

As the Fourth Prince and his escort left the Imperial Academy, the rest of the academy had become quiet as everyone briefed a sigh of relief and felt anxious about what would become of the young prince.

The academy officials and elders were in a closed-door meeting with the Academy Master. There was no news from them for hours and the deacons and students were almost dying out of anxiety.

Finally, the Master came out and told the deacons to summon all students to the main square. The going was quickly sounded and before long all the students were gathered.

"We all witnessed what happened earlier, there is turmoil in the Imperial City and unfortunately this has spread to the Imperial Academy. He paused and continued.

"We have always been an autonomous institution and never interfered with the political situation in the empire. But this time round, a student was involved so we had to act in defiance of the Imperial clan."

"We don't know what their response would be, so therefore I'm announcing a break in the term all new students must return to their families and senior students are all to proceed into closed-door cultivation until they break through to the required Martial Realm for graduation".

"We would summon all other students back when the wind blows over. We wish you well and ask that you take good care of yourselves. Dismissed."

He turned and left, followed by all elders and deacons. The Imperial Academy had been closed down until further notice.

What was supposed to be the triumphant return of the Imperial Academy's team who took first place at the Black Dragon Tournament turned into an almost perilous encounter with the Emperor.

Their publication has turned into sorrow as the star of the occasion was escorted out as if he were a criminal and one can only pray he comes out unscathed.

Most of the students believed that nothing would happen to him since he is the Emperor's son after all. Even wolves don't eat their cubs.


In the Imperial Palace, all the various Kings and Ministers and all officials who have been waiting anxiously or leisurely depending on the side they back were all sitting in their allocated places.

All the readiness and the complaints had long come to an end. Everyone had straightened their robes and official garments to look presentable.

They all rise to welcome the Emperor by bowing and shouting in unison"Long live the Black Dragon Emperor; the son of heaven".

The Black Dragon Emperor sat down and waved his hands, the Eunich beside him then shouted; "you may sit".

Just then the gate opened and a large cart holding a large cage, covered with a large silk cloth was dragged in by twenty Imperial guards. They pulled the cart and chains were heard dangling within the cage on the cart.

After a few minutes, the cart was pulled straight in front of the Imperial dais and left in the space between the Emperor and the Officials. They left the cage and stood silently at vantage points.

With a signal from the Eunich, the large silk cloth was removed revealing what was in the cage. There was an uproar from both sides as they were shocked by the revelation.

Everyone was shocked because the Blue Flame Empress could be seen sitting in the cage bout with soul-locking chains. This is a treatment used on very dangerous and only demonic beasts. Not on even the worst criminals.

All officials and Ministers Kings from The Black Dragon Emperors' side, as well as The Blue Flame Empress' side, were revolted by this gruesome display.

Which man can stand the sight of a beautiful woman being treated like this? This left a sour aftertaste in their mouths and they all felt the Emperor has gone too far.

"His Imperial Majesty is a kind and benevolent ruler, righteous in all his acts" the Vice Chancellor of the Kingdom stood up and said. "Could His Majesty please take the cage used away from the Concubine?"

He paused and continued, "Surely the Concubine is of the Emperor's harem and this display reflects poorly on us as an Empire. This could sully the Image of the Son of Heaven and cause others to undermine your divine authority."

There was general consent and approval from the entire court. They all stood up and researched the Emperor in unison.

"The Son of Heaven is righteous in all his acts, but we plead His Majesty; please remove the cage. Long live the Emperor"!

The Emperor chuckled and said, "This Emperor would leave the cage as it is, She is rebellious and had no regard for me. This is a trial ".

The Eunuch then shouted, "Imperial decree' to which all the officials knelt and bowed to receive the content of the decree as is the custom.

"On the Seventh day of the third lunar Month in the year of the Dragon, Concubine Chu Chuyan rebelled against His Imperial Majesty by refusing to obey an Imperial decree."

"Secondly, she had eradicated both the Black Dragon Army and the Shadowflame Army. The two great armies of our Black Dragon Empire."

"She had caused the death of over twenty thousand citizens of the former Blue Flame Empire, her people"

The Kings and Officials from the former Blue Flame empire couldn't believe their ears. When had this tyrant who killed over a hundred thousand members of the BlueFlsme Imperial army; after they had surrendered to him mean by this bogus accusation?

The hall became noisy with murmuring while the officials on the Black Drago Empire side had black lines on their foreheads from shame. How could His Imperial Majesty be this shameless?!

The Eunuch had to clear his throat loudly for the hall to calm down before he could continue reading his decree.

"Lastly she had entertained the thought of rebelling and rebelled against the Empire" He stopped and folded the Imperial Decree.

He stood with his arm folded behind his back and continued. "These are the charges brought against The Imperial Concubine Chu. "

"How does the Concubine plead?!" he asked in a loud voice. But the Blie Flame Empress didn't even open her eyes.

The lack of response from the Blue Flame Empress left the hall in awkward silence and the Eunuch didn't know what do to. Whether to cry or laugh. He stood there with a blank smile on his face.

How can they hold a trial when the accused would not respond not to talk of defending herself? He sent a voice qi transmission to the Emperor to ask for directions.

Voice qi transmission is a telekinetic ability to send messages between experts of higher realms, so they can communicate without alerting others.

The Eunuch then told the guards to bring something else in by waving his hands at them which they understood. They left and shortly returned.

They brought in a young man clad in a white garment been escorted on both sides by Imperial guards like a prisoner.

He was in chains as well, but just normal chains. He looked perfectly fine aside from the chains. The Kings and officials were now perplexed. They didn't know which part the young Prince had played in all the accusations labelled earlier.

He was led to stand opposite his mother, there was a look of bewilderment in his eyes as he looked at the sorry state and the soul-locking chains around his mother.

He turned to his father and demanded," Imperial father, why is my mother in soul-locking chains and I have been dragged here like a common criminal?"

"Silence Fourth Prince, you have no right to ask the Son of Heaven such questions" The Eunuch shouted in place of the Emperor.

Now everyone was truly confused, about what is going on. They turn to look at their colleagues only to see confusion written on their faces as well. How did the young prince offend the Emperor?

At last, the Blue Flame Empress opened her eyes to look at her only son, she then turned to look at the Emperor.

"You senile heartless beast" She spat at him with fury and spite evident in her voice. Her heart wasn't calm as before anymore.

She was about to panic in fear for the life of her son but reminded herself to be calm or else she would give the Emperor too much leverage to try and manipulate her.

She then calmed her heart and restrained the sword qi that had been let loose earlier. She looked at her son once more with a slight smile and reassured him.

"Zi Long, don't worry everything is going to be fine. Mother guarantees that he would not hurt you," she told her son while maintaining a smile on her face.

The Emperor spoke for the first time," We are looking out for the good of our Empire. Zi Long, your Mother has rebelled against the Empire and must be punished at all costs.

"You are a sensible boy and I know you would stand on the side of justice?!" he said with a questioning look while staring at his son through the golden curtains.

The Fourth Prince Felt immense pressure to assault him, but he stood his ground even though his bones were issuing creaking sounds as if they were about to break.

He looked back at her mother and asked, "Mother what is going on?"

The Blur Flame Empress looked at her son dotingly and smiled. "My dear it's a long story."