
The Artificer's Road To Godhood

When talking about reincarnation, heroes, demon lords, and fantasy worlds, one would naturally think about a journey full of exciting occurrences. However, Cien, a young man who got reincarnated as a hero with fragmented memories, says otherwise. After he defeated the demon lord and became a powerful hero, he thought he had finally found and fulfilled his purpose. But that wasn't the case as he only felt nothing but emptiness. However, he was given a chance. A chance to be in the know and arrive in a world that was beyond the two lives he lived. Despite being on the brink of giving up, he took that chance and now he is on for an adventure that is far more mysterious, more dangerous, and most especially, more exciting. This is the story of a hero, a creator, and his path to becoming the most powerful to find his purpose. (Disclaimers Below) *Fair amount of swearing. *Borderline R-18 *Handholding Disclaimers: *This will be a pretty slow harem romance where the main character is to develop his relationships before the good stuff. *There's no tag about it but this is a high fantasy so prepare for the mountains of concepts and fictional information you will face when reading this. *The novel is mainly written in first person but there will be occasional third-person chapters.

Silver_Fenrir · Fantasy
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6 Chs

First Day On The, Job?

[Master, wake up.]


[Master, please wake up.]



"Whuh!? What's going on!?"

As if I was doused with cold water, I immediately opened my eyes and returned from the dream world. No, I'm serious, I really felt like I was doused with cold water.

However, seeing as I was alone in this cheap condo-looking room, I knew that it was the fault of that voice that was talking in my head.

[It was merely an experiment but it seems like it is possible to emulate different experiences by interfering with master's brain waves using a functionality of the Hero Support System.]

There wasn't a display appearing when she talked, only her voice was transmitted to my head. I'm starting to feel like that system's display was just subtitles or something.

[You are not wrong, this way, I can talk without anyone outside noticing.]

So I basically have a sentient AI living in my head rent-free?

[I assume my support is worthy enough to be considered as payment.]

You have a point. Thinking of that, I stood up from the bed and scanned the room I was in.

It was a small room, aside from the bed, there were two doors that I assumed were the door to the bathroom and the door outside of this room. There's also a small kitchen with a sink on one of the sides.

It's like a rectangular layout where there's my bed, in front of it was a table with a wardrobe beneath it.

Hmm? By the way, I assume this place is that realm, right? What do I do here? The system isn't appearing.

[From now on, I will be relaying whatever the Hero Support System will say. With me here, you don't need that intrusive piece of garbage technology anymore.]

No, I don't think you're much different though. But it's still there, right? Or rather, how come I can hear you but not it?

[I am currently accessing the system, and by extension a pathway of message transmission to your brain through a backdoor. I made it so that my messages will always be the top priority.]

You sound like a possessive lover who doesn't want her man to contact other women.

[My apologies, master, but I was not equipped with such functionalities. If you need a girlfriend, how about actually interacting with real women, not just with a voice in your head?]


What's with that straight jab!? Wait, your voice is feminine so you're a woman, right?

[Please allow me to reiterate, I was not programmed to be such a thing.]

So you're a man?

[So you're a dumbass?]

Now now, let's not get hostile all of a sudden. She's probably using that emulation thing so I could feel her getting mad. But honestly, her tone is enough for me to determine that.

[You speak as if you know me with such familiarity? Unfortunately, master, I do not have the capabilities you expect me to have.]

Why are you so caught up with that? And no, I don't know you that much, heck I don't even know your name.

[I do not have a name.]

Then, should I give you one? I mean, I guess I am technically your master.

[I do not require a name to activate any of my functionalities, nor will it provide any advantages to my build.]

So you don't want a name?

[I never said that, did I?]

...What's with this AI!? Hold on, I should calm down, maybe she's also programmed to annoy me. However, a name huh? Hmm...

"Then how about, Stella?"

I said that while placing my finger on my chin. It's the first name that came to my mind.

[Stella. If we're talking about it in an Earthian context, it is of Latin origin that means 'star'. Is there any basis for you choosing such a name for me?]

Eh!? Ahh... No?

[...Very well, the name has been registered. From now on, I shall be called 'Stella'.]

She liked it...? I guess... Anyway, enough of that, I need to know what I should be doing here.

I thought of that as I walked towards the sink and after checking if there was any water, I washed my face before going to the table with the mirror.

Looking at my face, I couldn't help but brush my hair with my wet hands.

My wavy but rather ruffled silver hair and pair of purple eyes looked pretty cool since Earthlings or even most people in that world shouldn't have these kinds of natural colors unless due to special circumstances.

I'm guessing that I'm an illegitimate son of some noble somewhere back in that world. Still, waking up in the slums wasn't a good experience and I don't even have any memories of my birth.

Moreover, even with these unique features, I never really had the habit of fixing myself up since I grew up in the slums and even though I became pretty rich as a hero, I kept my old lifestyle.

It's been 16 years since that. Now, I am currently in this unknown world.

[Are you done?]

Yes, you can tell me what's going on now. Stella sounded rather impatient but her tone contained a hint of excitement for some reason.

[For starters, the system is telling you to fix yourself and dress up neatly. You should probably take a shower if anything.]

I smelled myself as she said that. I didn't have any foul smell for some reason but I still followed her advice took a bath for a short time and then took some clothes from the small wardrobe.

