be most annoyed by women clinging to him.

Lucas glanced at the tools in her hand for two seconds without saying anything. Instead, he extinguished his cigarette and moved aside, giving her room to measure.

"Go ahead," he said curtly.

Kaylee immediately understood, thanked him, and walked into the stairwell with her tools.

At that moment, James came in from behind, raising his eyebrows when he saw Lucas.

"Oh, Dr. Shi, not at your post? Slacking off here?" James teased.

Lucas rubbed his temples, his tone habitually cool, "Just finished a surgery, taking a breather."

James nodded in understanding, "Got it, got it. You doctors have a lot of mental stress. It's good to relax occasionally."

Kaylee worked while eavesdropping.

So even a calm and composed doctor like him has mental stress. No wonder he's so wild when he's with me. He must be venting all his stress on me...

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is my student, Kaylee. You met her at the Rhine Apartments last time. Do you remember?" James introduced enthusiastically.

Lucas glanced at Kaylee, feeling speechless inside.

Remember? They had... more than just met...

"Kaylee is quite earnest. She'll be here often for measurements. Please look after her," James said, winking.

Lucas's eyes darkened slightly. He nodded lightly, his voice flat, "Got it. It's time for my rounds."

As he was about to leave, James suddenly remembered something and turned to Kaylee, "By the way, Kaylee, you mentioned a stomach ache earlier. Why not have Dr. Shi check it out since he's here?"

Kaylee's stomach ache was something James had noticed in the morning when he saw her occasionally clutching her abdomen. After asking, he learned it was an old ailment.

Given Lucas's superb medical skills, he thought Lucas could conveniently diagnose her.

Upon hearing this, Kaylee felt terrified, quickly waving her hands in refusal, "No need, Mr. Qin. It's just an old issue, no need to bother the doctor."

No sooner had she finished speaking than she saw Lucas lift his eyelids, asking indifferently, "Oh? What kind of pain?" The question sounded familiar; he had asked the same last time.

Kaylee immediately felt embarrassed, her ears burning, "It's just gastritis, an old problem."

"Gastritis needs proper treatment. Let Dr. Shi prescribe some medicine for you," James chimed in.

"Alright, come to my office," Lucas said briefly.

Kaylee had no chance to refuse and was led to Lucas's office by an enthusiastic James.

It was the same office as last time. Lucas's medical skills were indeed excellent. Last time, she had a stomach ache, and the medicine he prescribed was effective, showing significant improvement after just one dose.

"Sit down and extend your wrist," Lucas instructed. Kaylee obediently sat down and extended her wrist.

Lucas placed his warm, strong fingertips on her pulse, pressing with a heavy, unyielding pressure that felt oppressively intense.

Kaylee instinctively held her breath, not daring to move.

She had always thought he was a Western doctor, but now she realized he could also take pulses, a skill she deeply admired. Seeing his sharply defined facial features and focused expression, combined with the warmth emanating from his fingertips, her face started to heat up.

Lucas attentively felt her pulse, his gaze falling on her wrist.

The girl was thin and very pale, her nearly translucent skin revealing blue veins. Her wrist was delicate and soft, seemingly breakable with one hand.

When they were together, he could hold both her wrists with one hand... Lucas's eyes darkened slightly, unconsciously increasing the pressure.

Sensing her subtle discomfort, he snapped back to reality and released her hand calmly.

"Your heart is racing," he noted, looking up. "Why are you so nervous?" Kaylee's ears turned red instantly, "I... I'm not."

As expected, in front of a Chinese medicine doctor, there were no secrets. Even her accelerated heartbeat was diagnosed.

"Spleen deficiency, dampness, and weak gastrointestinal function," Lucas continued. "Eating junk food is bad for the stomach, especially instant noodles."

What? Kaylee didn't expect him to pinpoint even her diet so accurately.

"Kaylee, do you usually eat instant noodles?" James asked curiously.

Kaylee admitted sheepishly, "When I'm busy studying, I just make do with instant noodles. Maybe I've had a bit too much."

"That won't do. Your health is crucial. You're young and should take care of your body. No wonder you have stomach aches," James scolded, frowning.

"Lucas, prescribe her some stomach medicine. This girl works so hard she neglects everything else. Who knows when she'll eat instant noodles again?"

Lucas typed a few words into the computer and said indifferently, "The stomach needs proper care. Medicine alone won't help."