
The Ascendance of The Emperor of Darkness

A high school student who suddenly transported into another world after answering the mysterious survey questions in all [Yes].

JRodjun · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Fighting a Dragon

"Xena, sneak around at the dragon's back, Don't attack until I give the go signal, you understand?"

「Yes, Master I understand.」

We're now near the dragon's nest, Why? Of course to beat up that arrogant dragon.

Her response was very quiet even though the dragon wouldn't hear it even she loudly answer because she's communicating using telepathy. Maybe she's a bit nervous and forget about that. I cast my stealth to her so the dragon would not detect her presence.

"Be careful and Goodluck."

「Likewise, Master.」

And she quickly goes to her position. To be more cautious I use my appraisal skill to check its status.

[Race: Black Dragon

Age: 700 Years Old

Level: 127

Race: Dragon〖Mythical race〗

Stamina: 15,538

Mana: 10,744

Strength: 16,412

Agility: 9,284

Dexterity: 8,759


-Dragon Breath ▶ Max

-Primal Roar ▶ Max

-Ancient Dragon Spell▶ Max

-Tough Skin ▶ Max

-Life Recovery ▶ Max

-Magic Resistance ▶ Max

-Frost Aura ▶ Max

-Fortitude ▶ Max

-Strengthening Magic ▶ Max

Innate Ability↓

- Berserk ▶ Max

- Intimidation ▶ Max

- Fly ▶ Max


- One of the Four Rulers of the Disposable Forest (Southern Part)

- Almighty One

Monster Info↓

[Dragon is one of the Mythical races of this world. All its parts are all high quality. Killing one needs a whole army of knights and S class adventurers. The one who kills a Dragon can obtain the title called "Dragon Slayer"]]

There's only a bit of change in its level, it only goes up by two. So this arrogant dragon seems slacking off, being too confident will kill you someday, you know. But if our plan, unfortunately, failed I already have a plan to escape. Using my teleport I can just go back to the riverside. It's several hundred kilometers away in the nest of this dragon, so we can be safe there, for the meantime.

Canceling my stealth I move forward to show myself.

"Hello there Mr. dragon."

Greeting the dragon, I enter at its nest alone.

"Why a puny little insect doing here again. Oh! are you going to sacrifice again the monsters you hunted? Haha! Even though you're an insect you know how to treat this supreme being. Do you want to become my underling so badly? Hahaha!"

It laughs loudly and proudly states itself as a supreme existent. Well, with a huge body like that, most likely its height is almost 200 meters, seeing it closely I see where its confidence coming from.

"I think you misunderstand it, little lizard."

Hearing what I said the dragon got enraged.

"W, w, what did you say! You have guts to insult me! Do you want to die!!"

"Of course not, I want to travel more and live my life to the fullest."

The dragon sneers at me and released a strong magical power. As expected of the dragon, its magical power is so vast and powerful.

"Little insect you need to stop dreaming now."

"Why would I?"

"Because you'll die here today."

The dragon opens its mouth widely, It's absorbing a huge amount of magical power in its mouth. A dragons breath attack huh. It seems I my insult makes it mad, well, I'm the kind of person who enjoys teasing someone, let's insult this lizard more!

"You're using your trump card at the very beginning of the fight, and the worst part is, you're using it in a puny insect-like me. How ridiculous! Haha.. are you a coward! I'll change the way I called you earlier, from "little lizard" I'll change it to "coward little lizard"! It suits you right! Haha."


It releases a very powerful dragon breath. All the things that in its way became ash in an instant. If I take it head on it's pretty sure that I'm not going to escape it unscratched. But why would I take it, if-

"I can easily dodge it, coward little lizard."

I instantly teleported above the dragon and slash its head but-

"Its scale is too hard."

My sword only gives a scratch on its scale even though I already coated it in holy magic.

"Too bad puny insect, toys like that would not hurt me."

After mocking me it attacks me using its sharp claws. I defended myself and teleport away to gain some distance.

"Haha, do you understand now that you're no match to me. Too bad! if you're thinking of escaping that would never happen."

And the dragon swings its huge arms.

"So fast."

Even though it has a massive body its attack is so fast.

I defend myself using my sword but-


because of the difference in strength, I flew in the air and my back collided in big rock. My body suffers in many wounds, some of it is serious. But that attack is nothing if it would not kill me instantly.

"[Divine heal]!"

I immediately use my healing magic and quickly get up.

"Oh! you're still want to fight. Haha alright! I'll play with you until you beg for your life!"

It's body glows and eventually, the light dies down.

So, this lizard used its strengthening magic huh. It seems it's going to fight seriously now. I also use my strengthening magic and get ready to attack. After a few seconds of staring and watching each other, we both kick the ground and pounce to each other. Its swing it right arm horizontally, but I dodge it easily and quickly moves forward to slash its neck.

It immediately swings it left arm to intercept my attack, but it's futile because-


Using teleport I instantly get below its exposed neck. I put all my weight in my sword and coated it with a mixture of holy magic and dark magic. With this too combination of Max level magic, for sure I can cut its neck.

"This is your end! you damn little lizar-!"

But before my sword slashed its neck, something hard hit my side and threw me in the air. I rolled down on the ground and stopped when I hit and destroyed few trees.

"Guh...W-what was that..."

