
The Ascent of God

Before Issei found out about the love of OPPAI, he was met by one creature

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12 Chs


There are rules throughout the multiverse, one of which says::::

The strong must rule the weak

This rule has always been and always will be, but there is another one

The strong must protect the weak

These rules very often led to conflicts between the strong, overflowing with greed, and other strong, overflowing with selflessness, where they were, there was blood

And the one who looked at all this from where absolutely no one can look, decided to give the power of God to all those who really need it

And so there were 5 beings who were Gods among the gods, whom they called those whose power is immeasurable, but the goal of all 5 is only one

Order and Protsvitanie

Since then, 13,000,000,000 years have passed by the standards of the Earth

Many creatures once again began to confront each other in search of strength and power

Axis couldn't do anything even if they had a life span, and it's not eternal for these 13,000,000,000 years, they stopped a lot of conflicts, maintaining a life balance from which many lives emerged throughout the Multiverse, but now everything is in danger of being destroyed

Somewhere around 18,000,000,000 light-years from Earth

"We can still hold off another 1,000,000,000 wars, but that's all we have, " said a 2-meter-tall man with brown hair and golden eyes

"I suggest finding a receiver who inherits something important from each of us and takes our place," said a man with white hair and 1.8 meters tall with white eyes

"Among the creatures in the entire Multiverse, only one from infinity will have the potential to achieve this, if you're talking about it, then you've already found a candidate," a man with waist-length black hair and 2 meters tall black eyes asked.

"There really is one, I found him as a child, but he was dead, his mother begged me to bring him back to life, and seeing the pieces of his soul fighting for life, I took him from the woman and healed him, and then sent him to another planet, away from the tower where he was born, I told the mother that her son would return, but after a while, her son is quite capable of becoming our disciple," the white-haired man with white eyes replied.

"Have you already decomposed everything into 2,000,000,000 years?" the black-haired man asked

"No, in just 558,345,295 years, this boy's fate is extremely improbable, I'm still making up its individual parts," the white-haired man replied

"Well, if so, let's start now, if what you say is true, then I already want to meet him, oh, it's him, damn it, it's a habit," said the brown-haired man, who was already watching a 10-year-old boy with brown hair and brown eyes running around the forest in search of adventure.

"It looks like you were right, if we don't take care of this boy's upbringing, then all the potential will be wasted, damn it, he has the power to bring everyone to their knees in the world where he currently lives, but instead, he will just build a harem and play the role of OPPAI's protector!"the black-haired man shouted.

"It seems like no one in this world knows about us, I'll go back to the past in their world and have a good time," said brown-haired

"Then you'll be his first teacher."""

"All right," he said, and disappeared.

"Then I'll go prepare another universe for the boy's training," the black-haired man said, and disappeared.

"Then you will have to wait, though I must not speak of waiting." A white-haired man held out his hand, and a man with red hair and equally red eyes appeared in a jacket and looked expectantly at his creator

"Your name is Enryu, go to the Tower where my disciple was born, and inform all the inhabitants of the tower that their true king will soon arrive," he ordered his new servant, who bowed and prepared to do his master's bidding.

Place planet Earth in the DXD universe in the year of the holy war between the three factions

On the battlefield, there was a fierce war between fallen angels, Demons, and Angels, and the two Heavenly Dragons were also involved in this war, which resolved their demands, when suddenly, a super-pulse wave spread in the epicenter of this battle, which sent all the warriors of the 3 factions and the two dragons into the air

Within a radius of 3 kelometers and at a depth of 30 meters, there was a crater where a man in a black robe stood with shining golden eyes that radiated power that caused many warriors of the 3 factions to kneel down

"You will rejoice, because today this world will change" after these words, the battle began again, but all 3 factions and 2 heavenly dragons were defeated, and the man standing in the middle of all the Izolechin wars held in his hands the head of the one who called himself the god of this world

"You brought all this on yourself, but there's no fault in your actions, you're just not perfect," he said, and sent God a series of punches in the stomach.

All the warriors and the leaders of their factions were lying with injuries on their bodies, but what is important, no one died at the hands of this person, but 2 dragons were dead, just so you need to

"Who are you, what are you?" The Fallen Angel Leader asked

"Axis, my name is Axis for you, I came to show you that I am the one who stands above everyone in this world, if you still decide to fight each other, then just call me, and now I say goodbye to you, and yes, remember this day as the appearance of someone who will teach your savior in the future," he said and said::::

After that, the leaders of the 3 factions decided to end the war, and God took the bodies of the 2 dragons for his research,

Then the whole world learned about Axis, who then became the most powerful being, many deities and dragons came after him in search of proof of his power, and all were defeated

The world called him the God of Gods, which he did not give up, and so the story was built about him as the strongest, because even the Great Red was defeated, but not killed by his hand

And the day came when the whole world was in danger of disappearing all the factions and pantheons of different deities felt the power of someone who could destroy their world it was the Tri-Hexa 666 monster that destroyed almost half of the Earth, but at the last moment it was sealed by someone named Axis, sealing it, it weakened greatly, and then using the last rudiments of power, it restored the planet and half of the living beings along with some pantheons, and so it disappeared, and all the absolute all the gods and pantheons named it the hero and savior of the World. The Gods

"Not a bad story," the Gray-haired Man said, looking at the Snake on which it was all happening.

"I could do better, but I'm too lazy, if you want, you can fix something yourself," lazily replied the creator of this fairy tale, which has already come to life

"No, it's not bad at all, you just did all this so that your disciple, as your disciple, could show off in front of others," he replied in vain

"True, you're right, as always, but didn't you send Enryu to the tower so that my apprentice could show off there as well?" he replied to the white-haired man.

"You're right, my brother, our student will need something to relieve the accumulated stress for his training and adventures, the poetum harem is the best way," he said, adjusting his glowing glasses

"Ugh, why is this intercourse better suited for using magic and meditation"

"Then the story won't have many readers," he replied

"Okay, wait, what ?"


"Forget it, probably because of our age, we're having fun going crazy"

"You're right, then I think it's time"

Earth our days

A boy with brown hair and red eyes runs through the woods not far from where his foster parents were, and a man in black appeared in the corner

"Who are you, Uncle?" little Issei asked.

"I'm your teacher, call me Axsis.""""

Salute everyone I'm just bored there why not

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