
The art of sword

Sunz was born with an unknown ability given only a sword from birth but had no idea of what to do, until one faithful day his ability got reawakened and it's his choice to live his old life or explore his new one with the help of his friend Jihu. At first, Sunz was invited by Jihu to see his Grandpa's tournament in Korea. But the invitation as a Visitor soon changed to an invitation as a Contestant. Now having a chance to compete at Jihu's Grandpa's tournament to find the next member of the Water Clan. But to have a chance at competing in the tournament Sunz needs to win against one of the Inspector. Even if he can defeat the Inspector, can he defeat the other Contestants, who are there for the same reward? An inexperienced nobody joining the World of Experts. Can he survive or will he die without achieving ANYTHING?

DollytheSheep · Action
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80 Chs

Chapter 51: Convenience

After making his way down to the training facility. Sunz heads straight to the 'Sparing Arena' and at that place, he sees "No Name" training against a bunch of AI.

"No Name" is training with the same outfit from last night. And her way of training is also different. Instead of fighting against the AI, she focus more on improving her movement while being surrounded by a large amount of enemies.

It didn't take her that much time to notice Sunz watching her. Using the AI as objects, she jumps on them and lands in front of Sunz which startles him.

No Name: Look who decided to snoop around at this time.

Sunz: It was all coincident. I didn't expect to meet you here.

No Name: Let's say you're telling the truth. Why were you watching me?

Sunz: I didn't want to interrupt your training, that's all.

No Name: Acceptable. You came here to use their program for training, isn't it?

Sunz: Correct. I thought that more members from the clan should be here to use the place, but no one here.

No Name: It's because the tournament is happening. So this place got restricted to Contestants and higher up only.

Sunz: You know a lot for a Contestant?

No Name: Take a few guests or ask Sogae. It's simple. I must go now, you probably going to train here with your friends so excuse me.

Sunz: Wait! How did you know about that?

No Name: The AI in there isn't as strong as the Contestant, but you already know it. So you must need the aid of your friends to help you win against me.

Sunz: I know that you going to say "It's Simple. Because I analyze all the information I know about you."

No Name: That's right…all that you know of… Well, aren't you supposed to start preparing instead of holding me here?

Sunz: Before you go I need to ask. Did you ever return to your room since last night? Because your clothes look the same and you're covered in sweat.

No Name: I did not…If you're that perceptive then I hope I'm not a blur when we fight.

Sunz: I remember that this place is closed after every round and open the following day.

No Name *yawn*: That's…Truee. It's open after midnight and not 6 a.m like you though.

Sunz: Oh…So you had been training since midnight!?

No Name *yawn* "more or less." Then start walking away.

Sunz: Wait! I have another question.

After saying that Sunz sees No Name draw her blade at him and quickly reacts to block it. The two swords release a whirlwind across the hallway right after colliding. Sunz's cheek feel like twitching a bit.

No Name: Could have lost an eye for being talkative! Final question. More, then I'll make you blind.

Sunz: Where did you get the dress you're wearing right now?

No Name: Asia… I won't give you the specific location.

Sunz (Lucky she answered my next question): OK. Thank you! I won't bother you anymore.

No Name: yeah, bye…

Both walk away from each other. Sunz goes and starts warming up while waiting for Jihu and Grace.

No Name goes back to her room with something on her mind. She recall the moment she attacked Sunz in the hallway. At that moment, she was tired and annoyed that Sunz was in front of her face. When she attacked with her blade, Sunz was nearly able to block it. No Name realizes something.

(That was his left hand… First not using his elements, now not using his dominant hand. So many options, so convenience.)

No Name goes to the shower then shoves her face into the pillows, and there are more thoughts going across her mind.

(Having friends that can train against you is… convenience?), (If I lose…that leave me with two life option… one can help me earn money sooner.)

*sigh* (I already know that the only way he can win is through a miracle. Reality is on my side…)

(eyes feel heavy…body is refreshing…so convenience to sleep…)

Back to Sunz just practicing with his new arm.

Jihu walked into the room and said: Hey man, sorry! The meeting was quite long.

Sunz stops practicing, "Oh don't worry, just glad that you can make it. So are you allowed to tell me what was the meeting about?"

Jihu pulls out his sword while talking to Sunz, "Most of the time I'm just listening in and talk when being asked to. For now, my role isn't that important."

Sunz: If you're the grandson of the clan leader then it makes sense that you're supposed to be there. By the way cool sword!

Jihu: Thanks! You want to start now or wait for Grace?

Sunz: Let's wait for her! She could be here any moment.

Jihu "Cool, that means we can talk for a bit longer." Then he points at Sunz's face and says "So what happened to your cheek? The blood already hardened."

Sunz touches both of his cheeks until he finds the blood clots then scratches it. He sees red dust on his finger tip then touches his finger in the same spot again and this time there's fresh blood on it.

"Hey looks there blood…Probably from my scuffle with No Name a while ago."

Jihu *sigh*: I know you and I know girls hate you but there is no way she was attacking you out of nowhere.

Sunz: Well she was tired and I was asking stupid questions leading to this. On the bright side didn't lose an eye… Can you cure blindness?

Jihu: Yes? So you must have successfully blocked her attack or else there would be a line on your face right now.

Sunz: Definitely! So how are things between you and Class Rep going?

Jihu: Still positive. We do text but not often. And I have this thing going on right now. So if you want more information better wait a month or until school starts again.

Sunz: Yeah, you're right.

Jihu: Well since you asked me about my relationship, it's your turn to tell me about the relationship between you and Grace, which I didn't know.

Sunz: Well… She approaches me first and I just follow along. Then we had our first date which was both good and a disaster at the same time. Then you saw what happened after our fight. Those are the highlights.

Jihu: And you said you're not charismatic? She is older than you and you're still doing a great job at keeping up with her.

Sunz: Well who knows how long this will go on. We were only able to interact that much because we all stayed at the same place. After this tournament, we all will go back to our country.

Jihu: I know what you mean but you still can communicate through phone. That is one of the benefits of technology.

Sunz: I guess you're right. But I should still prepare my emotions for the worst-case scenario.

"SHUT UP WITH THAT DEPRESS TALK!" a familiar shout coming from the entrance to the room.

Sunz and Jihu take a look and see that the person who shouted was Grace. Both of them become quiet.

Grace approached Sunz and said: Don't worry too much, I'm not leaving you. It's rare to find people like you.

Sunz: …How much did you hear?

Grace: Enough to step in. I understand that online interaction will be worse than real life. But that is what you'll have to endure for now. Ok?

Sunz: Ok. I guess I was overthinking a bit…

Grace: Don't worry! Overthinking is normal but you need to make sure your thought doesn't change who you are. Well then let's get ready, we are here to train you after all.