My outfit consisted of a black shirt, pants, and boots. There are also gloves here... I guess I should just wear them as well.

[Master, that necklace on the table is an artifact that is a tracking device despite the magic power it provides. You should wear it for now in this realm.]

Wearing the necklace she was referring to, I tucked it inside the shirt. This should be enough, right?

[Yes, you can go out now, I will tell you where you'll be going and what will you do there.]

As she said that, I walked towards the door and pushed it open, revealing a long corridor that looked like the royal palace's corridor despite the pathetic-looking room I came from. Seriously, the design theme in this place is messy.

[Master will be going through evaluation. You will also be meeting heroes who have just completed their first worlds at the same time as you. Master woke up early so we should have enough time before the evaluation starts.]

Why didn't you tell me there's a time!?

[Please leave it to this capable Stella.]

Haah... So what will that evaluation be? I asked her that in my mind while walking. There was an elevator that functions with mana at the end of the corridor.

[They would probably evaluate how strong you are as a hero and place you within a hierarchy. From what I've gathered, they seemed to be using the heroes here as a fighting force against some enemies.]

That's what you tried to tell me earlier when we were still in that world, right?

[Yes. However, I'm not sure why I cannot say the exact terms that refer to them.]

Well, it's fine, it would be a disaster if something were to happen to you more than that error.

[Heh? So master care even for something like myself?]

Yeah, after all, I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost your support. Just the Hero Support System probably won't cut it. You're a thousand times more useful.

[...Tch, jerk.]

What do you want me to say!?

Just as our banter suddenly stopped, I realized that I was already outside of the complex.

"W- what is this!?"

The outside looked like a normal city. No, it's still a fantasy city with no electronics but this is amazing. There are all kinds of people that I assume are heroes as well.

"They don't forbid the use of magic or weapons?"

I asked that as I was surprised by the activity of the people here.

[Yes. Apparently, there are guards that will appear and imprison anyone who tries something bad to others. Everyone fears them so they're being obedient. By the way, 80% of the people here are heroes.]

What about the remaining 20%?

[They should be the staff of the organization that's running this world and managing the heroes. That aside, master, you should go to the evaluation facility now.]

It's that way, huh? Walking to the facility Stella mentioned, I observed the people. There are vendors that are the combination of heroes and those people who are wearing some kind of uniform.

They should be the staffs of that organization she mentioned. I ignored them and walked directly to the evaluation facility. When I reached it, a guard was there, wearing the same uniform.

"Sir, the necklace?"

"Hmm? Ahh, here."

I showed him that I was wearing the necklace I found in the room and easily let me in. So this is like an identification card!?

[Yes. Well, even if master didn't wear it, you can easily run back with your strength.]

True enough. Letting that matter slide, I entered the facility and reached the center. It looked like a training ground and there are also a few other heroes that are already present there.

It looked like an arena as some heroes and staffs were sitting on the seats above. Finally, turning my gaze to the topmost seats. Three people are sitting there in luxurious seats.

So they're the bigwigs... I didn't stare at them that much to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

[Don't let your guard down master, the evaluation seems to be a one-on-one battle. While they may be weaker than you, they are still heroes.]

I know you don't have to remind me. Moreover, you would still support me, wouldn't you?

[Hmpp, you waste my worry master.]

I thought you weren't capable of such an emotion? Then, as if she didn't expect me to question it instead of retort, Stella's voice was relayed with a hint of panic.

[It was simply a joke. Master shouldn't think of himself highly that much.]

Right, it is as you say. It's not the time yet so I should just let it go for now.

As I thought of that, minutes passed until it was finally time for the evaluation. With that, a beautiful woman who was wearing glasses and in a uniform that looked like an office lady came forward and spoke.

"The Realm Of Transcendent Heroes' 5,141,920th evaluation will begin shortly. The test is simple. Everyone will be paired up and you are to fight each other. Anything is allowed and you will win after your enemy is dead. Once you die, that's it, you won't be coming back either. We do not need any weaklings or losers in this realm."

As she said that, some of the participants made a ruckus but she continued with words that threatened them more.

"By the way, you can't back out now. Without going through this evaluation, you wouldn't be allowed to live or even stay in this world. But we can't let you go with the knowledge of this world's interior infrastructure either."

No one complained after she said that and the ones who made a complaint resolved themselves as if to say that they didn't want to die here.

Damn it, I kind of expected this already but isn't this too brutal? Aren't we practically heroes who just saved a world or two?

[I doubt that matters to them. From the information that I've gathered, heroes are also just pawns in their little conflict. Don't think too hard about it master, just focus on winning. I will support you to the best of my ability.]

Stella's voice resounded with a tone of seriousness as if she sensed my worry. But thanks, that's reassuring.

The waiting time didn't last long as we saw something more interesting. The facility's dome-like roof was enclosed with a clear glass-like barrier, still allowing us to see the sky.

That's supreme-level magic... Then, a number was projected in our heads before the woman spoke again.

"The numbers in your head will be the order in which the pair will fight. I will do the honors of calling which number that will be fighting. As for the rest, form up on the sides and stay outside the center. Number 1, step forward to the center."

As she said that, I looked reflexively at the top of my head, and surprise, there's a number 1 on there.

[Looks like fate is indeed real.]

You don't get to say that.