"Oh... even I hit you seriously this time you still seem alive. What an annoying insect."

The dragon said and sneers at me.

"So that was your tail huh."

I didn't see that coming, using teleport in its blind spot it's really unexpected that this lizard can attack me without seeing me. How can he do it?


And a thought abruptly enters my head.

I-it can't be?! this dragon-

"Oh... so you've noticed huh. As a puny insect, you're pretty clever. that's right what are you thinking is correct. I'm sensing your magical power to know your location, so even you teleported in any of my blindspots I can attack you and defend myself."

I knew it! this damn lizard is truly strong not only in magical and physical power but also in intelligence.


I thought this fight would be a little bit difficult because of our preparations. It seems I became too confident in this fight. But there's no time to blame myself here. I'm still in the middle of the fight, being distracted here would be dangerous. I need to focus!

"[Divine Heal]!"

I get up right away after healing my wounds.

"You truly don't know when to give up huh."

And it shows a sinister smile.

"But I like it! show me what you've got puny insect! Fight me until you realize your blunder! and feel despair!"

The dragons advance towards me. It looks like it's going to break slowly my body before killing me. But this is the best time for her.


She quickly pounces behind the dragon and successfully landed on it. She bites its scalp straight away to peel its tough scales. Because of her fang that can damage a God, she instantly damages and removed the tough scales on its head.


A loud cry resounded in the forest. well, peeling your scalp while you are still alive is extremely painful.

The stealth that I cast immediately disappeared because of her contact with the dragon. It's become truly dangerous now because she's now visible to others. She needs to quickly finish that dragon.

But before she digs in deep enough to destroy its brain, the dragon successfully grabs her and throws her in the air.


Her body hits the ground and bounces a few times before it stops. I instantly teleported beside of her and use Divine heal to treat her. Her wounds quickly heal but she's still unconscious.

"Thank god she's not instantly died and only got serious wounds."

If not I can't save her anymore. After all, even the Divine heal is the highest rank in healing magic, It can't be used if the one you're healing is already dead. I carry Xena and quickly run under the tree and lay her down there.

"You've already done your part in this fight, Let me handle this fight from now on."

I get up and approach the dragon.

"Are you done saying your last words."

"Of course not, I tell her to wait a little bit more because I'm going to get serious now."

"Oh! Seriously you say! Haha. Don't make me laugh insect! how are you going to fight me if no longer can use your teleportation magic? Haha.."

I got startled hearing what it's said.

"H-how did you know I can't no longer use it?!"

The dragon ridiculously laughs at me again.

"It's pretty obvious, when you carry that pet wolf of yours under that tree you ran instead of teleporting."

It's right rather than running it's pretty easy if I use teleport to put her there.

"W-what an obvious blunder I did! I'm truly dead this time! What an idiot I am!"

"Hahaha! you now understand your standing puny insect! but too bad, apologizing now is too late. If I were you I'll just kill myself in being so weak! Hahaha...!"

It's mocking me again huh. While I'm despairing because of what it said. The dragon haughtily comes towards me.

"An opening!"

I instantly teleported above its head.

"I fooled you! [Holy-Darkness Heavy Slash]!"

A mixture of holy and dark magic hits the head of the dragon.


It destroys all the scales from its head to the chest because of the power of my two Max level skills. This skill is pretty devastating even the nearby surrounding got caught by it, But-

"This damn lizard is still alive. Even though that attack is undoubtedly powerful."

The dragon slowly gets up with an eerie aura.

"You got me there, you're really an interesting insect. I thought of playing to you more, but this time you truly pissed me off."

It's body glows and suddenly its wounds instantly healed.

"So this is your skill [Life Recovery] huh."

straight away all of its wounds disappeared because of that goddamn skill.

"Is it back to zero again?"

After so much effort of wounding him severely, all of it is gone to waste.

?! The glows disappears but its tough scales do not grow back.

So this is the limit of its skill huh. It can instantly heal all of its wounds but can't grow back the lost parts of its body.

"I still have a chance. I can do this!"

Before I begin my next assault the dragon suddenly makes a move. Its flap its wings and fly in the sky. What this lizard going to do this time. While in the air it opens its mouth. Suddenly all the magical power in the surrounding gathered inside of its mouth.

"oh, f*ck..."

It is going to release another breath again?, No! It's not, It's different from the breath earlier but this time it is truly dangerous, my instinct says it. That breath will turn this nest into ash. I can dodge it but it's impossible for Xena. Without looking back I instantly teleported in Xena's position, but she is not there. Where is that girl go?!

"Xena! where are you!"

I called her and restlessly look around my surroundings.

「I'm here! Master!」

Hearing her voice I look to my left and saw her on guard and also ready to attack the dragon. I instantly got beside her and grab her body.

「M-master why are you hugging me! We're in the middle of the fight!」

Before I retort to her misunderstanding. The dragon suddenly talk.

"As an insect, I acknowledged your strength. You're pretty strong to make me use this precious skill of mine. But sorry to tell you that this place would be your grave!"

So its acknowledge my strength huh. I'm very elated, to hear that from a dragon it means its the truth.

"Take this! The strongest magic spell that only dragons can use!"

I-it can't be! that's its skill called-

"Die! You insect!! Ancient Dragon Spell! ANNIHILATION!!!"

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