
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Ch22:The daily regime.

The next day dawned with a sense of anticipation and determination as Marla, adhering to Cyril's command, crafted a rigorous training schedule for Archaes. She knew that transforming a curious and talented but unrefined young man into a formidable force would require a regimen that tested his limits daily. With a stern expression, she presented the plan to Archaes, who listened intently, a mixture of resolve and apprehension in his eyes.

"First thing in the morning," Marla began, "you will undergo ruthless physical training followed by combat and weapons training. Your sparring partners will be death row inmates."

Archaes' eyes widened in shock. "Death row inmates? Where do you get them?"

Marla's response was matter-of-fact. "They are sent here to be used as lab rats. It's a fate deemed suitable for those condemned by the courts. They serve a final purpose by testing and training those like you."

The idea unsettled Archaes, but he understood the grim necessity. Nodding, he steeled himself for what was to come.

His first day started before the sun had fully risen. Marla roused him from bed, and they headed to the training grounds, a large open area within the mage district, surrounded by high walls and guarded gates. The morning air was cold, and Archaes shivered, not just from the chill but from the anticipation of the brutal training ahead.

The physical training was indeed ruthless. Marla pushed him to run laps around the grounds, climb ropes, and lift heavy weights. Every muscle in his body ached, but he forced himself to keep going, driven by his determination to improve. After hours of this, he was given a brief respite before moving on to the combat training.

In the combat area, he was handed a variety of weapons: swords, spears, daggers, and more. His opponents were the condemned men, hardened criminals with nothing to lose. Archaes faced them with a mixture of fear and resolve. The first few encounters were chaotic and brutal. He was knocked down repeatedly, his body bruised and battered. But Marla was always there, pushing him to get back up, to keep fighting, to learn from each mistake.

"Focus, Archaes," she would say, her voice cutting through the haze of pain and exhaustion. "Use your agility. Find your opponent's weakness."

Gradually, he began to improve. He learned to anticipate his opponents' moves, to use his weapons more effectively, and to rely on his quick reflexes. The inmates, driven by their desperation, were formidable opponents, but Archaes' determination grew with each encounter. By the end of the combat training, he was exhausted but also exhilarated by the progress he was making.

After a short break and a meager breakfast, he moved on to the next phase of his training with Cyril. The transition from the physical intensity of the morning to the mental rigors of the afternoon was jarring. Cyril's sessions were held in a grand library filled with ancient tomes and arcane artifacts. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and the faint hum of magic.

"Today," Cyril began, "we will delve into arcane theories and the intricacies of enchanted items."

Archaes listened intently as Cyril explained the fundamentals of mana manipulation, the history of enchantments, and the political significance of magical artifacts. The lessons were complex, and Archaes struggled to grasp the deeper nuances. But Cyril was a patient teacher, guiding him through each concept with a mix of sternness and encouragement.

"The arcane arts are not just about power," Cyril explained. "They are about understanding the very fabric of reality. Each enchantment, each spell, is a thread in the tapestry of the world."

In addition to the arcane theories, Cyril also taught Archaes about the political landscape. "Understanding the politics of our world is crucial. Magic is intertwined with power, and knowing who holds the reins can be just as important as mastering a spell."

After lunch and another short break, Archaes had the evenings mostly to himself. This time was precious to him, a chance to practice his blacksmithing, alchemy, and the unique enchantments he was learning through infusion. The forge in the mage district became a second home to him. He worked tirelessly, shaping metal, brewing potions, and experimenting with infusing objects with mana.

His blacksmithing skills improved steadily. Using the mana-infused water to heat and quench metal, he crafted tools and weapons of remarkable quality. The mysterious metal ingot he had found in the ruins served as an excellent anvil, and he used it to forge blades that were both sharp and durable.

Alchemy remained one of his passions. The briefcase he had found in the ruins proved invaluable, with its compartments and glass tubes perfect for storing and mixing ingredients. He experimented with different concoctions, creating potions that could heal minor wounds, boost strength, or even provide a temporary shield against harm.

Infusion, the art of imbuing objects with mana, was where Archaes truly excelled. He found new ways to enhance weapons, armor, and everyday items. A sword could be made to cut through steel, a cloak to render its wearer invisible, or a pair of boots to allow the wearer to walk on air. Each success fueled his determination to push the boundaries of what was possible.

As the day ended, Archaes would join Cyril for dinner, where they discussed his progress. These conversations were invaluable, offering insights and encouragement that spurred Archaes to keep pushing forward.

"You're improving," Cyril would say, his voice tinged with a rare warmth. "But remember, there is always more to learn. Never become complacent."

Archaes took these words to heart. Despite the grueling schedule and the constant challenges, he embraced the routine. Each day brought new lessons, new discoveries, and new opportunities to grow. The physical training honed his body, the combat sessions sharpened his reflexes and strategic thinking, and the arcane studies expanded his mind.

The months passed in a blur of sweat, blood, and magic. Archaes' physique grew stronger, his muscles more defined from the relentless physical training. He became more adept with weapons, no longer the clumsy novice but a young warrior with a growing repertoire of skills. The death row inmates, though a grim aspect of his training, provided a harsh and unyielding reality check, ensuring that he never took his progress for granted.

Cyril's teachings in the arcane arts were transformative. Archaes learned to see the world through the lens of magic, understanding the subtle interplay of forces that shaped reality. He grew adept at crafting enchanted items, his work becoming more intricate and powerful. The political lessons were equally valuable, providing a context for his magical studies and a deeper understanding of the world he lived in.

Evenings in the forge or the alchemical lab became Archaes' sanctuary. Here, he could lose himself in the rhythm of hammering metal, the precise measurements of potion ingredients, and the delicate process of infusing objects with mana. These solitary hours were a time for reflection and experimentation, allowing him to integrate the day's lessons and push his skills to new heights.

Throughout this intense period of training, Marla remained a constant presence. She was both mentor and taskmaster, pushing Archaes to his limits but also offering guidance and support when needed. Her initial skepticism about Archaes' potential gradually gave way to a grudging respect as she witnessed his unwavering determination and rapid progress.

Cyril, too, watched with a mix of pride and concern. He saw in Archaes the potential for greatness but also the dangers of pushing too hard, too fast. Yet, he believed in the boy's resilience and knew that the trials he faced now would forge him into the kind of person needed for the challenges ahead.

As the end of the first year of training approached, Archaes reflected on how far he had come. He was no longer the curious wanderer who had stumbled upon ancient secrets. He was becoming a skilled warrior, a knowledgeable alchemist, and a promising mage. The path ahead was still long and fraught with challenges, but he faced it with a confidence born of hard-earned progress.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day, Archaes stood on the balcony of his room, looking out over the city of Elanoria. The lights of the mage district glowed softly in the twilight, and he felt a sense of calm wash over him. He was ready for whatever came next, ready to unlock the mysteries of the Ancients and to carve out his place in this vast and wondrous world.

His journey was far from over, but he knew that with Marla and Cyril's guidance, and his own unyielding determination, he would continue to grow stronger, wiser, and more capable. The future was uncertain, but Archaes was no longer afraid. He welcomed the challenges ahead, confident that he would rise to meet them, one day at a time.